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What should business owners avoid?

There are some things that a business owner should avoid this include selling on credit, profligacy, unnecessarily incurring debt.
There are many things a business owner must try to avoid while growing his bhsiness. The first is that he must ensure he doesn't employ lazy people because it will surely affect the business.
Business owners should avoid employing people that are not qualified to work for them and instead should go for people that are competitive. They should also pay well another for the worker to work very well.
One thing that business owners owners should truly avoid is debt, entrepreneurs should be able to know income generating assets and liabilities to avoid bad debt
Business owners should always avoid depending a lot on their own employees and always try their best to monitor their business in a better way. Depending a lot on employees is never a great idea.
One of the things to avoid in business is treating your customers and subordinate. Customers as the backbone of a business and a business can move without them so they should be giving respect. Another thing is to look out for is expenses. Make sure that what you are spending isn't far greater than what you are gaining. Track your expenses .
Most times failure is been encountered at the initial stage of running the business ,so you must make plans on how to counter them and acheive sucess thereafter I think
Entrepreneur ought to prevent being actually deceitful along with their transactions. Points such as this create clients to look for much a lot better options. Points such as this will create your company fall apart.
Entrepreneur ought to prevent being actually deceitful along with their transactions. Points such as this create clients to look for much a lot better options. Points such as this will create your company fall apart.
Deceitful means you are doing something wrong like selling fake products. A business owner should be honest in his dealings. That is the best way to earn respect.
Every entrepreneur who started a business newly most have to avoid negligence in terms of customers and maintenance and over expenses on family issues with much consideration to his business operations.
Hardworking is very essential in business, knowsm how to manage your resource, knows how to control your employees and gives an incentives to your employees
There are businesses that have grown or are already growing gradually but the challenge some business owners do have is how to sustain such businesses. In your opinion what are those things to avoid in running and sustaining a business?.
The one thing that you have to avoid when you are creating your own business is that you must not use credit as a way to try and increase potential sales because this is a very big risk if people are not able to pay you back.
Business owners should avoid employing people that are not qualified to work for them and instead should go for people that are competitive. They should also pay well another for the worker to work very well.
Employing members that are qualified for the neccesary field when recruiting a new member is very important, and most especially paying handsomely for their workers .
The one thing that you have to avoid when you are creating your own business is that you must not use credit as a way to try and increase potential sales because this is a very big risk if people are not able to pay you back.
Credits are loans which is not bad to use in expanding businesses , I think this is what most successful business men does but certainly they don't borrow to start a business.
Business owners should always avoid depending a lot on their own employees and always try their best to monitor their business in a better way. Depending a lot on employees is never a great idea.
Very true, they might be your employees, but they can never have the same goals with you. So it would be best you monitor your business at all times to make sure things are being done the way you want it.
Credits are loans which is not bad to use in expanding businesses , I think this is what most successful business men does but certainly they don't borrow to start a business.
If you are a new business and you are trying to sell your product to people on a credit then it can be quite dangerous because you might not necessarily be paid back in a timeous manner. This will affect your economic flow.
In every business you can think of, a business owner must avoid greed by every means possible. This is what makes so many businesses go aground after a very short time of existence. You should not run faster than your shadow all because of profit potential
In every business you can think of, a business owner must avoid greed by every means possible. This is what makes so many businesses go aground after a very short time of existence. You should not run faster than your shadow all because of profit potential
That is true when you believe that you can grow a business gradually instead of taking unnecessary low-risk that could make you go bankrupt. When business is gradually grown you will see that success can easily be achieved.
A business owner should always try to avoid engaging in anything that will spoil the image that trying to scam their customers or trying to be inconsistent.
Business owners should only avoid those businesses that they have little or no knowledge of. Without this, nothing should make you avoid a business.

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