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What factors hinders you from saving money??

personally the lack of that extra money that i will be saving, my current money is enough for me and i can't save more than that, because there are lot of things to buy and spend money on, i'm still a student by the way.
The main reason for the company to make sure that you have the opportunity for the company to make sure the company that you are very well soon will be able to make sure you are able to make sure your customers policies are u is not only the company they have but also send them to your local business and you.
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The main reason for the company to make sure that you have the opportunity for the company to make sure the company that you are very well soon will be able to make sure you are able to make sure your customers policies are u is not only the company they have but also send them to your local business and you.
As a student, a large portion of my income is spent on education.In addition, the remaining money is spent on rent. In addition, food costs are very high۔ Many small expenses still cause a reduction in income.
Saving money tends to be difficult when one doesn't have a consistent income. You might be tempted to make use of the money you saved maybe because you are hungry. With a consistent income, I believe someone should be able to have a reasonable savings in their bank account.
So many things hiders one from saving
Low income someone receiving low income which is not sufficient for his family will not be encouraged to save
Family issues emergency may arise in the family and requires a lot of financial assistance
Unforseen contingency such as health issues
Expenses. This expenses keep eating into my income of my business. Imagine trying to save 40% of my income, only to encounter unplanned expenses which must be resolved.
In my country, there are many factors that affects and hinders savings such as the cost living. The high cost of living such as accommodation, transportation, and feeding*.
You are absolutely right, we should save something or some percent from our income either per day, monthly or yearly. This will help us in our bad period like in pandemic situation. Too much responsibilities, expenditures, some wishes stop us to save . but we should save some portion fron income.
The more reason why I dont do much saving or I dont have any savings right now is because my earning bracket is on the low side( in other words I am almost always broke).I do save the little I can but with time an emergency would arise and I would use the money to solve the emergency problem.
Factors like investment is a very important factor. One should always prefer investment over savings. Saving for me is limited because of the fact that it doesn't increase the money being saved but rather will decrease it
Also, emergencies has hindered me from saving because every time I try to save, I get caught up with expenses
Not being able to save more money is my school I do pay lot of money on school maybe the school fees and lot of textbook to buy and so on and also buying clothes paying rent all of does don't allow me to save for the future ontill I finished my education I can't be able to save more no matter how much I save it all spend on my education transport fare also part of it
If you're the sole sponsor of your schooling then it will be hard to save anything tangible cos i know how school is draining down ones funds especially the higher institutions type, the one you are truly into.
Interest rates – higher interest rates makes saving more attractive.Rising income enables higher saving. People on very low income cannot afford the luxury of saving
Economic growth – high growth and high consumer confidence encourages relatively higher spending and a fall in the savings ratio.
Saving is a good financial decision a person can ever make. So many things hinder this decision to be actualized. One is expenses. On most occasion,the expenses of an individual may be too much that what will be left of the income might not be enough to sustain the person until another income comes in. Another thing is indiscipline. A person can be fond of buying the necessary and unnecessary things only to find out that the amount to be saved has been used to buy the unnecessary things.
Food, clothing, internet subscription, drinks, women. These factors are very very very important factors that can stop or hinfser you from saving money . The women is a very crucial one cause they will keep billing you . Those you love and those you don't , all together billing from right center front
Unexpected expenses are the major enemies of savings. Everyone always have a plan of keep some portion of our income but when the unexpected expenses arise we don't have choice but to deep our hand in our savings. Which money are you saving when you are badly in need of money to fix something in the house?
The major issue that hinders me from saving quite alt is that I find it hard to say NO to people who ask me for financial assistance, Wether friends or strangers. I am very generous in nature and I have a very good heart, so I hate to see people suffer when I can help out. This problem has been with me for long and it always prevents me from saving much of my income, as sometimes, I can even give out money to people even when they don't ask me, because I sensed they were in financial difficulties.
I think there should be no factors to save money. It is a necessary task to save money once your business is making an income. You will never now what will happen to the future. So you to do some saving. I hope you got what I mean. "Save money or die without money?"
It was then that is many years ago that a lot of things stop me and be an hindrance from not saving some money but as thinks goes on and the responsibility in my life becomes more I automatically start saving because I know what I want to achieve and if I don't have saved them I will not like it.
Saving money is easier said than done. So many persons actually wants to save money for future purposes and emergency bit due to problems here and there, responsibilities of caring for the family and relations actually hinders a person from saving
I have heard widespread responses about the difficulties involved in saving money due to issues unrest. What you should ask yourself is that, when will this issues unrest wave off, so I'll save? My answer is 'Never, issues never go off from mankind. As you are taking responsibilities, you shouldn't forget to save something for the future. Remember their is life tomorrow, don't spend like everything is finished today. Irrespective of that, i know their are still factors that hinders our saving progress. Can you take your little time out and point out those factors that never allows you save.
Mostly living expenses being so costly (rent, food, occasional transportation), and my expenditures on other leisure things (which I try not to do much often now). And a portion of my salary is always meant to give for my family (it is a responsibility that I took when I started working, and I'm not complaining. It is my way to give back to my family).

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