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What are the things you look for when you employ individuals for your work

Most times after considering the strength and the person don't still fit in ,I think it would be very much better to lay the person off ,so there won't be any issue attached
I understand your view point I just think that laying the person off might be a bit harsh seeing that such person may have had hopes and expectation.
But can this actually happen if you are employing the person newly ? I think this can only happen after the person is about to be promoted to the next or much more higher rank.
During the time of your entering you'll be allowed to familiarize with your new role. During that time you're familiarizing with your business, it is expected you learn more that time to work explicitly.
During the time of your entering you'll be allowed to familiarize with your new role. During that time you're familiarizing with your business, it is expected you learn more that time to work explicitly.
This one you are actually talking about professionals ,because at first you need to familiar with the business environment and understand the simple rules, but what of people that are not professional but claims to be ?
The CV or resume is important because it embodies the professional abilities of the applicant. But you can learn more from the interview like determining the character if the applicant is introvert or extrovert. A marketing job requires someone with a gift of gab - good conversationalist and articulate in the topic of selling. It is not easy to get all the accurate picture of the person with the CV and interview but that can be the basis. That is why in some big offices they ask for another interview by the manager or even by the executive just to confirm the evaluation of the HR staff that did the first interview.
One thing I should look out for when you're employed individuals for your work is there creative intelligence and their innovative mind.
In my country, 80% or more of the companies, when requesting employees, they ask for the curriculum vitae to know the background of studies and jobs, but it is not what qualifies it in its entirety, they also do an evaluation and finally an interview personal. Already knowing his interpersonal qualities, with all the other requirements the decision is made.
I think in our country we have the same process of accepting new employees.

The applicants will pass their personal information or bio data. After that the applicants will be called for a personal interview.
What type of experience ? If you said I should work for some company just for experience does it mean that the company are not going to pay me, am I going to do a voluntary services ?
You are the one that needs work experience. Some companies might tells you that they do not need interns because they do not have money to pay them or they do not want to pay for interns. So you can ask them that you will do it without pay just to get the experience.
You are the one that needs work experience. Some companies might tells you that they do not need interns because they do not have money to pay them or they do not want to pay for interns. So you can ask them that you will do it without pay just to get the experience.
Wow ,people have to pass through a lot of diffult stage in life just to make a living, okay but how long am I going to work with the company for the experience ? Can I work there for two months ?
The first thing I look for in an employee is trustworthiness because that is the basis if every relationship
The employees attitude to work is also an important aspect to be considered
Getting a trustworthy employee would be very beneficial for any business or business owner because a trustworthy employee means that the owner of the business can trust the stuff with anything and the staff will deliver without cutting corners.
Getting a trustworthy employee would be very beneficial for any business or business owner because a trustworthy employee means that the owner of the business can trust the stuff with anything and the staff will deliver without cutting corners.
The question is thus, how do you measure trust ? . Most times people appear to be trustworthy but most times are easily controlled by greed and they deviate
There are simply three things to look out for when employing someone, of which I take it very important and put them into consideration such as strength hardwork intelligence and endurance
I understand your view point I just think that laying the person off might be a bit harsh seeing that such person may have had hopes and expectation.
If the person dosent make contributions to improve the company or business , the company might start having slow growth and many more so it's better to lay off and keep the serious ones
I look at the ability to work under pressure. I also check if they can work and be self-motivated without any supervision.

I would also look for faithful, truthful, and honest employees if I ever hire someone. This is because I am myself a honest person and I like honest people to work with.
If I'm going to hire people in a key position in my company, creativity is one of the criteria that I am going to look at in the person I want to hire. The most also be able to work under pressure.
I always insist that you should list out the skills and the talents that you have in your CV. Skills right now is actually the most important thing and that is what a lot of employees actually look at for.
One other thing I would look for in a candidate that wishes to apply in my firm when I have one is communication skills, how to relate and convince customers to buy into the business.
When you want to employ a person it is very important that he or she is hardworking and knows how to handle business issue properly.
If the person dosent make contributions to improve the company or business , the company might start having slow growth and many more so it's better to lay off and keep the serious ones
I just don't believe that someone can be completely useless to an old man and know how to be successful.
This one you are actually talking about professionals ,because at first you need to familiar with the business environment and understand the simple rules, but what of people that are not professional but claims to be ?
Yes, the essence of getting familiarize with your jib well is to meet up with the expectations of the company. You just can't start off immediately.
Wow ,people have to pass through a lot of diffult stage in life just to make a living, okay but how long am I going to work with the company for the experience ? Can I work there for two months ?
It depends on you and the type of job and the experience that you want. Two months experience is not really enough to be counted as good work experience when they want to employ you by another company. You will need at least six most minimum.
It depends on you and the type of job and the experience that you want. Two months experience is not really enough to be counted as good work experience when they want to employ you by another company. You will need at least six most minimum.
Well it's going to be difficult for me working for six month, because you are to work there and to also find another one that will give you some money to sustain yourself, this might be the most difficult time in life.

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