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Share your experience with a dishonest business partner.

I had a deal with someone like that. The idea was that I donate capital. He runs the business with it. But after a month pass I got nothing. I felt like maybe things didn't go too well that month but reports I had showed otherwise. I waited second month nothing came through. I tried to reach out he gave excuses and said I should get a pay in few days
3 months past nothing. In conclusion he made away with my money.
Some years ago, we had the opportunity to host a few events in school, the work was getting complex and I didn't know much about event planning then so I asked a friend to come help me, he would act cool and collect event planning events without informing us and spent the profit we made together for his own selfish gain, when I later found out I forgave him but didn't put him in charge of anything again.
Having a dishonest business partner is one of the biggest mistake one can ever have in a business,because of a dishonest partner one can lose his/her profit,trust in a business relationship is very important if not business can be disastrous
When dealing with a dishonest part, things are not moving forward, everything was just stagnant
That's my experience with my dishonest partner, he loves lying and he spends anyhow, the business was just doing down, I just have to leave him
I haven’t had any bad experience from my business dealings with partners. I’m not perfect in dealing or convincing the customer. If you have a partner who owns your interest then you go a right way on business.
Trust the partner and you will get a good chance to upsale and then you will enjoy.
I have an experience in this regard but it wasn't a bad experience in the end. I would have been defrauded but because i made extra effort to resist it something would have happened which i wouldn't know how to deal with it by now.
Not me but my sister, so my sister owns a Bag business there's this woman who's from our neighborhood and she talked to my sister to ask for a business deal and so they did have a deal and everything is running smoothly. Until after a few months she just run off with the money.. as i heard she used the money to get her son to the the hospital but like she didn't ask for permission and didn't even payed back anything.
It was a laundry soap production. I insisted that we should start on aloe scale so as to mitigate losses if things go wrong. He refused by assuring me that he is an expert in the field and also have an established distributor. It was later that I discovered the reason for rejecting the idea of starting small and opted for medium production. This is so that he could make more money off me( he virtually handled everything as I didn't know much about soap production). Almost all the production items he bought,I later discovered that the prices were all inflated. Any attempt made by me to source for production materials were rebuffed by him, saying that he won't be held liable if i bought a fake. It was quite an expensive/unfortunate experience for me as it almost texted my performance at my job.

In One Night I Earned $40,456!
In One Night I Earned $40,456!​
I Don't really want to remember such experience it is indeed very painful. When dealing with people, we have to make sure we go for honest people. I transfered money to this man for a product I bought, in this modern world, he claims he didn't see it.
It was a laundry soap production. I insisted that we should start on aloe scale so as to mitigate losses if things go wrong. He refused by assuring me that he is an expert in the field and also have an established distributor. It was later that I discovered the reason for rejecting the idea of starting small and opted for medium production. This is so that he could make more money off me( he virtually handled everything as I didn't know much about soap production). Almost all the production items he bought,I later discovered that the prices were all inflated. Any attempt made by me to source for production materials were rebuffed by him, saying that he won't be held liable if i bought a fake. It was quite an expensive/unfortunate experience for me as it almost texted my performance at my job.
This is a bad partnership desperate people just to have their own needs even getting others in trouble it should be aware of this people their always targeting a beginner in the field of business just to tell they can do anything even its not true.
Deal with a dishonest employee chacking background throughly before hiring employees will help you avoid dishonest workers. however smart ones who were dishonest in previous jobs may not have been caught.
Deal with a dishonest employee chacking background throughly before hiring employees will help you avoid dishonest workers. however smart ones who were dishonest in previous jobs may not have been caught.
Working with a dishonest person is a big NO to me, if I found out you are not straight forward, I will cut you off immediately. Dishonest partner nearly put me into trouble some years ago. She kept stealing from the person we worked for, and everyone was suspected.
My family once had a house in the polythecnic that was close to us, so there we kept someone to be a care taker and look after things there and in return for a discount over his own house. The man would collect mine is from tenants and lie that he dint collect or would spend it. We later went to the police and that his how how had to produce all the monies he spent.
I have had so many negative experience with dishonest business partners that has cost me a lot of losses but financially, emotionally and physically. And this in various occasions has caused me depression, from being dishonest, to being dubious and so much more I can't recount.
It was a laundry soap production. I insisted that we should start on aloe scale so as to mitigate losses if things go wrong. He refused by assuring me that he is an expert in the field and also have an established distributor. It was later that I discovered the reason for rejecting the idea of starting small and opted for medium production. This is so that he could make more money off me( he virtually handled everything as I didn't know much about soap production). Almost all the production items he bought,I later discovered that the prices were all inflated. Any attempt made by me to source for production materials were rebuffed by him, saying that he won't be held liable if i bought a fake. It was quite an expensive/unfortunate experience for me as it almost texted my performance at my job.
I have not personally experienced it.but this has happened to my own dear, they have been deceived by their partner. My brother had started a business together with his friend. But my brother had to go out of the country in connection with business. And the business he handed over to his friend and there he took a long time. And when he returned, he realized that the business was going backwards. When the brother talked to his friend about this, he became angry and turned against the brother. And then brother had to separate in business.
I have not owned a business but I have grown up around them, as part of my family is a businessman, but they are usually individual entrepreneurs to avoid these bad experiences. I have a friend who started a business and the partner stole from the daily takings. It is better to be careful and do things legally to avoid these situations.
It was a laundry soap production. I insisted that we should start on aloe scale so as to mitigate losses if things go wrong. He refused by assuring me that he is an expert in the field and also have an established distributor. It was later that I discovered the reason for rejecting the idea of starting small and opted for medium production. This is so that he could make more money off me( he virtually handled everything as I didn't know much about soap production). Almost all the production items he bought,I later discovered that the prices were all inflated. Any attempt made by me to source for production materials were rebuffed by him, saying that he won't be held liable if i bought a fake. It was quite an expensive/unfortunate experience for me as it almost texted my performance at my job.
Sorry about your bad experience, this is why I always avoid having a business partner, I have never heard any good experience. Even if it starts well it always ends in shambles
I have worked with a dishonest partner once and I notice that all dishonest partners will always want their suggestion to stand, and they are always vigilant.
Concerning my experience with a dishonest business partner. Well, I have not have such experience before but there are times that my friends borrow things from me and they don't return it or give a lie as a story with dishonesty. I make sure that for as many who has done such act will never receive much from me unless am convinced within my heart to give such person
My story about a business partner is one which I pray o would forget in the near future. We had agreed to expand our business and start selling phone assesories which he lied he had someone which we could get it cheap and instead he went and bought fake products.
Working as a team is not easy, especially when your fellow team mates are fund of eye service, been honest is a virtue not every one possess, a team worker that goes behind to get credit for the team efforts is not worth been a member of the team.

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