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Are you addicted to social media?

Once we are hooked up with some things that earn us money. We will forget or won't have time for anything fun or entertaining.
True, once you reach a certain stage in life, you would no longer be interested in such things, that's why they say Life is a stage, the things that usually interest me before, I no longer find interest on them.
Social networks dependency happens as a result of for spare time you have actually. Unless you have actually a lot of still opportunity. When you're extremely hectic searching for your bearings in lifestyle, you will not have actually a lot opportunity for social networks.
I was oblivious of the fact that I was even more addicted than I thought. I had to find a way to help myself off that social media and result to something good like this platform that I earn from
I barely use social media this days. If I'm earning money in any platform online I tend not bother knowing what's happening there. I only visit my social media page once or twice in 3 days just check messages.
Nah, it is advisable to have some self control over how you frequent on social media. By the way as long as the platform is bringing in money, then I am addicted. Lol
Nah, i have been able to caution myself against getting addicted to social media.
Well not really addicted but always drawn to it. It has become a necessity tho and it sure looks like an addiction
Social media is my thing because there are many people around the world doing the same thing you do but differently so the only way to ctach up is thru social networks.
I am never addicted to social media. Social media should have its place in our lives and it should be put in check. One can lose the track of time because of the ecstacy of chatting and meeting new friends.
I only use social media to find new ways to make money often
I'm not really an addict because what you get addicted to u find it very difficult to stop. I love social media cause it's a platform for relaxation and comfort
Well, I enjoying using the internet and social media is one of the various tools available on the internet for interaction and much more, though I enjoy it I won't say I am addicted to using the various social media network available.
Few years back I used to enjoy spending time at different social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and so on. To the point that I'm always at my phone interacting with some friends and even to strangers. But lately I've been losing interest.
Previously, before I got to know how to make money online, I was addicted to social media but for now I know how I can use the internet to make money, I don't waste much time on social media anymore. I always think about making money now.
The truth is,I am always on social media but I don't know if I am addited to it.when do we classify someone being addicted to something-frqeuent use of something or excessive usage of it?if it is the later, then no,I am not addicted.
I am not addicted to social medias because I am simply not using the addictive ones as of: Tiktok, Instagram where the content is being thrown at you, so many pictures and videos and it never ends, you don't really choose the content but the content chooses you and such platforms are very addictive and people should consider stop using them just because they are so addective and worth nothing in my opinion, nothing more than a waste of time. Youtube for example is not an addictive ones in my opinion because just like you choose the content, you choose the videos to watch, then you choose when to stop watching, simple as that it works the same unlike tiktok where you don't really choose when to stop and it is very addictive, and the content there is also less professional, an amateur work. I usually use Youtube and Discord for like 3 or 4 hours everyday and I feel like I am the ones who is in control and not the platforms.
I'm kinda addicted to it cause I can't really stay a day without chatting online, reading football news and just checking stuffs that may interest me. I wonder a world without social media??
I definitely spend some time on social media but I do not think that it is something that I am addicted too because I can be able to take a break whenever I want.
I don't really make use of social media like Facebook or Instagram for anything , I have them all in my phone but I don't really spend most of my time there. I only concentrate in things that will help me earn more money online for now that is the most important thing.
Actually been addicted to social media is a choice and it depends on the benefit you derived. Personally I am not good at social media because to some extent it seems as a waste of time and data.

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