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Do you think location plays a major role in any business success??

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Be it online or offline business, the ability for your customers to find and interact with you conveniently is very important to growth as such to u should always choose good location.
This morning as I pass by the main road of our town I again saw the hardware store that is about 2 feet below the road level. For sure that store will be flooded during the rainy season. That is a big mistake by the owner to build such a commercial space in the lowest part of the area. That is a bad decision that showed lack of research for the business location.
Local plays important role if you are operating offline business. let say, you have a clothing store and if the store is located in the business disctrict, you can generate a lot of sales.
For businesses that are been run offline, location plays a very key role in the success of such business. If it were a business run online, that is of no importance to location because it is online
Yes and industrial and highly populated location is the best for business because you are selling a raw material for example you will need a companies in an industrial location to buy this material from you, you cannot start up a business in a low populated area and expect success.
Yes and industrial and highly populated location is the best for business because you are selling a raw material for example you will need a companies in an industrial location to buy this material from you, you cannot start up a business in a low populated area and expect success.
yes you mentioned it well without a good location you cant think that your business will grow as you wanted to make it large or to get a big profit for your hard work.
yes you mentioned it well without a good location you cant think that your business will grow as you wanted to make it large or to get a big profit for your hard work.
Yes we all need a good location because there is no business in this world that can can run without people,if you start up a business in a location that has no people it might be very difficult for you to make profit in that business because you will not be able to buy all that you have produce for sale.
Yes we all need a good location because there is no business in this world that can can run without people,if you start up a business in a location that has no people it might be very difficult for you to make profit in that business because you will not be able to buy all that you have produce for sale.
in all condition, a business needs folk to grow it and it should be approach of all people so they can make your good sell so with the good profit you can boost your business.
in all condition, a business needs folk to grow it and it should be approach of all people so they can make your good sell so with the good profit you can boost your business.
Yes that is why a lot of business are failing because they did not do a proper research about the business they want to do it sometimes they will say she's not all about how you will make profit but the geography is also very important,every business is suitable in one location or the other
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Location is very important in business because without proper location a business is not likely to succeed that is why it is always advisable to start a business in a location that is highly populated, good location means good profit in business.
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yes location play a very important role in business success because if you are starting up a business in a location that is not populated where people will not be able to buy product from you then obviously you will be at lost because you will not be able to make a reasonable sell to gain profit.
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Of course location please a very important role in the success of any business. There is no way you will situate a business in an area where by people who are not interested in what you are selling resides.
Yes, it plays a big role in overseeing peoples business progress. I sell in the semi urban store, my sales isn't very much as i expected. A friend of mine, selling in the urban settlement that does same business with me record enough sales than i do.
Location plays a huge role in attracting and retaining the best employees, many of whom keep a close eye on where they're based in order to optimize work-life balance. Good location decisions can significantly boost a company's long-term performance. Poor ones can cost millions in lost talent, productivity and capital.
Without a doubts in me i can affirmatively say a big yes. Location is one thing everyone puts into consideration before siting a business. Location is key when doing your market segmentation and when setting up your market differentials. So location is key indeed.
Definitely it plays a major role in business success fit for a business personel you surely need to consider this things before you establish your business locations surely determine what you sell a d how you sell.
It is not always True for all businesses. There are business that can thrive no matter where they are sited, so they ain't limited by these factors.
I dont think, i know for a fact that your business location plays a major role in the success of your business. Lets say for example you are a car dealer, then you decide to open your shop in a school environment. Your sales would be low, because the kind of people that frequent that location are students.
I dont think, i know for a fact that your business location plays a major role in the success of your business. Lets say for example you are a car dealer, then you decide to open your shop in a school environment. Your sales would be low, because the kind of people that frequent that location are students.
I know of a car dealer business near the university belt. I think that location is not really bad enough to sell cars even if students are the most frequent in the area. What's bad for a location of a car dealer is in the rural area beside the rice fields. Only the farmers can see the business so there would be no sales.
Locations plays a very major roles in any business growth or set up , before you set up that desired business you have in mind you should consider the location first is your product needed in the environment
Business location is very important among all the requirements to success. This is why feasibility study is very important before going into a particular business. Sitting a business in a wrong location my result to the failure of that business.
When it comes to business, location is key. Some businesses can thrive in a location and may not thrive in some other place. So when establishing a business, put the location of the business into consideration.
Be it online or offline business, the ability for your customers to find and interact with you conveniently is very important to growth as such to u should always choose good location.
Location plays a big role in a business enterprise , for a business to thrive and moves forward , the business has to be in a very good place where people can get what they want easily there.
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