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What to do when Paypal is not available in your country?

That information left by @Nomad, "When you start receiving large funds in your individual account, PayPal becomes suspicious and may even block your account". That I didn't know, which is important to start taking into account, I don't handle large amounts so far, but in the future it's good to know that there is risk of blocking my Paypal account.
The PayPal version in my country can only send money but can't receive. One of the way out of this problem is that some people ask their relative in the developed countries to open a working and full-function PayPal for them. So they use this Paypal to receive payments online. Though some people use proxy to operate PayPal accounts but this is not always advisable and the account will be restricted over time.
That's one if the reasons why i don't cherish paypal. They can just stand up one day and put a ban on my account when large fund enters into it, cos its an individual account.
With your publication, I understand that it is not advisable to have an individual account. So what is the option in Paypal? the commercial account? I have not delved into the description of benefits and risks of the site, do you know anything about that?
You just request to employer to do a deposit in your Rapidworkers account then you use deposited funds to do some microjob that brings to you some referral on other earning websites like BEE Network or PRIZM Bot ...etc.
I use cryptocurrency as an alternative though I opened Paypal account in another country though risky because my funds can become limited at any point in time.
This is just because register with false information is a violation to paypal rules and term of services so change country residence and use VPN can be easily tracked by paypal bank. They have a good security team to avoid cheat in country residency.
I created a commercial account but not yet verified cos of my demographics. But I'm working to use another country's link to open PayPal's business account. My fear is the later ban, which comes unexpected cos of suspicious activities. The benefit of a commercial account, is the transaction of large funds. They won't restrict you for trading huge amount of funds via your account, unless your activities are suspicious then they can still ban it.
This is important to me @Sincere, I really thought I could transfer any amount from the individual Paypal account. I have to start valuing opening the business Paypal account for the not too distant future, when my earnings increase.
Okay, you can still upgrade your personal account into business account. I believe its possible through the individuals who i meet regularly online. They told me its possible but I've never trued it yet.
That's better, it means I can upgrade my individual account to a business account. This is excellent because when I opened the account there was not as much problem in my country as there is now, I think people who want to open a Paypal account are currently limited.
I know you wrote on your native country's language, but i got what you wrote. It is better to change to business account at some point to enable you gain more access to paypal features. Not everyone is able to use paypal cos of how difficult it is to set the account to be a verified one.
I didn't realize my mistake in the language @Sincere, thanks for writing it I already made the correction. In any case you are right, not everyone can have access to a Paypal account for that reason it is already a fact that I will change my account for a commercial one.
That will be fitting @Sariana23, if you gonna change your account to commercial one. At least you can have freedom to transfer reasonable funds and receive too without restrictions from paypal.
That's what I really need @Sincere, to be able to transfer and receive reasonable amounts without any kind of restriction, so I appreciate your guidance on this matter. I hope I won't have any inconvenience when I request such a change.
As long as you've been using paypal for so long, i don't think you'll encounter issues swapping it. How much is the max you receive via your personal PayPal account??
I don't have a specific amount since I am doing joint transactions with my brother, but I do have a few years with her. And I think like you, I should not have any inconvenience to change it to commercial.
Did I misread here? It is Him or something that is mentioned "her"?

Anyway There are now lots of exchange to do swapping, I made several discoveries without even joining any of them; but yes, we only need some other processor which accepts bank transfer, a small fees to exchange, and thats all; even currency conversion is completed.
I think the best thing to do is to fine away to get it done,buy using the help of google search to know how and what to do to get yourself a paypal account in your country,because I believe nothing is impossible.
Yeah, you may not have inconvenience swapping it to commercial type.

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