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What are the things you look for when you employ individuals for your work

Well it's going to be difficult for me working for six month, because you are to work there and to also find another one that will give you some money to sustain yourself, this might be the most difficult time in life.
There is no pain without a gain. You will have to make a sacrifice for you to achieve something in life or else you will continues in the same position for life.
Apart from working ethics, I will check out if they have strong mind an ability to withstand pressure. They must be ready to push beyond the limit.
I have a sibling who has a marketing agency , I remember when he started, he was hiring workers of his agency. In his ads he wrote and I quote "send me why I should hire you and what you will be able to do for me to the email address attached below" . These days most employers are always asking for your CV/résumé or portfolio. Are you one those who believe in checking ones CV before hiring or you go for talent and skills?
To some extent looking at cv will help you get some information about your employee and the kind of question to ask them but the most important thing you should look out for is their talent and skills
I think in our country we have the same process of accepting new employees.

The applicants will pass their personal information or bio data. After that the applicants will be called for a personal interview.
Exactly, and in that personal interview the applicant will have to demonstrate by means of different theoretical and practical questions, what he/she has broken down in the CV. Here the important thing is sincerity and transparency, so that you don't have to do something you have no idea about.
Some people actually have a specific roles and jobs they are assigned to do and if they don't perform well they might perform poorly
If it happens in a small organization, no blaming anyone, they should consider another department for such person but a big organization, fault goes to the recruit team there job is to have known where such employee strength and weakness are
Yes, the essence of getting familiarize with your jib well is to meet up with the expectations of the company. You just can't start off immediately.
It depends on the work,but normally you should be put into test before you are allowed to operate based on what you claim to be professional about .the test will help them to decide.
What I look out for when employing someone for a job is the experience and knowledge that he has about the business and how he can be of help to the business.
There is no pain without a gain. You will have to make a sacrifice for you to achieve something in life or else you will continues in the same position for life.
Well I still have to sacrifice if that is the requirement that is needed in the society for me to get a reasonable employment, after all it's just 6 months and after 6 months I'm just free to work.
Well, in the initial stage, yes, I want the CV first so I can sieve through the candidates I don't want to see. Personality, if the candidate has one, shines through the CV. I also want to see if they can spell and write, to start with. Once I've decided who I want to interview, here's what I look for:

- Personality
- Passion
- Experience
- Qualifications
- Adaptability
- Eloquence

Qualifications and experience are desirable but if they don't have either, I'd like to see that they are passionate, adaptable and willing to learn.
It's so funny how some people go about applying for jobs with CVs filled with simple spelling mistakes. It shows the person lacks attention to details and isn't prepared. But the unfortunate thing is that over 40% of CVs submitted still do have these glaring errors.
I always insist that you should list out the skills and the talents that you have in your CV. Skills right now is actually the most important thing and that is what a lot of employees actually look at for.
This is one thing that most people are finding difficult to do as most of the skills and talent that they do list on their CV and talent that they do not possess and at the end of the day once these employers are interviewing them then they will discover that they actually do not have or possess the skills and talent.
Well I still have to sacrifice if that is the requirement that is needed in the society for me to get a reasonable employment, after all it's just 6 months and after 6 months I'm just free to work.
If you render a good service to the company, you might be considered for employment before any other person when you graduated from school.
It's so funny how some people go about applying for jobs with CVs filled with simple spelling mistakes. It shows the person lacks attention to details and isn't prepared. But the unfortunate thing is that over 40% of CVs submitted still do have these glaring errors.
Yes I've noticed that people don't spend time to construct their cv recently. They just copy or download and modify with their details. People believe that connections matters most in my country.
What I look out for when employing someone for a job is the experience and knowledge that he has about the business and how he can be of help to the business.
That is right. When you look for some one to be employed, you look for his qualifications through a resume or bio data and then interview him or her.
If you render a good service to the company, you might be considered for employment before any other person when you graduated from school.
Well if that is the case then it can actually help a lot but sometimes we do not have to rely on this as we are to focus on the things that brought us to the business we are getting the experience from
It depends on the work,but normally you should be put into test before you are allowed to operate based on what you claim to be professional about .the test will help them to decide.
That's for sure, without the test they wouldn't understand where they're going into. So with the quick assessment they can get acquainted and start earning.
Yes I've noticed that people don't spend time to construct their cv recently. They just copy or download and modify with their details. People believe that connections matters most in my country.
Yes, connection matters a lot as it opens so many doors that even the most breathtaking of CVs cannot. But not everyone will be connected to the influential ones. And connection is not even enough in some situations as their may be equally well connected people vying for the same position.
That's for sure, without the test they wouldn't understand where they're going into. So with the quick assessment they can get acquainted and start earning.
But testing people before giving the responsibilities in a business, is it really a full guaranteed the person will really be honest in the business ,how do we maintain honesty ?
The CV or resume is important because it embodies the professional abilities of the applicant. But you can learn more from the interview like determining the character if the applicant is introvert or extrovert. A marketing job requires someone with a gift of gab - good conversationalist and articulate in the topic of selling. It is not easy to get all the accurate picture of the person with the CV and interview but that can be the basis. That is why in some big offices they ask for another interview by the manager or even by the executive just to confirm the evaluation of the HR staff that did the first interview.
When you want to employ an individual for you work one thing that you look out for his dedicated nurse and also the zeal for the job with this you can be able to employ such person.

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