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Should you give bonusses on employee's birthday?

One thing I know, is that giving bonusses to your employees is ideal for making a work environment happy. And especially so, I think it's the case for bonusses on an employees birthday. I think it's a great gesture to give a bonus to an employee of yours. It shows you care about them, enough to the point you'd give them a gift.

Have you ever given out bonuses or even gifts to an employee on their birthday?
There are a lot of companies that do this. It is very good so as to make your employee happy. It is also good because they will be motivated to continue working. Especially the hardworking ones, they will feel grateful to the company. It is a good act.
Personally I don't think that will be a better idea but I believe you can do that as an individual not as the boss. because when you calculate the amount of money that will be spend on your employees birthdays will be very high.
One thing I know, is that giving bonusses to your employees is ideal for making a work environment happy. And especially so, I think it's the case for bonusses on an employees birthday. I think it's a great gesture to give a bonus to an employee of yours. It shows you care about them, enough to the point you'd give them a gift.

Have you ever given out bonuses or even gifts to an employee on their birthday?
I would prefer giving small gift rather than a bonus but if the employer is hard working then I would not mind to give bonus I work in a small company and I don't recieve anything but that's fine
One thing I know, is that giving bonusses to your employees is ideal for making a work environment happy. And especially so, I think it's the case for bonusses on an employees birthday. I think it's a great gesture to give a bonus to an employee of yours. It shows you care about them, enough to the point you'd give them a gift.

Have you ever given out bonuses or even gifts to an employee on their birthday?
Your business can be very successful if you have a good attitude with employee If you give him a gift or a gift to him on the occasion of his happiness, then this will increase his respect for you and he will work whole heartedly .Because your employees will take interest in their Business .Because of which your business can grow even more
There are certain things that should be done to entice the employees and make them relevant and one of those things is giving free gift during the employees birthday because you are demonstrating to them that they are relevant.
It all depends , not giving them anything on their birthday does not mean that your employees won't possibly perform their normal duties in the organisation .
If you're doing this for them it is just your own personal will as a business owner but not really because that will help them do what they are supposed to do.
There is absolutely nothing wrong to give employee bonus on his birthday it's a good decision because it's going to motivate such employee to work harder better when they return back to their work place so there is nothing wrong doing just this
Well I think if you will be given a bonus to an employee on his birthday, then you should be ready to do that to all your employees to keep balance and then considering the expenses that will be made for that.
There are certain things that should be done to entice the employees and make them relevant and one of those things is giving free gift during the employees birthday because you are demonstrating to them that they are relevant.

Not all the businesses do that. In fact, I have seen many companies simply trying to overlook the efforts put by the employees in the first place and this is quite bad.
Well I think every entrepreneur has a best way to handle his employees in terms of celebration or social activities.
It's not mandatory anywhere but it's good to celebrate with them but not all the time.
Well I think every entrepreneur has a best way to handle his employees in terms of celebration or social activities.
It's not mandatory anywhere but it's good to celebrate with them but not all the time.

I am quite sure that not all the bosses could actually celebrate birthdays all the time. I reckon that it all depends on the companies' budget as well.
It's not compulsory to give bonus to your employees during their birthday. Giving them gift or bonus is good, but not giving them is not bad. But once you give bonus to one, you must give to all.
Probably, giving birthday bonuses is actually not in any kind of agreement before people are employed. It is just a way of appreciating them and not doing that is actually not bad.
Many businesses decide to give little bonuses or gifts to their employees on their birthdays as a way to express their gratitude and appreciate their commitment and hard work. This is a terrific method to establish rapport with your staff members and demonstrate your appreciation for them.
Yes, that's a good idea most employees will like this idea, not only that it will help in making them feel motivated, this has a lot of benefits, it will also help in retaining them.
If you have the resources to do so, then i see no reason why you shouldn't though. This is also a way of showing appreciation to your workers. Last year though i was not given any bonus on my birthday, but my boss bought drinks which we drank at the office, it made me feel good.
This should not be a major problem as you need to have your staffs at heart and find a way to make them feel special on an important day in there life, and this would make them add more effort.
Actually it's not a bad idea but you should consider how the business will continue to cope with such situation when you have more than 20 or 30 employees in your company and then giving them such giveaway.
There are a lot of companies that do this. It is very good so as to make your employee happy. It is also good because they will be motivated to continue working. Especially the hardworking ones, they will feel grateful to the company. It is a good act.
it is actually a very good way to appreciate your very hard-working employees. it will make them feel very much appreciated for their hard work and It can also motivate them to work harder.
Given bonuses on employees birthdays is very stressful personally I think simply because if you are having more than 30 employees, how will you satisfy them when having birthdays at a specific time.
it is a welcome development and would definitely improve the atmosphere of the working environment, and would also make the atmosphere a lot friendly and lovable as well which would improve productivity.
You are a right, giving gifts and providing a friendly environment will encourage the employees to work better, providing such an environment for employees will make them to work together as a family.
This should not be a major problem as you need to have your staffs at heart and find a way to make them feel special on an important day in there life, and this would make them add more effort.
That is true and that is the right way but there are still some companies that do not have their workers in mind. They do not care about the welfare of the workers which is not fair
Giving bonus to an employee on the occasion of their birthday is not something realistic, you could give him gifts and cards but I don't think bonus is good incentive . Bonus should be given as a reward for job welldone

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