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Can you do business with someone you don't trust?

I can't do business with someone I dont trust....that is impossible..The best way to have a profitable business is to work with people you trust although in this new world, you can rarely find someone to trust, you just have to monitor their movement
There is no way I'm doing businesß with someone I don't trust. Why would I do business with someone I know can do anything to spoil the business or spend the companies money anyhow that would be bad thinking so no way I'm doing that
Not now, not never. What are we doing there in the first place? Looking at each other as a thief or what? Spend our whole life suspecting each other on any little issue? Nope, I don't plan on living my business life in a prison. So it's never ever happening.
I think it's impossible to do business with someone you don't trust. It's not always about marketing or manufacturing, certain level of trust is needed as well. Without trusting someone you can never be able to exchange goods or money.

This is just my opinion. What do you guys think?
Or do you think trust is irrelevant, when it comes to business?
Doing business with a questionable character known by you a big risk. Not only in the area of trying to swingle you, but putting you against the law. Dealing with such a person us not advisable. When you deal with such persons unknowingly is different as soon as know it cut off immediately. Without trust I can't deal with you.
Trust is an important and tender aspect of all relationships because it requires us to choose to be vulnerable and courageous. It is important that we trust whoever we are dealing with in business as trust place a vital role in the progress of a business
It is not possible to do business with someone you don't trust cos at the end of the day a fight will come up between you and your partner and this will never make the business prosperous it will only make the business fall back.
How can I do business with someone I don't trust?. it is not possible. In every business, trust is very important. Even to all facets of life, if you don't trust someone, there is no how you can entrust your money or commodity to him or her. Same thing goes to producers and companies. If there is no trust between a company and the consumers of their goods, I think they have nothing to do in business.
Be open, acknowledge feelings & practice being vulnerable. ...
Assume your partner has good intentions. ...
Be honest & communicate about key issues in your relationship. ...
Acknowledge how past hurts may trigger mistrust in the present. ...
Listen to your partner's side of the story. ...
Trust your intuition.
I think it's impossible to do business with someone you don't trust. It's not always about marketing or manufacturing, certain level of trust is needed as well. Without trusting someone you can never be able to exchange goods or money.

This is just my opinion. What do you guys think?
Or do you think trust is irrelevant, when it comes to business?
Doing business with someone you dont trust is not a mere issue we can treat with levity because it is the beginning of failure for that particular business. Trust is an important factor in a partnership type of business, as a matter of fact, one should do business with someone that is trustworthy.
“I find that when a partner or vendor takes a long time to respond to our calls or emails, it’s not going to work out. I want to work with companies who are eager to work together, and a lack of responsiveness tells me that they are either too busy to work together or they don’t have their act together, and I will constantly be frustrated/underwhelmed by them and their performance.
It’s easy to overlook something so small as what your instincts tell you. But if you look back at many of the past deals that didn’t pan out, I’d venture to guess that if you really thought about it, your gut was telling you it was heading in this direction. It’s not everyone’s style, but listening to your instincts is a powerful tool in navigating decisions.
]I was listening to a female friend lament yesterday about how her fiancé has simply refused to let her partner with her ex-boyfriend in business.
She is into mini importation of baby and toddler clothing, food, diapers and accessories. This ex of hers is based in U.S.A and would be relocating to Nigeria soon. They reconnected few months back and got talking. The business is actually on the verge of collapse as she was badly affected mainly by the increase in dollar-naira exchange rate and other personal reasons.

The fiancé of hers is a working class but his income is meagre hence his incapability to assist her. The ex on the other hand has stated that he just wants a strictly business relationship with all the necessary legal paper work in place. Would it suffice to say that they (my friend and the ex) broke up over four years ago?
I can never start a business with a person I do not trust. I mean, the bedrock of any partnership is trust. It is like handing over an extension of you to a person. How a person handles it determines the outcome. I don't think you will ever feel at peace knowing your business is in the hands of a person you do not trust.
No I can't and it's practically impossible to do business with someone you don't trust because it involves money and doing business involves risk taking so in order not to add to you an existing risk in the business. It's better to not do business with someone you do not trust. Business involves trust when you do business with someone you don't there is tendency of the business to fold up.
Why on Earth should somebody be doing business with someone they don't know? Intake it that you meant a joint Enterprise , right? I can't do that. You need to know the person you are going into a joint business with before starting anything
Until quite recently, I cruised through a life of job insecurity with all types of casual employment — completely ignorant of the possibilities of paid leave and retirement savings. I have about enough superannuation to last me a week after I retire (but it’s gonna be a helluva week).
Well I think that thing most not be too confidential information that can create financial situation where I give my access is most be casual stuff
No is my answer for doing a business with someone you don't trust. Trust is the most important thing that happens between two or more people to undertake a business plan together in order to conclude and get profit at the end of the day. But without trust it brings about confusion.
I think it's stupid to do business with someone you don't trust. Always do business with someone you trust completely It can be seen that some people start their business with a big businessman just by looking at his popularity.The advice is to do business with the person you trust

You may not know who you trust or who you don't trust till they betray you. This is one thing that we should understand and even those that earned your trust in the past can still disappoint you when give them money to run a business. So, it's not always easy.
One major ingredient needed for a business to grow is trust, its impossible to succeed in a business where you do not trust the next person. Even if you are able to grow that business, with time you will discover that growth is limited only to a certain level
No I can't do business with a person I don't trust because trust is a major tool for partnership. There's no point going into a business agreement with such person because misunderstandings are bound to happen in a business environment and for the fact you don't trust your partner in the 1st instance, a mistake made by him can look like an intentional deed

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