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Do you think location plays a major role in any business success??

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I still remember during my college days we were taught the factors that affect business which one of them is location. Some business will trend in a location more than another
Business location is one of the determinant of success of the business. However, citation of busines doesn’t necessarily have to be in the metropolitan or cities instead it should be based on the area where there’s a high demand for your products and service. Moreover the standard of living is one thing that should be considered when selecting the location for a business
I strongly agreed with your point, location of a business should be based on the areas where your services and products is more requested for. Establishing your business where your services and products are not needed will cause doom for the business.
Yes I believe a location is very important for the success of a business. It determines how fast a business will grow also. Operating a business in a rural area is different from an urbanized place
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Yes I believe a location is very important for the success of a business. It determines how fast a business will grow also. Operating a business in a rural area is different from an urbanized place
Wrong location can deny you access to different things like access to market. If your location is far from the targeted market you will tend to spend extra money to being your product to the market
The location of your business is very key in determining its success. You should locate it in a place where there is high market value. That way, you get more customers to sell to.
Yes I strongly believe that location plays a very key role on the success of any kind of business that is location concerned. The better the location the better the chances
Of course location plays a very important role in businesses success. Not all business thrive in a rural area and not all business thrive well in an urban area. The settings of a business play a key factor in it's growth.
Location is a major factor in any business, it's one of the first things to look out when setting out, it could be in a rural or an urban region as long it meet the needs for the said business
I think location play a very big role in a business, because location is part of business when someone established business in a wrong part the business cannot function well.
Their are businesses that is managed in the rural areas and still going strong and bringing steady returns. Same goes to the urban areas and their is still profit flowing steady. But everything depends on the strategies and plan one used for the business.

Do you think that location can play a major role in determining a business success??
By all means yes, location plays a major role in the success of any business at all, success may not be achieved if your product is not in the right location serving the right audience, you will most likely on every sale day be frustrated and exhausted .
Yes, location plays a major role in determining a business success. One can't go and establish a businesses meant to be operated in the city to the rural area.
By all means yes, location plays a major role in the success of any business at all, success may not be achieved if your product is not in the right location serving the right audience, you will most likely on every sale day be frustrated and exhausted .
Yes, success can't be achieved if the business is under operation at the wrong location. One can't start a car flipping business in the rural area to expect it boom like he wished.
Choosing the best business location is one of the most difficult decisions an entrepreneur could make. Many entrepreneurs take this move with a grain of salt, and it becomes much more difficult if you are a small business startup.
Yes, I believe the location of a business plays a major role in how the business will make sales. It determine the amount of profit that will be made in a period of time as well.
Location to a great extent, determines the success of a business. Running a 5 star hotel in a rural area will bring lesser profit than in an urban settlement.
The location of a business plays a vital role in the success of the business. Imagine if a business is situated at the wrong location, it will deprive the owner access to many things
Offcourse location definately plays a major role in the business growth,as if the business is cited in an isolated location it would be very difficult for customers to locate you.
Location also contributes ,but i don't think it plays a major role in the business , because there are other important factors that contributes to the success of the business like capital
Before starting a business, the target market must be considered. The target market goes a long way to determining the location and success of the business. If an entrepreneur chose to start selling generators in an area where electricity is always on, the person will most likely be wasting his/her time.

So, location plays a gigantic role in business.
Busineses is either you will be involved in selling goods or services , regardless Market and location of raw materials are the determining factor in the success of your business. Locating your business to source of raw material is much more important because it reduces cost of production while extensive market research will make sales higher.
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