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What was the first business you started?

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The first business I started was the business of selling food items and drinks in which peopl lin th society always buy at an alarming rate and this always brings in sales and pprofit I always find peace and joy in my previous job.
I haven't really been into business as I am still putting my ideas together in order to start. My first ever business was in secondary school where I bought biscuits and packs of sweets and sold it secretly to students during break time and to be honest I made quite some decent amount of money from it. I then used my savings and bought some chick and left them with my mum
The first business I started was transportation. I remember I bought tricycles, gave them out and was collecting weekly returns. Each business has it own unique challenge, so also was mine. I however, made a decent profit.
Many people like to start their own business and I am sure there are many people in here who have done the same thing. So, what was the very first business you started and were you successful in running that business? Why did you start that particular business? What were some good reasons to do that? Thanks.
The first-ever business I started was gaming business. Then I had no money to rent a shop but had some console games. So I used a part of our house as a gaming house where people come to play micro juniors and the sega games. I use to charge 50 cents per hour. I started it because I wanted money and financial independence.
Many people like to start their own business and I am sure there are many people in here who have done the same thing. So, what was the very first business you started and were you successful in running that business? Why did you start that particular business? What were some good reasons to do that? Thanks.
my first business was in secondary school some years ago, it was a blood pressure checking machine that I used to make use for the business that time. Everyone who patronized me would have their blood pressure checked at a cost of just fifty naira and it was a cool business, I used the proceeds to survive for some time.
The first business I started was trading. I was around the age of 12 when I started selling kerosenes. I would go to the filling station near our house and some gallon of kerosene, dished it inside bottles and be selling it to the in our streets.
One of the first business I did was selling foodstuffs and perishable goods. It's a business that moves very well in areas where there are small restaurants and eateries. The downside is that most of the buyers tends to buy on credit due to familiarity. It's an experience though, because I learnt not to give goods on credit to customers to avoid any business breakdown.
How and when did you start your own business? Officially my company was incorporated in Aug 2018, this is the official legal start date, (birth date if you will) for the company. However, the journey started well before this date for me.
Inside Story of the 10 Most Successful Beginnings

# 1 Airbnb. This is the story of 3 boys and how they hired a 10 billion dollar company from the landslide. ...

# 2 Instagram. This is the story of two boys who made an app in a flat in 8 weeks. ...

Pintest # 3. ...

# 4 Angry Birds ...

# 5 LinkedIn. ...

# 6 Uber. ...

# 7 SnapChat. ...

# 8 WhatsApp.
Practically, although I might not have particular business running for now but I have a business that has been in existence for few years ago now.
Having a business is an inspiring and motivation to self moral objective, because when you own a business you feel all the possible challenges then you are qualified to be called a business owner.
After saving money for few years, the first business I tried offline was storage business, I seriously lost in the business that I regretted going into storage business then, a lot of what I stored go burn and spoiled.
The first business I started was clothing material business. I was in the university then, I would buy different designs in bulk and then take it to school and sell them. My price was not high and much cheaper than the market price because I bought at a wholesale price so people always patronize me.
Many people like to start their own business and I am sure there are many people in here who have done the same thing. So, what was the very first business you started and were you successful in running that business? Why did you start that particular business? What were some good reasons to do that? Thanks.
that was when I was observing my compulsory one year national youth service corps in my country here, it was a wears selling business, I was particularly selling clothes and shoes and I must say it is a very challenging business but with persistence, one will make a good living doing his personal business.
Many people like to start their own business and I am sure there are many people in here who have done the same thing. So, what was the very first business you started and were you successful in running that business? Why did you start that particular business? What were some good reasons to do that? Thanks.
The first business I every tried was footwear sales.

We purchase from an importer who imports plastic or polyethylene material from china, we distribute to retailer and sell some on retail too. It was nice doing it and the boss made huge money from it.
The first business I started was that of buying scratch cards and selling them to retail shops. I started it when I had just completed high school and had some free time. It was a good business that kept me busy and earned me some good profits.
My first business as a teenager was a rabbit farm, I love animals and I love to keep them and care for them. The running costs for a rabbit farm is very low because they feed on grasses and so many bushes are available in our neighbourhood, so its easy to get them food at no cost.
Oh I remember my first business to be in sales management. It was really a though year and I was still pretty young at that. A lot of challenges from here and there. But gracefully I was able to overcome. And it's now one of my many streams of income.
I never started any business yet but I am ready to start a business along with my family cousin and the business is to start restaurant business as restaurant business running well and profitable day by day and in demand is increasing every second of area people really and Interestely joining the restaurants show the first step will be my restaurant starting
The first business I did in my life was cement selling, it was really lucrative to extend that I make a lot of money. The Cement business need a lot of money bcos in order to varieties of cement u have committed a lot of money to realized something reasonable. During the time that I started a little money was the one I can mobilized but due to prudent nature I put into the business I was able to realized fat profit.

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