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What are the things you look for when you employ individuals for your work

when I hire someone to work for me I check his skills and experience. when I hired content developer, this guy had been developing content for 5 years and had very good skills
You do not have to wait to get the needed experience for your targeted career. You can start to volunteer or work for free for some companies to get the needed experience that will help you to get a job when you graduate.
Do you mean when I am still in the university ? it is not possible for me to work for experience while I am in the university because I'll be spending most of my time to read and probably for other school activities.
When I owe my own company, I like to put it on the post, why should I hire you and what can you do for this company? That way I will look at the way they will approach the vacancy. Before anything else.
You may not actually know the quality of an employee if you are seeing the person. you only have to give the person sometimes for them to bring out their real character if they are capable of doing the business.
Yes, their is always time allocated to the person to prove his skill to secure higher paying rank or retain his or her position in the company.
Yes, their is always time allocated to the person to prove his skill to secure higher paying rank or retain his or her position in the company.
But can this actually happen if you are employing the person newly ? I think this can only happen after the person is about to be promoted to the next or much more higher rank.
The CV or resume is important because it embodies the professional abilities of the applicant. But you can learn more from the interview like determining the character if the applicant is introvert or extrovert. A marketing job requires someone with a gift of gab - good conversationalist and articulate in the topic of selling. It is not easy to get all the accurate picture of the person with the CV and interview but that can be the basis. That is why in some big offices they ask for another interview by the manager or even by the executive just to confirm the evaluation of the HR staff that did the first interview.
One of the things that I look for when I am playing the visual for a particular job is there creative and their innovative mind and the ability to work without being stressed easily.
The first thing I look for in an employee is trustworthiness because that is the basis if every relationship
The employees attitude to work is also an important aspect to be considered
That's a very good thing to know because if the employees is not trustworthy he or she may end up destroying the business you build over a years.
Readiness to work is one of the things I look for whenever I want to hire new people for my business. I don't want a lazy person in my company. I also look for creativity whenever I want to hire new people
Do you mean when I am still in the university ? it is not possible for me to work for experience while I am in the university because I'll be spending most of my time to read and probably for other school activities.
When you're still in the university, you can work to gather more experience when your school is on academic break. This will give you a edge ahead of young fresh graduates when you are searching for jobs.
When you're still in the university, you can work to gather more experience when your school is on academic break. This will give you a edge ahead of young fresh graduates when you are searching for jobs.
What type of experience ? If you said I should work for some company just for experience does it mean that the company are not going to pay me, am I going to do a voluntary services ?
In my country, 80% or more of the companies, when requesting employees, they ask for the curriculum vitae to know the background of studies and jobs, but it is not what qualifies it in its entirety, they also do an evaluation and finally an interview personal. Already knowing his interpersonal qualities, with all the other requirements the decision is made.
In my own country , when you 're looking for employee to employ in your business or company, you first need to know the level of his or her experience , if he can cope with harsh environment.
Ambition, a dedication to raise the standards, a creative dreamer who perseveres over any challenge, a calm being, an unconditional lover, a team player and a smiling being.
Well I am quite surprised that you want to actually employ an employee that has ambition because if some employees are just do and pictures then they can actually put you out of your company later so you should be careful out of ambition that you want your employee to possess.
In my own country , when you 're looking for employee to employ in your business or company, you first need to know the level of his or her experience , if he can cope with harsh environment.
This is why studies, work experience and workshops or courses taken are so important. These, together with the skills developed, are requirements that must be described in the curriculum and must be demonstrable in order to apply for a position.
I think it's possible, some people would say anything to just get what they want and of course it would be obvious later on when they can't perform, what would you do then?
If they can't perform to the standard the organization wants , then they might end up been a liability ,instead of a good attribute to the development of the company
I always try to look at these things whenever I am trying to impress somebody for me work. I tried to check on how discipline they are to adhere to the company rules.
If they can't perform to the standard the organization wants , then they might end up been a liability ,instead of a good attribute to the development of the company
Actually, everyone has their strength or weakness so instead of laying such people off after they have just been recruited you can consider getting their strength if it would be valuable for the firm.
Actually, everyone has their strength or weakness so instead of laying such people off after they have just been recruited you can consider getting their strength if it would be valuable for the firm.
Most times after considering the strength and the person don't still fit in ,I think it would be very much better to lay the person off ,so there won't be any issue attached
Many people have stated that they only look for experience when it comes to hiring a person. However, I will still hire an inexperienced person if I believe that a person is capable of doing his job properly. Experience does not always matter.
I have a sibling who has a marketing agency , I remember when he started, he was hiring workers of his agency. In his ads he wrote and I quote "send me why I should hire you and what you will be able to do for me to the email address attached below" . These days most employers are always asking for your CV/résumé or portfolio. Are you one those who believe in checking ones CV before hiring or you go for talent and skills?
This ads of your sibling in his ads post for job seekers makes sense. Because I also will love to know what my proposed employee would be bringing to the table as his contribution if employed by me
I look forward to passion, enthusiasm, intelligence and so on. Before I will ask for the curriculum vitae of the person. It's very significant to know how the person you are employing thinks.

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