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How many hours do you spend working online?

The highest I have ever spent in is a good day to work online is 7 hours straight. And I was trying to meet some target for my blog post on my website. I am planning to spend 10 hours straight on get paid to post website one day.
That means you have a lot of ways you have been using to make money online that is why you spend up to 7 hours on daily basis, only spend 2 to 3 hours a day on paid to post site A day And that's all
This is a new month and I have planned the way I will be spending my Time online and of course from now on it will be over 10 hours on daily basis.
I as well have offline commitments that is why I always limit my any online work to about two to three hours everyday and that is working about three sides a day.
I dont have a accurate time to tell ....but I log on and spend not more 1 hour at a stress so it doesn't get tiring that way .I might log in upto 3 /4 times
That's how most business venture is, it's good to start small to know how it works, I am still new to online earning so I am only active on bizdustry but with time I'll definitely improve.
This depends on my daily activities but i usually spend 2-3 hours everyday working online and more than that when I'm free.
Well, the new month has started today and I really need to make new strategies when it comes to earning money online. I think I will be still dedicating around 5 hours a day when it comes to earning money online because right now I am also planning to work on some additional online forums and some other websites. Unfortunately, this would not mean that I will be earning more because the webistes I would be using do not pay that much.
I think we both have the same budgeted time for our online work because like you I also have an applying job even though the pay is too small but they are both manageable for the time being pending when I will get a better job offline.
Most online jobs takes a lot of time to get done with little pay. It is better to have a good offline job to augment what you earn online if you really want to make good income.
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I have registered on 4-5 earning sites, however, I am only on two paid to post forums. When I started working online, I was not much active, however, these days, I am very active and I spend just about three hours every day. Everyday I try to reach posting limit on the forums I am working.
I pray to be like you so I can reach my point too like you, I'm never make it since I have started this online website cause I don't have much time to use ,maybe God let me make my own point to do I can reach my total point online
I spend exactly 3 hours daily working online in forums and other sites nowadays , as I am also busy with offline works and studies. In the weekends , I sit up to the late midnight to earn from sport bet if I am lucky enough.
I can spend all my days online if my phone didn't run down, cause I can't leave my phone without pressing it even for a minute,I can't do without pressing phone, so I can use all my days online
Sure, you'll be financially free cos you're into many other ways of earning money online and offline according to what my instinct is telling me.
Hahaha, your mind is correct. I'm into many things both offline and online but I'm not yet satisfied with my earnings. I know it'll get better with time but it's still low now. I'll try to optimise them.
It all depends on how much free time I have, sometimes I work online for more than 4 hours and sometimes less than that but averagely I can say I spend 3 hours daily online working.
Am never have time to attend this online forums , also busy all the time but I pray this weeks I will make it better to be active online
I know you're just signing up newly here, just try your best to be active here and surely you'll reach the expected target of reaching your first cash out here.
I spend exactly 3 hours daily working online in forums and other sites nowadays , as I am also busy with offline works and studies. In the weekends , I sit up to the late midnight to earn from sport bet if I am lucky enough.
@Sincerem come and see I think there is someone here that ve been making some money with sport betting which we considered impossible, wow I like that maybe you are naturally talented in it.
Working online for me has not be a good thing for me, because I don't see a reasonable platform which offer a very good payment working online. All the one am doing are just petty, petty ones, I which I make less than a dollar in a day. I f could get a good one, I can work to any length of time, in as much the payment is good and genuine.
@Sincerem come and see I think there is someone here that ve been making some money with sport betting which we considered impossible, wow I like that maybe you are naturally talented in it.
I just find the right match to bet where I am really sure if the particular team is winning 90% , and I end up winning in most of the cases too. But its the greed that sometimes destroys my winnings. Now I win and cashout at right time. I bet 1-2 times weekly in cricket especially.
Anyone who spends up to 10 hours on daily basis working online will definitely make reasonable amount of money. I hope to spend over that in coming days.
I'm not really stable I'm still fresh to the forum. Trying to keep up my pace to meet up with the comment limits without it colliding with my normal day activity
Most online jobs takes a lot of time to get done with little pay. It is better to have a good offline job to augment what you earn online if you really what's to makes good income.
You are very bright because this is what I am currently doing as most online jobs these days take time to do and the pay is always very little but there are still some other very highly lucrative online job like freelance jobs that pays very high.

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