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Do you think location plays a major role in any business success??

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Imagine having a saloon far away in bush far from people and having another branch in the market square, which do you think customers would prefer even if the best barber is the one in the bush, customers feel uneasy going far for what they want.
Locations plays a very major roles in any business growth or set up , before you set up that desired business you have in mind you should consider the location first is your product needed in the environment
Yes, I concur with your idea. Location is half the determinant of any successful business out there. The better the location, the more likely you are able to excel in that venture. Please, do all it takes to analyze a location before settling for that space. The security and viability of the location can not be over emphasized.
Deciding where to locate a business has always been important.Location plays a huge role in attracting and retaining the best employees, many of whom keep a close eye on where they’re based in order to optimize work-life balance.
Yeah, i concur with what you just said. Location plays a major role in bringing more customers to patronize on what an entrepreneur deals on. Every business should operate on a targeted location, in order to oversee the growth of the business.
I believe, for some businessed, location is the major player for making or breaking business. The product and service you are selling should be in demand in the location where your business is based.
Location plays a great role. If your business is placed in a posh location, you will have to spend a lot of money in rents and your operational cost will be high. If your business is placed in a country side, you will also be paying a lot of money in transportation of goods and your expenses will be high
Their are businesses that is managed in the rural areas and still going strong and bringing steady returns. Same goes to the urban areas and their is still profit flowing steady. But everything depends on the strategies and plan one used for the business.

Do you think that location can play a major role in determining a business success??
Yes, it does. One has to be strategic in choosing a location for any business he proposes to do except if you're going into online businesses. Location may not be problems.
Location play a vital role in the growth of a business, when you sell the right things in the right location your business will surely be growing fast and vise versa
One of the major factor to look out for when starting a business is the location, as it plays a big role in the success of the business.
Concerning the topic at hand which os location of a business, yes I strongly feel location plays a vital role in a business success. Take someone who has his or her business in the urban region compared to the one in the rural region, their income will be different
The location of a business matters a lot, when citing a business first you consider the location and the security of the location because this will go a long way in determining the growth of the business. Also you the business as to meet the needs of the people in that particular location.
Location can influence a business’s ability to market itself, the competition it faces from businesses, the total cost of operation, taxes the business owner has to pay and the regulations they must follow.So, location is everything to business.
Location is one of the major points to consider when starting a business, you can not solve a need where its not needed.
Location is very important in the success of your business, that's why people prefer to pay high amount on shop rent provided its in the 'sight'.
Undoubtedly yeah . Businesses that are well suitated easily get customers compared to those in hidden areas ,or areas where there poor transportation / communication
Selection of location
Location plays vital roles in bussines,every business individual,what come first to his/her mind is where to put up a bussines site that's location because it help in sales of your products and where thieves can don disturb you.
I believe lcation plays great roll when it comes to business this is because one of the first thing you need to check when starting a new business, is a good environment for the business
Location plays a major roles in the survival of a business. Without a good location, the business will struggle to live up to expectations. Some businesses thrive in a high populated areas, when you situate such business in a lonely locations it mid possible for it to close down within months.
Yes of course for you to start up a business you have to go for a market survey to make sure that your business will go wrll if not you may not sell anything or even make so Location determine a lot in business
If you are operating an offline business, location plays a great role. It is important for a grocery store to be in the proximity of the residential area, for a clothing store to be in the market area.
It definitely plays a major role in a successful business because things you tends to enjoy at an urban area you can't get half of it in a rural area
Location plays a major role in the growth of a business. A location with favorable economic conditions will promote and drive growth for the business
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