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Instead of giving money to beggars, do this instead!

Does it mean you don't give begers anything at all? I don't judge anyone on their position on this matter here. But I think I will still give begers I see whose situations and circumstances can not be overlooked
Does it mean you don't give begers anything at all? I don't judge anyone on their position on this matter here. But I think I will still give begers I see whose situations and circumstances can not be overlooked
No one is against helping beggar's , we are only against beggars who are not physically challenged yet they fail to work but prefer begging money from people.
I don't believe it is all begers you see on the street are happy doing what they are doing. Some are genuinely destitute in this life. So I will assist to the best that my heart will direct
I concur with you 100%, even though it is good to assist people in need, but giving to people without any form of deformity is actually giving credence to it
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It is sad one indeed. I pity them, but that doesn't mean I'll be given them money all the time. I won't be supporting their ministry, they are fit enough to carter for their needs.
Lol... The supporting your ministry part made me laugh real hard, but on a more serious note, I think giving to beggers habitually is not a good thing at all.
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It is sad one indeed. I pity them, but that doesn't mean I'll be given them money all the time. I won't be supporting their ministry, they are fit enough to carter for their needs.
Lol... The supporting your ministry part made me laugh real hard, but on a more serious note, I think giving to beggers habitually is not a good thing at all.
It's the same thing that happens to me, when I see the effort to sell on the streets, on public transport all day long, I buy from them and sometimes I leave them the change. But with beggars I am analytical and it is difficult for me to give something.

That's right, I lived in high school something similar in terms of bad influences but thanks to good advice and my way of being, I finished my studies and graduated as I should, but those friendships in which I almost lost myself, none of them finished their studies at the time.
The way you write shows you're disciplined enough. Not everyone is disciplined that way in the tertiary institutions, that's why problems come to them that made them not to finish. It all started in the street life before something changed and he or she entered into school started misbehaving again, living the street life in the campus.
The way you write shows you're disciplined enough. Not everyone is disciplined that way in the tertiary institutions, that's why problems come to them that made them not to finish. It all started in the street life before something changed and he or she entered into school started misbehaving again, living the street life in the campus.
That's right, thanks to my mother and my relatives for their advice and guidance. Friendships and parties can easily influence the weakest. That's why I believe that the beggars in the street if they don't listen and take the right path can end up very badly.
Buying the ghost of these burgers on the street we definitely motivate them to keep on doing this business of theirs instead of them concentrating on Begging and constituting nuisance. The the best way to help these beggars is actually giving them something to be doing to take away their mind away from begging.
I think that they are habituated of begging and it is very hard for them to seek from job , if you fall as slave of custom it is most difficult to change behavior .
While I don't encourage the arming of these sets of people who are still able to do something for themselves but rather choose to go begging as an easy way out, I still believe there are those that are actually helpless that truly need help
Well for those Street burgers I think the best way to really help them is to put them in into school as educational as a way of polishing of people and changing their mindset and mentality full stop when these people goes to school they will know that they still have other options aside begging people on the street.
That's right, thanks to my mother and my relatives for their advice and guidance. Friendships and parties can easily influence the weakest. That's why I believe that the beggars in the street if they don't listen and take the right path can end up very badly.
You spoke on high esteem dear, you should be grateful to your mom, for detailing all you need to know about peer influence. The peers you're with are bad surely you'll be influenced that way. That's exactly what's happening to those street beggars.
At least you've done your best to act as a good Samaritan, providing what you can afford to give. You aren't the one who created him, so he should go cry for the parents for bringing him out to beg. That's child abuse, the parents should be arrested and thoroughly disciplined for bringing the boy out for suffering.
Instead of giving money to beggars one thing was to empower them with skills in order to stop them from begging with these they can be able to make income to solve their expenses.
Exactly, I believe continuously giving to them, especially those without physical disability is not a way of helping them but compounding to there problem, as this would make them be a lot more complacent with their life.
That's right, thanks to my mother and my relatives for their advice and guidance. Friendships and parties can easily influence the weakest. That's why I believe that the beggars in the street if they don't listen and take the right path can end up very badly.
I think that this is a very good way of giving. Some of this beggars are actually able bodied and can do good work but just decide to rekindle to begging.
Instead of giving money to beggars one thing was to empower them with skills in order to stop them from begging with these they can be able to make income to solve their expenses.
If i have such money, i would've been helping those of us begging through skill acquisition so they'll learn and become useful in their life.
Beggar they say can't be a chooser but in my home country the reverse is the case.I have seen a beggar who rejected money because it's a smaller note. Many of these people (beggar) are too lazy ,hence I seldom give them money.
Beggar they say can't be a chooser but in my home country the reverse is the case.I have seen a beggar who rejected money because it's a smaller note. Many of these people (beggar) are too lazy ,hence I seldom give them money.
Instead of giving burgers morning in paulding with knowledge and skills that will help them to start up their own business so that they won't beg again
Exactly, I believe continuously giving to them, especially those without physical disability is not a way of helping them but compounding to there problem, as this would make them be a lot more complacent with their life.
Of course, there are many, and I dare say that the vast majority of beggars do not have any kind of disability. They are people capable of getting jobs, but they prefer to be on the street and ask passers-by for money and live on it, without any effort.
Even if we are giving money to this people as an encouragement, they will still not be satisfied with it, in this case we really need to do what is in our mind and help whoever we are comfortable of helping if we have an opportunity.
Beggar they say can't be a chooser but in my home country the reverse is the case.I have seen a beggar who rejected money because it's a smaller note. Many of these people (beggar) are too lazy ,hence I seldom give them money.
You just nailed the point. Some beggars are not actually those that are suppose to be on the streets begging. These set of people are very lazy and selective in what you give them, some will even insults you for trying to give them a lower denomination of your country currency.
You just nailed the point. Some beggars are not actually those that are suppose to be on the streets begging. These set of people are very lazy and selective in what you give them, some will even insults you for trying to give them a lower denomination of your country currency.
Is it up giving beggars money and you try to empower the beggers because they say it is better to show one how to fish than give him fish
Well you have a good idea. A lot of people have turned begging into an occupation just because they see people giving them money and that's really a bad idea as far as am concerned. So it's really good to help the children hawking too

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