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Why is unemployment rate so high?

The cause of unemployment varies from lack of opportunities to laziness on the part of the unemployed, to restriction of jobs by the government or private business owners due to reasons best known to them.
I pray so too, another issue is the fact that in most cases it's the present government that brings in their own persons to take over so in reality it is still the same government ruling because they are making the major decisions back door.
And this is just what we should not accept in the next government if there is a any change, godfatherism is one of the things that is making our government to care less about the people of the country.
The Government needs to set a pace and provide better welfare and basic amenities in a Country so as to encourage foreign investors, this will definitely boost employments, otherwise, mass poverty.
Unemployment rate is so high because the government lacks the technical knowhow on how to make people to be self-employed by providing empowerment and environments that can make businesses to survive.
Unemployment simply means when those that are able and willing to work are unable to get a job. Unemployment have been a major issue throughout the nation. Bad governance have been a major factor responsible for this
In my opinion, the unemployment rates are high because the governments in these countries have not taken initiative to build businesses and create jobs. Likewise, people are also not qualified for jobs.
I think the issues of unemployment should not just be left for the government alone. We should also find ways as individuals to bring food to other people table.
When the economy of the country is bad there is every certainty of unemployment.
The best one can do right now is to get yourself aquinted with some certain skills and learn some online marketing, it pays
Unemployment rate is so high because the government is doing nothing to help young and willing youths with empowerment that can help them to be self sufficient.
Well I believe the cause of high rate of unemployment is because the system of government is not working. No provision of jobs for students graduating very year, federal and state jobs is in possible to get because man know man.
Unemployment rate is so high because everyone is waiting for the government to give them job and no one is trying to create job for themselves also in security in the place or in the nation is making people afraid to invest in the nation.
I would use my location as the case study, the level of employment is rather too high here and no solution seems to be in site too because the way the government is being run by incompetent leaders
Unemployment is becoming rampant because the government is giving a deaf ear to some critical points of establishment. Also we've always been talking about creating enabling environment for the unemployed.
The unemployment rate is very high because of the simple reason of population growth globally. This situation is a global one and not just a lot locally restricted type of situation. Everywhere yiuntravel to around the world you see unemployment too
From this part of the world, it's down to incompetence of.the government, things weren't always like this but the situation was not properly managed till it got to this point where unemployment is at its highest in the nation
Low consumer demand creates unemployment. Companies lose too much profit when demand falls. If they don't expect sales to pick up anytime soon, they must lay off workers. The higher unemployment causes consumer demand to drop even more.
Where one of the greatest causes of low consumer demand institute of purchasing power of the population. This happens because the economy of the country is very bad and so the only way that can make it to improve his when the economy of the country improved drastically.
I believe that the biggest reason that can be attributed to rising unemployment levels in many country is the unchecked population. You can then bring in things like corruption.
Unemployment is high nowadays because there is no job creation. The jobs available are based on connection. If you don't know someone in high position,it will be difficult to get such jobs and those unqualified for the job will be given the job.
Unemployment rate is high because our government keep making themselves rich and forgetting the masses..Until their generations are comfortable,no job for a command man..Everything is centered on connection..With this,I wonder how graduates who sponsor themselves will be able to get a job in a country as ours..It's so frustrating when you deserve a job and you are been deprived of it because of bribe..

This is true. I think private organizations in many Tier 3 countries should do something to eliminate the problem of unemployment. We should not depend on the government. if we will dependon the corrupt government, then nothing will change at all.
Unemployment, aside the government the unemployed does not want to get engaged in any handwork that's the reason the rate is high.

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