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Is lack of FOCUS the reason most Startup fail?

This is actually very true and a lot of startups have been known to divert from their initial plan after a little change of fortunes and that is not good at all.
Yes I will see one basic reason why some business feel is lack of focus and dedication if you're not dedicated and focused you know what you do you will surely fail.
I totally agree with you that a lack of focus and dedication can be one of the major reasons why most businesses fails and that is because most business owners are not quite dedicated at what they do if they are dedicated they would not give up easily on their business.
I agree with you. The lack of focus could be one of just the many reasons why starting business fails. Another reason could be the lack of sales. If there is no money coming and its always on the spending mostly the business is going to fail.
Lack of sales to me is a problem of lack of planning, if there was adequate planning then it should have revealed if the location was good enough and if there were people who actually wanted the coin.
Apart from having a good focus, you must also need to manage your employees in an efficient way. Do not be too rude to your employees. However, just make sure that they are doing their job perfectly.
Come to think of it I beleive that lack of focus can be the cause of some business failure,so its better you be focus enough in the business you are doing to be able to manage it well,another thing is proper planing you need to planed very well to increase your business status
There are several reasons why businesses fail. However I see focus as the main reason which mightbe caused by having no vision and not goal oriented.
I don't think that lack of focus is the main reasons why businesses fails, although it is among one of the reasons why businesses fails. The main reasons why most businesses fails is that most business starters these days don't have the prerequisite knowledge of that business that they want to start. This often times lead to the business owners not knowing how to make their business successful.
Yes lack of focus is the reason why most business skills as an entrepreneur you need to be dedicated in everything you do and with this you see your business growing.
That is what most people does in business. They engage in business that they do not understand and blame other people when the business fails as a result of their incapability.
Hmmm,its not the best of way . There are thousand different type of business on earth and out of all those business will be the one we will be interested to do it passionately.
There are several reasons why businesses fail. However I see focus as the main reason which mightbe caused by having no vision and not goal oriented.
You are definitely right on your submission. When you lack focus in business, you will lack purpose and direction and when these things are missing, your business might fail.
Focus is what makes any business to stand because without it then you are just chasing shallow because you will not get anything done at end of the day.
Lack of focus is in starting any business is very bad and it will definitely lead to quick failure. Lack of fucus make you lose so many customers too
Yes lack of focus is the reason why most business skills as an entrepreneur you need to be dedicated in everything you do and with this you see your business growing.
Lack of focus is a compound that is currently eating deep into the minds of several people and that is why they can be doing something now something else will come into their head to distract them from the purpose through which they started of their business venture in the first place.
Lack of focus is just one out of the many reasons that start ups fails. Unfavorable environment for new businesses is the major reason like lack of power,high transportation cost,lack of access to capital,etc.
Having studied how over 60% of startups failed, I noticed series of trends that eventually lead to their early closure. The one that baffled me the most is the major impact it has in early closure on some promising businesses.

What other things could lead to early closure of Newly established businesses?
Indeed, pact of focus is one of the causes of failure as far as business is concern. When u are not focused, u may not identify some certainly things ur business needed to boom. You will be too blind to even notice that ur business is about to collapse
Having studied how over 60% of startups failed, I noticed series of trends that eventually lead to their early closure. The one that baffled me the most is the major impact it has in early closure on some promising businesses.

What other things could lead to early closure of Newly established businesses?
Am not suprise seeing startup business close down because there are so many things to consider and the major problem is always from the business owner, is either there is no enough capital or probably lack focus
Starting up a business requires a lot of focus and dedication and it is,a very long term commitment. Loosing focus in the early stages of a business venture can be very detrimental because in most cases, the future of the business lies in the foundations and once it fails, the future goes to the dogs too. In starting up, one has to have a lot of focus and self discipline and utmost dedication. He can have others do it for him later on.
Yes it is one of the major reason why most business fail because it is lack of focus that makes them not follow their initial business plan, rather than thinking of how to make sure the business thrive and expand, they will be after interest and profit generation
You just gave a ver good advise for people that are willing to start up a business on how to avoid bank loan because the interest sometimes might be too much and can affect your business growth, so its better to save than borrow.
There are many reasons why a business could fail though lack of focus is also one of the reasons. A business could fail if you do not have the knowledge and experience to run the business successfully.
Even as a lay man is very clear that anything that focus or anything one is doing without focus won't excel because what make it to happen is focus.
Most people that wish to own a business feels it's as easy as said. Starting a business at all begins from the mind. You must picture what you wanna give birth to in your mind. Lack of passion and starting cos others at doing is the beginning of failure

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