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What is the best business for students?

Get a part time job that be allows shifting. Maybe you can always work in the evening time and go to school at day time. Endeavor you have time for rest and studies
Getting a part-time job might be a good idea. But are you aware that there are courses that most lectures usually extend till very late in the evening? How will the student then cope?
Someone once asked this question and I'll give you the same reply I gave to the person. You're in a student environment, you can take to writing of assignments, projects, tutorials and other student related activities that wouldn't make you feel you're out of line or compete for your attention so much.
I will always advise students to take advantage of technology equally based businesses. You can always go into something like computer software programming or posting videos on YouTube.
Barbing: if the student is a male I will ask him to open up a barbing salon near to the school. A business like this always receive lots of patronage in the school area. You can even add DJ to the Barbing salonso in order to increase in his income.

business centre: this is a place where documents will be typed print browsing the internet for fast for checking results. Dean of photocopying scanning laminating etc.

I think barber salons attract all kinds of customers, not only students. I think book stalls will be a great business because students are always in need of books and they buy books to study and read.
I think barber salons attract all kinds of customers, not only students. I think book stalls will be a great business because students are always in need of books and they buy books to study and read.
Starting a barbing saloon on or close to campus can be quite lucrative because students will definitely patronize you regularly. But I don't think having a book shop or book stand will be lucrative since people can easily download what they need online these days.
Starting a barbing saloon on or close to campus can be quite lucrative because students will definitely patronize you regularly. But I don't think having a book shop or book stand will be lucrative since people can easily download what they need online these days.

Not all the students rely on the internet. We have a few book shops near colleges and the business is going great for the owners. There are many students who depend on notes and they get those notes from shops, despite notes being available on the internet.
Combining business with academics isn't an easy thing at all. Not all businesses can be done by student because student needs time for academics as well. One of the business I feel student can do laundry business and you must have laid down your time of service to your customers
Combining business with academics isn't an easy thing at all. Not all businesses can be done by student because student needs time for academics as well. One of the business I feel student can do laundry business and you must have laid down your time of service to your customers
Laundry business is a good idea but I feel it might be too time consuming to combine it with academics. You could try organizing tutorials for a fee or any online work available.
Student who has some time to attend to business can try out selling foodstuffs Infact, the most poorest person on Earth will eat at least once a day. So it has turned to a necessity not just requirements to survive. Food stuffs is a nice business.
Student who has some time to attend to business can try out selling foodstuffs Infact, the most poorest person on Earth will eat at least once a day. So it has turned to a necessity not just requirements to survive. Food stuffs is a nice business.
Selling food stuffs in a school setting is actually a great way to make money and it's one of the best business out there for students. They would nolonger have to stress themselves in going to the market, when they can easily get it form you. Though I think selling cooked food would be more lucrative, what do you think though?
Selling food stuffs in a school setting is actually a great way to make money and it's one of the best business out there for students. They would nolonger have to stress themselves in going to the market, when they can easily get it form you. Though I think selling cooked food would be more lucrative, what do you think though?
This has the potential of giving you so much money. Students always like fast food and they will always patronize you especially in the evening after the day's lectures.
This has the potential of giving you so much money. Students always like fast food and they will always patronize you especially in the evening after the day's lectures.
That's right, most of them do not have the time to cook in the morning, mainly cause of the many classes they have, while some are just being lazy about it. So they definitely rush at the idea of buying cooked food.
That's right, most of them do not have the time to cook in the morning, mainly cause of the many classes they have, while some are just being lazy about it. So they definitely rush at the idea of buying cooked food.
Apart from the tike factor, the issue of the price of the food is another factor. Most of these food sellers usually offer moderate prices for food so you need to consider that as well.
Apart from the tike factor, the issue of the price of the food is another factor. Most of these food sellers usually offer moderate prices for food so you need to consider that as well.
That's right, I have a friend who anytime she comes back from school for holidays, she usually buy all she needs for school here, that would last her for at least two months, when I asked her why going through the stress of carrying such loads to school when she can actually get them there, she said the price is just too high over there.
That's right, I have a friend who anytime she comes back from school for holidays, she usually buy all she needs for school here, that would last her for at least two months, when I asked her why going through the stress of carrying such loads to school when she can actually get them there, she said the price is just too high over there.
I think it depends on the school she went to. In most public institutions, the prices of food are always cheap and affordable so many students usually like patronizing these sellers.
Best business for students includes selling of clothes, part time hotel jobs, waiter/ waitress work, part time drivers, fashion design, and evening food chops.
Students are the nation builders. Some students cannot pay their fee. They apply for Scholar ships. Some wants to start a business at this age but they don't have enough time. I am also a student, studing bechlor. What business will be best for me? It should not be full day working business.
Combining business with academics isn't an easy thing at all. Not all businesses can be done by student because student needs time for academics as well. One of the business I feel student can do laundry business and you must have laid down your time of service to your customers
Mixing academic with business is not an easy task because most courses in the higher institution is difficult on its own, but if the student can be able to schedule his time table, he will be able to cope.
I think it depends on the school she went to. In most public institutions, the prices of food are always cheap and affordable so many students usually like patronizing these sellers.
Okay now I guess I see where the issue is coming from in her case, according to her, its actually a private school, so their movements are Abit restricted. Though there is also another issue of someone who schools in a place where the things are just costly irrespective of a public institution being there.
For a student that's still bathering wit his or her studies , movable business is the best they can engage in, selling clothes and Jeweleries , wrist watches , perfumes and cream which they can easy move around .

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