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Dealing with depression from unachieved business goals.

When you failed to achieve the business goals, and was unable to meet up with financial obligations, depression would set in and this could be treated by looking for ways to improve on meeting up with the targeted goals. That's my major aim and I am striving hard to do this.
Depression that comes due to failure is best combated by lowering your unrealistic expectations for yourself. You get depressed because you refuse to accept that you are human and so you cannot achieve everything perfectly. So with self compassion, forgive yourself and dispute that perfectionistic mindset.
Well being grateful for the ones you've been able to acheive by magnifying these ones might actually help you in dealing with thenl depression is hat might have overwhelmed you for not achieving why you wanted to achieve
Dealing with depression is a lot of work to ease to relief cos every successful person as to be a faliure into some stages before achieving it
When a business start to have setbacks, the entrepreneur will be depress, the entrepreneur should be able to carry his self up or seek for advices
Depression is a feeling of pessimism, inadequacy and despondency leading to inactivity. The can be cause by many factors including the feeling that one has failed to achieve his/her set business goals.

How can this be prevented or dealt with?

1. Set reasonable goals for yourself: Set long and short term goals to a very sensible extent don't be too optimistic, then you will appreciate what you have achieved.

2. Don't compare yourself with everyone else: Don't start comparing yourself with Elon Musk, relax and take it step by step, you will get there in time.

3. Relax: Take time out to relax and engage in leisure activities, it will reduce stress and take your off the challenges.

4. Network with friends: when you networks with others, your learn and see that you are doing well, you will feel better about how far you've gone.

5. Be grateful for what you have achieved: When you magnify what you have, you will not feel bad about yourself, be happy with where you are, knowing that tomorrow is another day to achieve great things.

Any other suggestions is welcomed.
A lot of people have fallen into depression due to failure experienced in business.
We can prevent depression of this nature by setting our goals smart.
what is achievable for you might not be for me.
When a business start to have setbacks, the entrepreneur will be depress, the entrepreneur should be able to carry his self up or seek for advices
True, that is why when starting a business you should not only prepare yourself in terms of materials needed for the business and capital but also be prepared mentally and emotionally, to be able to make right decisions no matter what.
Well people die and lose their businesses due to depression but why would you be depressed because you have not achieved your goal, now let me let people know that businesses don't grow over night you build a business because business is just like a child you nurture.
depression is not something easy it kills you inwardly , depression cost allot of things that may damage your inner piece ,I don't think is a great idea to be working under depression
Depression! This is a topic I don't take for granted. I try to overcome depression at some point by keeping myself busy. I'm a victim of depression and I'm still trying to overcome it gradually.
Depression is not something one should experience as it is very dangerous to the health. I don't even wish it to my worse enemy. In any business it is either you fail or succeed. If one can always remember this, then I don't think one should be depressed because of failure in business. That is just my opinion.
Depression will surely set in when target is difficult to obtain,the best way to overcome depression at this moment is to be optimistic,and have a positive thought
Depression will surely set in when target is difficult to obtain,the best way to overcome depression at this moment is to be optimistic,and have a positive thought
Like they say, it's easier said than done. What steps can one take to remain optimistic during difficult times from your own point of view, is it a habit you learn and grow with time?
There are bad debts and terrible business investments, just as there are bad debts. That does not, however, imply that the investor is inept at running a business. Anyone who is depressed as a result of a failed business should be proud of himself for even trying.
This was a discussion we had today and a very unconventional way to deal with such is actually religious. By turning to God, it can create positive feelings and can keep the person sane for that duration.
Depression is a feeling of pessimism, inadequacy and despondency leading to inactivity. The can be cause by many factors including the feeling that one has failed to achieve his/her set business goals.

How can this be prevented or dealt with?

1. Set reasonable goals for yourself: Set long and short term goals to a very sensible extent don't be too optimistic, then you will appreciate what you have achieved.

2. Don't compare yourself with everyone else: Don't start comparing yourself with Elon Musk, relax and take it step by step, you will get there in time.

3. Relax: Take time out to relax and engage in leisure activities, it will reduce stress and take your off the challenges.

4. Network with friends: when you networks with others, your learn and see that you are doing well, you will feel better about how far you've gone.

5. Be grateful for what you have achieved: When you magnify what you have, you will not feel bad about yourself, be happy with where you are, knowing that tomorrow is another day to achieve great things.

Any other suggestions is welcomed.
It is really depressing not being able to meet set business goals.
In times like that, one should take his or her to relax and cool off, then ponder on where it all went wrong, talk to other business oriented individuals.
With time, it would be easy picking up great.
It is very good to take a break from the business. The Only Way Out of depression from failed business is to set another goal which you can achieve within short period of time and keep grinding.
Depression in business it is very difficult thing to deal with, that is why one someone need to do research to know the kind of business you need to start.
It's never easy to cope after a failed business. Depression and unhappiness might set in due to debts that may have been incurred.
Depression can easily leads to dead. Many people suffers depression,and there is no medicine to cure it. Don't be thinking about the past That's the only way to avoid it.

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