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Instead of giving money to beggars, do this instead!

I heard a story about someone who didn't want to beg and so went to hawk but got injured during a fast traffic and now can't hawk and decided to beg,what would you say about that?
I heard a story about someone who didn't want to beg and so went to hawk but got injured during a fast traffic and now can't hawk and decided to beg,what would you say about that?
In this case I believe both of them should be taken care of, because there are some people that cannot do any business based on their health condition, we still have to help them.
This is actually a good point from you. However, I think the government of your country should not have encouraged or allowed begging in the first place, even hawking among the people in the society and it shows that there is poverty in the country
Well you have a good idea. A lot of people have turned begging into an occupation just because they see people giving them money and that's really a bad idea as far as am concerned. So it's really good to help the children hawking too
Instead of giving money to beggars you can be able to empower them empowerment is one of the best thing that you can be able to give to humans.
In my country there are usually elderly people and children who go about the streets everyday of their lives begging for money and I feel they don't want to go and work because they always get from people. I believe giving beggars Money is more like encouraging to continue begging, instead of giving them money, try and buy from those children Hawking goods and then leave your balance with them.

At least you are encouraging them to continue working hard for their money, not that you continue giving beggars money.
You are right I know of a woman who built mansion through begging some of them them have big investment in their home town even if I want to pity I rather buy you food but my money never again
In my country there are usually elderly people and children who go about the streets everyday of their lives begging for money and I feel they don't want to go and work because they always get from people. I believe giving beggars Money is more like encouraging to continue begging, instead of giving them money, try and buy from those children Hawking goods and then leave your balance with them.

At least you are encouraging them to continue working hard for their money, not that you continue giving beggars money.
That is a very good job. You buy food instead of money to the beggar.

Giving of money to beggar is really an encouragement for that person not to find job but just keep on begging. The best thing to do is to give goods like food.
Most beggars are just plain lazy because most of them are physically okay and giving them money encourages and keep them in the act.
There are some people who naturally don't like the begging for hams but situation pushes them to do so. you can help search people's if you have with in your capacity.
I don't give beggars money ever since I read the story of a millionaire who has no arms and legs (Nick Vujicic). I mean, it's annoying when you see able bodied men and women who're complete and beg. I even told a beggar one day to go and work, the next thing she told me was that's her work. I was amazed
They better go get something doing is what I tell them
Most of the Beggers on the street are able man and woman . They just do not want to work, they find begging as a easy way to make money.i prefer giving money to hawkers than the able bodied beggers. It's a way to encourage the hawkers and tell them that they are appreciated.
I am always more than willing to help poor people and widows. However, the problem is that many people in my city have made begging a profession and this makes it difficult to distinguish between a geniunely needy person and pretenders who just pretend to be poor, unfortuantely.
For a very long time, I have been of the opinion that giving money to beggars is good quite alright but it wouldn't improve their situation.
You are right I know of a woman who built mansion through begging some of them them have big investment in their home town even if I want to pity I rather buy you food but my money never again
That is so much. Imagine what would have even promoted her to even consider begging. Building a mansion shows she must have made so much money.
This title of yours is considered a clickbait on operaNewsHub. I wonder if you write on the platform. Begging has been a lucrative business for some people. I have heard reports of those making more than 10$ a day begging. One was even reported building a house from it.
If you have an offer with which you could offer them in order to earn from it then by all means please do,if you have little change to dash a cripple then help
I agree with you 100% on this. It is just so unfortunate. In fact in the country where I live begging is becoming a career especially in the northern part of the country. Many of these beggars are not even disabled but I just plain lazy. People of course give them money that is why their numbers are growing by the day. Empowering them would have been way better . don't give a man a fish teach him how to catch a fish
Everything has its advantages and disadvantages .., you just stated the disadvantages , the advantage of giving to beggers is getting blessed , the Bible said give and it shall be given unto you .. since in the Bible the beggers still exist the Bible even say again that the poor will never cease out of the land..., So just thank God for your opportunity
Some people choose to beg instead of working hard to earn a living. I am saying this based on my observation. You cannot make people work if they can earn well through begging.
Some beggars are comfortable with begging because of what they make from begging everyday is more than what some people makes in a day. No matter how you help them they will still honback to it.
Some beggars are comfortable with begging because of what they make from begging everyday is more than what some people makes in a day. No matter how you help them they will still honback to it.
That is what i also observed about some of the beggers,well maybe because they do not have any other way of making money and as a result they have to be comfortable with what they do.

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