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What should business owners avoid?

As a business owner you shouldn't try to supress your workers,try as much as possible to be a beat open,and also try to let your customer feel loved
Business owners should be encouraged in their daily endeavors to avoid: competition and distraction when it has to do with their business.
There are businesses that have grown or are already growing gradually but the challenge some business owners do have is how to sustain such businesses. In your opinion what are those things to avoid in running and sustaining a business?.

Seriously, it is very important as a business owner that you make sure that your expenses is always lower than income than you are earning in your business in order for your business to survive.
Seriously, it is very important as a business owner that you make sure that your expenses is always lower than income than you are earning in your business in order for your business to survive.
That's the fact and nothing else because if your expenses are not far less than your income or profit then such business won't last long before it crash.
That's the fact and nothing else because if your expenses are not far less than your income or profit then such business won't last long before it crash.

Yeah - in any kind of business it is when you subtract your expenses from your income and still have a left over, that it means that your business is succeeding and not the other way around.
Business owners should also try to avoid oppression because people easily pick offense in that . So it is good for business owners to be humble.
There are businesses that have grown or are already growing gradually but the challenge some business owners do have is how to sustain such businesses. In your opinion what are those things to avoid in running and sustaining a business?.
Well I think one should avoid over spending, lack of focus and laziness because business is not something you joke with you have to give it your best
For new businesses that are just starting out, they should avoid spending their business profits on frivolous things that have nothing to do with expanding the business. They should always reinvest it to the business
There are lots of things a business owner as to avoid in growing is business 1. Avoid loving one staff above the other 2. Work like a staff and not a boss 3. Keep records daily
There are lots of things a business owner as to avoid in growing is business 1. Avoid loving one staff above the other 2. Work like a staff and not a boss 3. Keep records daily
Its happen everywhere dear in most firm you will notice that the boss in charge may develop passion towards some staff because of their attitude,but I think business owner should avoid been indebted and too much loans
Business manager should try as much as possible to avoid and not to tolerate any dishonest behaviour from their employee because this action alone can sometimes cause a lot of things and can actually lead to business failure if proper care is not taken.
They must endeavor to avoid unnecessary spending. This is the one of the most commonest causes of business failure. Manage your finances well
As a business owner, be it small or big business, a business owner should avoid using his capital for something else. This can rundown the business and he'll go bankrupt
Business owners should be encouraged in their daily endeavors to avoid: competition and distraction when it has to do with their business.
Ompetition need to be avoided so business owner need to avoid it,they should also avoid deeping hand into the business money and start spending it this could lead to the failure of such business since the capital can be mess with,rather you use the profit and never touch the capital
There are businesses that have grown or are already growing gradually but the challenge some business owners do have is how to sustain such businesses. In your opinion what are those things to avoid in running and sustaining a business?.
The mistake most business owners make is using their business as leverage or giving out loan or credit. As a business agent there should be limit on your magnanimity.
As a business owner I think things you should avoid at the beginning of your business is excessive spending and avoid trying to rush in beating your counterpart at the beginning instead focus on growing your business and watch it grow.
There are lots of things a business owner as to avoid in growing is business 1. Avoid loving one staff above the other 2. Work like a staff and not a boss 3. Keep records daily
This are wonderful tips in which many business owners fall short of. Because a particular staff is hard working, they tend to show that staff more love neglecting other staff, while some carry themselves as bosses so They do not have to work.
The first thing a business man should avoid is using loan as the main source of financing a business especially if it's a brand new business
There are businesses that have grown or are already growing gradually but the challenge some business owners do have is how to sustain such businesses. In your opinion what are those things to avoid in running and sustaining a business?.
One major thing i will advice business owners to avoid is debt.
There are some business people who incur huge debts in their businesses.
These debts keep accumulating till it becomes non-payable.
Eventually, it affects the business.
please, let us learn to bite what we can chew.
If you want your business to progress please avoid excessive spending, always consider your customers satisfaction, and avoid unnecessary loans so you don't be indebted to the lenders and so it can't affect your business.

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