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Which is more advisable: saving money or investing the little you have now

I don't think so saving money and don't invest is a good option because in many countries if we deposit our money in the bank then at the last of month our money is reduced due to many unknown charges but in case of invesment we can get profit in the business but we should invest in such business in which small risk of losing money
As regarding this issue,to me , saving the little u av will not earn u anything it will only limit you to what you are having.
But when u save f little you are earning,you tend to EXPAND ie you make profit.
Basically in today's market which would you rather advice, to invest with the little capital I have or continue to save up?
I think Investing money is more essential than saving money. I know saving money would be great for dry days but investing money is more powerful than this by investing you have many chances to increase money in no time but in saving money to have no benefit much more than investing as well
Invesrments is way better than saving your money. Bear in mind that all investments are risky so don't be too quick to jump on any investment scheme and also you have basic needs that can't be neglected so set aside a prison of the money to sort your essentials then you can invest the rest.
I would advise you to invest the little you have that is if the funds are not for urgent needs.... investing will bring you more returns in the long run compared to saving.... you can invest the money in crypto especially ethereum no matter how small the money is
As we all know that we shouldn't put all our eggs in a basket. I will advise you to divide your savings,invest a part of the savings and still keep the rest to minimize loss in case, as it is known that business is a risk.
It better to invest in little you have The biggest difference between saving and investing is the level of risk taken. Saving typically allows you to earn a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so
As it stands, I save and I also invest. It's all about having a margin between saving and investing your income. You don't have to wait to have hundreds of million or billions to practice this principles. You are meant to practice it even with your little cash.
Saving is a very good idea because it helps in times of emergencies and urgent needs. But saving wouldn't help improve your finances. Investing with any little amount you have is the best thing
Inculcating the habit of investing is the key to financial freedom. No matter how little you think you earn, you can still save up some parts of the money and invest the other part. This is a huge economic safety net.
Whether you’ve been working on your finances for years or you’re just getting started, it can be difficult to know when you should be saving and when you should be investing.

Saving is the safer route because the dollar amount in your bank account won’t typically decrease unless you withdraw funds, but interest rates on savings accounts don’t allow your money to grow very quickly. Unfortunately, interest rates are often lower than the rate of inflation. This means your savings could lose purchasing power over time.
I think invest the money will be much advisable because if you invest it will bring more profit to you rather than saving money because saving money won't bring any profit to you. If you invest money it will bring profit to you so that profit u can use it to take care your family. Saving money will not bring any money they will still deducting ur money from bank if you save it , I prefer invest of money
Most people make the mistake of saving rather than investing saying they don't want to take risk. But it is rather shortsighted doing this as money left there never appreciate but one you invest is bound to rise. If you observe the rich men one thing you observe is their money is never idle in one account or another but rather they are invested. Their income is always in one pie or another because they understand the secret of money and control and this is an important lesson we can learn.
I would say investing what ever you have with you might be helpful. You make more money from investment than only saving. Better still you can choose to invest a certain percentage of your income and leave the rest to sort out bills
Like I always advise people, when you get your monthly salary or your monthly income, you need to put certain percentage saving and some to investment, then keep some for personal use. it is one of the wisest method of not running out of money. You need to plan your income flow very well in order to be successful.
If you save a money you don't have any medium of getting more from it. I prefer investing the little I have. Because there is possibility of me getting more.
It's more advisible to take up investments than savings because interest gotten upon savings in the bank can be nothing compared to what will be made after investing and making a whole lot income.
Investment is better, though they are both good but with savings, the money will just be in your account with no interest accumulating. There are good investments one can do to earn extra money. Investment is definitely a better option. However, It is important to run a background check on the company or platform you are investing with so you dont get scammed.
Saving is also awesome, but I'm not seeing a real benefit there. Even though investing is risky, it's not advisable for novices; therefore, a savvy investor is highly recommended. If you take the time to prepare for it a bit, and to get a little insight into how it works, I can see a sense of urgency in you ready to move into this opportunity buy it. Only make sure that, when saving, you just spend what you can afford to lose.
I would rather start my investments little at a time than keep my funds lying dormant in the banks. Profits may be small but the funds would not remain as they were which would be the case if just saved up.

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