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Is it Bad to trust your colleagues when doing businesses together?

Whether you are doing business together with a partner or working together with colleagues, it is best not to trust them 100%, never reveal your thoughts, ideas or opinion 100% to them because they may betray you one day over their own desires.
Personally, I had bad experience Trusting my so called "Colleagues" too much when doing businesses together. It really leaves me devastated and sometimes wonder about what I have done wrong to deserve treatment like cheat, supplying sub standard goods below order specification, and stealing my business ideas.
What experience do you have Trusting colleagues when doing business together?
No it's not bad to trust on collegues but it bad to over trust or became blind on their performance because when we become too sweet with someone then people starting to take advantage of us so it's good to believe on collegues but in limited in this way we can't become cheat by anyone
If you can't trust them to that level then there's no need going into partnership with them in the first place. Trust is the key attribute in partnership and without that either of you will always be finding fault with the other and that will bring the business into crumbling.
In business not that to trust is not a good ideas it's but it should be backed up by an agreement which both parties will attest to it so that should in case anything happens court will defend you guys on a safer side. So put trust aside and work according to the court agreement.
Trust is an issue in business therefore when trusting a friend in business we should be skeptical and very careful in doing this there won't be problem but trusting completely without being careful might lead to disaster. Trust is earned and built do not just fall on bed of roses.
When employees trust their employers, they are much more likely to work together towards achieving the same ultimate business goals. ... In order to have all the employees on the same page, organizations must do a much better job communicating their core company values, mission and vision to their employees.
Well it's definitely not bad at all trusting your colleagues. If you're working together in a business there should be understanding and trust between colleagues. It can make work or business way easier. But you should consider if someone is worth you trust. You should first check that colleague personality. If there's something fishy about it you should keep an eye on him.
When it comes to business, you don't want to fail. Therefore you don't have to give all the trust to your friends or colleagues. There should be limit to the trust you give them so that you won't end up being heart broken.
When it comes to business, you don't want to fail. Therefore you don't have to give all the trust to your friends or colleagues. There should be limit to the trust you give them so that you won't end up being heart broken.
I agree with you, but the problem is most entrepreneurs don't know where and when to draw the limit.
Trust issue is one of the problems we encounter most times when doing business with both old and new associates.
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When it comes to business, you don't want to fail. Therefore you don't have to give all the trust to your friends or colleagues. There should be limit to the trust you give them so that you won't end up being heart broken.
I agree with you, but the problem is most entrepreneurs don't know where and when to draw the limit.
Trust issue is one of the problems we encounter most times when doing business with both old and new associates.
If you know your friend isn't the trust worthy type, then I believe you should seek another business partner than going ahead with your friend. At times, a sole proprietor business is better.
When you are doing business, you shouldn't partner with someone just because he is your family or friend. When I say partner what I mean is buying goods from friends and family, or employing them for distribution of your products, etc. You should partner with the best in the business.
Mostly I believe that business has rules and if you want to do business with someone like a combine business and both of you know the rules, the business will be working without having a single issue. You can't do combine business with someone you don't trust.
There is nothing wrong for you to trust your colleague in the place of work but sometimes if you think that you cannot trust someone you are either employing to work with it you, I think it is the best time for you to let the person go because lack of trust do disorganised a lot of potential business company.
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There is nothing wrong for you to trust your colleague in the place of work but sometimes if you think that you cannot trust someone you are either employing to work with it you, I think it is the best time for you to let the person go because lack of trust do disorganised a lot of potential business company.
I do not see anything wrong with that trust is a mutual understanding between both parties and you must trust someone you are working with for you to work in team together and achieve acceptable if you do not trust someone it will be very difficult for you to give that person irresponsible work to do.
It's not bad to trust ones partner always but it's wise to never trust a man created by God as man can break the trust one day. We are talking about business not just fun,
But both of you need to build on the level of confidence you need.
before you can have a business deal with so called colleagues or friends you should atleast know 60% of what there character and what they are capable of doing before having a business deal with them so you can put half of your trust in them. So you won't b so dissapointed in them.
Business thrives on trust but we should not that trusting someone doesn't guarantee that the partner will be or is sincere to you.
While setting for any business deal, agreement (written) is key and that is the only evidence/weapon you have to put the other person in check. When it comes to money, if agreements are verbal and the person lacks integrity, verbal agreement can't be relied on
If You don't see anything that will make you not to trust someone then you should go ahead and trust that person but if the person has behave dis honestly and you think it is not right for you to give that person trust then you can go ahead and do not trust the person, there must be a reason for lack of trust
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If You don't see anything that will make you not to trust someone then you should go ahead and trust that person but if the person has behave dis honestly and you think it is not right for you to give that person trust then you can go ahead and do not trust the person, there must be a reason for lack of trust
It is not bad to trust your business partner, because without trust the business will not stand,
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It is not bad to trust your business partner, because without trust the business will not stand, without trust there will be a lot of arguments and disagreements and through too much disagreement it may lead to break down of the business.
It is not bad to trust your business partner, because for you to choose the individual as your business partner, you must have been friends with person and know he person's real behavior. Nonetheless, you should make your findings
My dear every relation is upled with trust. Trust is the base of every thing. Specially in case of business while you are in partnership because if you don't trust your partners or colleagues then there will be a great loss to both the business and the relationship. But observe deeply and if you find him or her dishonest then first talk to him then take any action.

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