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Can you do business with someone you don't trust?

For me its a no no I can't do business with someone I don't trust. I mean how will we move forward without us trusting each other trust is the very foundation on which a business should be built in the first place. No matter the type of business and the relationship you have with the other person trust is very important
Well to have a prosperous business there must be trust between partners, without it the business will definitely sink like a capsized boat on the long run, if there is trust between partners there won't be any doubt of negativity, if you don't trust partner you won't entrust anything with him or her which is bad for business.
It is risk job that you want to do business with someone you don't trust .the thing is that when you start the business just know you are not the owner of the income you will see in the business ,it is because he may set you up .it is so risk for having business with someone you don' trust.
I think it possible to do business with somebody you don't trust, for me business is business regardless of whom I'm doing business with. Before I go into any business with anybody I must insist on a written agreement with a lawyer and both party present for future purpose.
It’s such a simple rule: we don’t do business with people we don’t trust. What more is there to say? Apart from that this also includes companies, corporations, governments, you name it. And why don’t we trust them? Because there is something adrift, something that rings that little warning bell inside us.
When performance is lacking, they are quick to blame everyone else and take no personal responsibility. It’s next to impossible to change people and should be a major red flag if they can’t take responsibility for their own actions. This usually shows up relatively quickly in the relationship and needs to be handled immediately.
It's really important to trust the persons you are making business with otherwise it won't work. This rule should apply to any kind of business, unless we are talking about some kind of illegal businesses where most of the times you can't trust the persons you are making businesses with.
Trust is major when two people are coming together. This trust keeps the two binding together and drive towards a common goal. But business without trust is a very dangerous step to take.
Trust is part and parcel of a partnership especially when it comes to businesses. How can you entrust your dealings with someone you don't trust? It doesn't really make sense. Even dirty dealers who are rivals do so for a common goal, and with a common goal comes trust.
Trust is a major element when intending to go into any partnership deal. If you don’t trust your intended partner you sure can’t trust that person with your money. I see no need to go into a business with any person you don’t trust. That will be a total waste of time resources and money and energy.
I think it's impossible to do business with someone you don't trust. It's not always about marketing or manufacturing, certain level of trust is needed as well. Without trusting someone you can never be able to exchange goods or money.

This is just my opinion. What do you guys think?
Or do you think trust is irrelevant, when it comes to business?
Doing business with people you don't trust can be very risky especially over here in Nigeria, and other parts of Africa that the country doesn't have database of their citizens. It'S advisable you do business with people that you know their history, and people that you are sure of their integrity.
It is totally impossible to go into business with someone you do not trust. Already the foundation is faulty. And the business will not be successful. In business especially when it has to do with partnership, trust is the first ingredient in achieving a successful business.
It’s simple to overlook one thing therefore little as what your instincts tell
you. however if you recollect at several of the past deals that didn’t
pan out, I’d venture to guess that if you actually thought of it, your
gut was telling you it had been heading during this direction. It’s not
everyone’s style, however paying attention to your instincts could be a powerful tool in
navigating choices
Distance yourself. Difficult people often complain about many things. ...
Never respond to their emotional chaos. ...
Don't let them be your puppet master. ...
Set boundaries. ...
Choose your battles. ...
Focus on positive emotions. ...
Avoid negative self-talk at all times. ...
Get enough rest.
The Bible says" what companion that believer has with unbeliever, not possible". The trust person what business does it need to operate with untrust person. I can't never have anything to do talk of business with anyone that is untrust.
To run in business, you have to trust others, without this you cannot run your business because there are some people in which you have to force to trust otherwise it hard to manage different things in life.
Mistrust can spread through a relationship like a wildfire and it can happen in stages. First it might be doubting your partner and feeling uncertain about their trustworthiness and dependability. Doubt, if unresolved, grows into suspicion over time. Suspicion is belief without proof. This causes anxiety and feelings of apprehension or uneasiness which can often manifest physically (nervousness, a rapid heartbeat, anger, a knotted stomach, or even disgust). And when you’re anxious you become fearful, mistrust at this point in your relationship stops you from being open and vulnerable. Finally when you feel fearful, you go into self-protection mode: you withdraw, the walls come up and you stop your partner from getting close to you.
Business demands trust If you do not trust a person, you cannot do business. Business involves managing finances, making decisions, planning, etc. and all of these activities can work only when you trust your business partners or your employees. If you cannot trust anyone, it is better to do the business alone.
It’s such a simple rule: we don’t do business with people we don’t trust. What more is there to say? Apart from that this also includes companies, corporations, governments, you name it. And why don’t we trust them? Because there is something adrift, something that rings that little warning bell inside us. There may be clear visible signs but as often as not there won’t be. Mostly this rule is about using your intuition, listening to your inner voice.

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