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How many hours do you spend working online?

I don't really allocate time for online work. I do it whenever I have the chance. I am a student so I have free time occasionally, therefore I don't have a fixed time. I work whenever there is the opportunity.
I have registered on 4-5 earning sites, however, I am only on two paid to post forums. When I started working online, I was not much active, however, these days, I am very active and I spend just about three hours every day. Everyday I try to reach posting limit on the forums I am working.
My hours online is unpredictable. There are days that I spend 8 hours a day. There are times that I spend only one hour. I think it depends on my availability. Sometimes that are things that I need to attend to, and I have no hour to spend in online job. I think on the average I have 3 hours all in all.
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When I'm working i don't used to spend much time online post on paid to post forums like this because my offline works requires much of my attention and there is no way i can leave it so i only post in the night, but now that I'm holidays i spend like 4-6 hour before i make 50 comments on this forum.
I spend nothing less than 5 hours online for online activities. Once I'm not wasting my time there and what I'm doing is either fetching me money or knowledge but most importantly money, it's cool
I can't really calculate the number of time I work online in a day because I do it periodically, whenever i am free . It's interesting to note that working online fun most especially when you work on PTP sites
Actually I don't really have a fixed time all I do is just come online work till I finish whatever I have to do .I don't really have a particular time or duration I spend. But recently i have been working here and I wasn't paid biznotes for some post i did .
I don't really allocate time for online work. I do it whenever I have the chance. I am a student so I have free time occasionally, therefore I don't have a fixed time. I work whenever there is the opportunity.
Exactly. For most online gigs you work when the opportunity presents itself. Although that has to do with the time zone one's work comes from. If one works with a transcription company there are times when their will be abundance of works to do and there are times when their will be scarcity.
I don't really know for sure how many hours I spent before, and the former rule of this site is 3 posts per hour, so I just just post when I can, but now? I barely spend my time posting here or anywhere because I've been busy.
Excellent that you took some time to be online @chicnthin , just to point out that nowadays you can make posts at any time. Although I know that when there are offline occupations, it is limiting to post, you can post when you have some availability with no limit of 3 per hour.
Hmm... Its well, i believe things will get better very soon. because we need to survive theirfore we have to work yourself out to meet our daily needs.
I loved this, it is better to survive our needs rather than strive to satisfy them. But I know that in the short or medium term everything will get better for everyone, including the members of this forum.
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Excellent that you took some time to be online @chicnthin , just to point out that nowadays you can make posts at any time. Although I know that when there are offline occupations, it is limiting to post, you can post when you have some availability with no limit of 3 per hour.
I actually like that there's no hourly limit now, because before, when I had time to post, I could only write 3 posts an hour, not to mention that I have to keep track time everytime.
I actually like that there's no hourly limit now, because before, when I had time to post, I could only write 3 posts an hour, not to mention that I have to keep track time everytime.
That's right, apart from the good things that Bizdustry has, it stood out with the change of the limitations, to benefit us with the freedom of publication. This has allowed us to reactivate the activities after lowering the earnings for publications in the forum.
I have registered on 4-5 earning sites, however, I am only on two paid to post forums. When I started working online, I was not much active, however, these days, I am very active and I spend just about three hours every day. Everyday I try to reach posting limit on the forums I am working.
I normally spend up to five hours online when am out to make money, but when I need to rest I can say 3 hours or less
I can't really calculate the number of time I work online in a day because I do it periodically, whenever i am free . It's interesting to note that working online fun most especially when you work on PTP sites
Same with me. Although I have a fixed time to work in the morning but during weekends my schedule is loaded with house chores. Weekends are also reserved for short or long trips that we do even in this pandemic ers.
If online will pay me huge than human hard labour I rather stay twenty four hours on net. This days making money is far more easy not how far but how well
I am planning to add more gets paid to post website to the few months I have with me right now. I think if I have five of them which have the same system I should be able to make nothing less than $3 per day which amounts to 150 dollars per month.
I don't really keep track of that like I used to. These days I try to work early and be done as fast as I can. Some days I take the whole day, but for the most part, I don't really know how long I work. I would say it's like a 40+ hour job. At least.
I have been spending a lot of hours but right now I have been planning to cut off the time I spend on the internet due to health problems. Sitting a lot can be hazardous to your health. I will be putting little effort earning money online due to this fact.
I am still working online daily using up to five to six hours online working in forum sites and sometimes freelancing sites depending on when I am free with my offline activities.
I actually don't earn anything yet with bizdustry paid to post forum because I joined a couple of days ago on Tuesday and need 26 posts to earn 2 cents per post.I spend 1_3 hours on mylot another paid to post site daily.I am addicted to mylot.I earn points for charging my phone with current.I am paid to play and install apps with current.Playing music earns me points with current.I spend a couple hours daily with just play easy rewards and mistplay.I earn $50_$70 online monthly.
It's very hard to complete a task on all of this forum and that's why I have only limited my time to BizDustry only because I will just use all time I'm expected to use on other forum on BizDustry only
One if I have enough data to run and two if my battery is not down I can spend the whole 24 hours online working. It's fun working online from the comfort of your home

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