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Which is more advisable: saving money or investing the little you have now

I think if you do not have knowledge on any profitable risk minimal investment that will bring you decent returns you should place a hold on investment for now, I’ll sugges you use that money to acquire knowledge and skills that you can convert into income in a short time, that would be better than loosing your money to an unsafe investment.
Yes this is absolutely spot on. Why pressure yourself into making the wrong investment especially with money you have been saving up for quite a while. That is while I agree that one should however learn some sort of skill and become a professional at it.
Investment of course. While investing you can get more from the little you have instead of saving it.
Investment also means you are taking a risk, the best thing is to divide your money or assets and invest half while saving the other half. This way you won't lose every thing completely.
The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically allows you to earn a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so
investing money is better than saving money because the money will appreciate and you get returns but for saving the money neither appreciate nor depreciate
Basically in today's market which would you rather advice, to invest with the little capital I have or continue to save up?
If it's possible for you to invest with the little money you have and still be able to take care of your responsibilities, it's not a bad idea. Instead of allowing the money to stay idle in the bank account, with banks taking charges from it, it's better to start investing it and make more money from it.
i would personally advise to keep investing the little you have. Its the compilation of the smalls things that turn big thing or bring about a big thing. Don't save up your money as its a waste of potential income you can get from it
It's better to start with whatever you have now than waiting for everything to be perfect and set because it will never be, start investing with what you have and as time goes on your investment will become successful
To my own understanding, I would advice you to invest your money than to save your money because saving of money wouldn't give you more profit but, if you can be able to identify lucrative business and you invested on it, that one can fetching more profits for you
According to my own point of view, I will say investing is better than saving, but still it depends on the kind of business you are about to set up, if you believe that the money you have will not be enough to start up the best, then you must save more , but for it is enough, it is better to invest than continue saving
It depends were you want to invest the little you have, most times investing small money in some business will yield you little or nothing, but savings will keep your mind at rest, because no matter the business you are investing the little you have, it involves risk, no business that does not come with it own risk, if you will gain too little, save your money and rest.
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It depends were you want to invest the little you have, most times investing small money in some business will yield you little or nothing, but savings will keep your mind at rest, because no matter the business you are investing the little you have, it involves risk, no business that does not come with it own risk, if you will gain too little, save your money and rest.
The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically allows you to earn a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so.
Basically in today's market which would you rather advice, to invest with the little capital I have or continue to save up?
I prefer investing your money than saving them, even though investment is risky. Investment comes with a risk and gains, there's no business where you can profit without taking a risk. Risky is a game for greatness!!
Saving money is like putting your money 6ft under the ground with no growth at all just you adding it every month. While investing is like sharing it to a great businessman and making a profit out of it. So I should say investment provides growth.
Investment is very good for every individual if you have done your finds about an investment that you know that is less risky I will advise you to invest the money rather than to leave the money in savings that will not generate any return. An investment will surely generate interest which may be daily, weekly or monthly.
The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically allows you to earn a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so.
It is a better idea to start investing your money rather than saving it, you will gain nothing by saving it but when you invest it you will be getting richer day by day even more than you can imagine
Brother if you are having money. You should save it and then take some amount with which you can earn some more after Investment. Dont invest all your money because, this step can either makr you lose all your money or make you rich. It is a DO or DIE situation.
Basically in today's market which would you rather advice, to invest with the little capital I have or continue to save up?
It depends on what really want. Both is cool to do with one just that the risk involve differs and interest or divided rate of both too differs. Savings will only preserve your money with little or no interest rate while investment could increase your money rapidly or cause you to loose it
Basically in today's market which would you rather advice, to invest with the little capital I have or continue to save up?
Both savings and investing our little cash are good things at this very time. But the best I can recommend is to invest the little you have and use it for a better tomorrow. If it is to be saved, a lots of bank will charge for savings.
Wise investment is strongly advised. You could save all year and end up investing wrongly someday and loosing all you have accumulated for years in one wrong investment. I advice you save and investment wisely. Calculate the risk level of any investment you want to venture into.

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