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Is lack of FOCUS the reason most Startup fail?

I beg to differ that lack of focus causes the failure of a startup. Several f@ctors affect the success and growth of a business. Nobody starts a business and want to see it fail. It doesn't add up there maybe a few xceptions here and there but that doesn't conclude a generalisation.
A business needs plan, mission, vision and focus to succeed. Focus is very important when you're focused on the right things to aid your buisness growth. Most business lack direction on who exactly they want their business to operate. Lack of will, experince and even fund detemnien at a great measure sustainability of businesses.
Lack of focus is part of why businesses fail but not the only reason. There are so many reasons why businesses can fail. Lack of skills like marketing,managerial skills and others can also cause failure on business
Why will one even undertake the risk of starting a business when he or she can't define targets and focus on achieving them. Yes there will be challenges here and there facing a founder but then the main objective of the business must be the mainstay of any founder.
Lack of Trust maybe part of why businesses fail but shouldn't come first I think. What should come first is the Vision, goal setting and adequate funding
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In starting a business, you should look for the business that fits or is your passion,losing focus is probably doing what you don't really like at all. Hiring an expert will boost growth even if your not fully concentrated in the business.
Having studied how over 60% of startups failed, I noticed series of trends that eventually lead to their early closure. The one that baffled me the most is the major impact it has in early closure on some promising businesses.

What other things could lead to early closure of Newly established businesses?
there are many reasons why people fail in Business, some of them are disorientation about the challenges in the said business... And also when People fail to realize that it's not every time you make profits in business even if you are very skilled in the business.
It is definitely one of the reasons, starting a business is not easy, there is no room for being complacent, one has to be very focus and determined because you are at the early stage of the businessman, which requires a lot of dedication.
There are some things that can cause startup to fail. Lack of focus is just one of them. Lack of adequate capital can also contribute. Poor management is one of them. Inadequate knowledge of the said business. Indecision can also bring start up down and so many other reasons. That is my take.
For startup business to fail or fold up is not the only lack of focus. it can be the lack of proper business plan, because if the business did not have good business plan definitely it fail. business plan con some documents that would help your business to growing and moving faster such documents are : The name of the company, executive summaries, market location, market strategies and soo on.
There are a lot of reasons why a business can fail not necessarily the lack of focus but that's one of the possible reasons yes. I think the most common one is the lack of experience and knowledge about how to manage a business in the first place. I mean it looks easy but it's actually not when you're already the one doing all the decisions that may or may not hurt the business
Since many startups offered multiple reasons for their failure, ... for e- commerce startup DoneByNone, cites a lack of focus
Having studied how over 60% of startups failed, I noticed series of trends that eventually lead to their early closure. The one that baffled me the most is the major impact it has in early closure on some promising businesses.

What other things could lead to early closure of Newly established businesses?
Well lack of focus may not be the main reason why some promising businesses fold up because some business with focus also fold up if not properly managed. To me I believe excellent management ability coupled with focus will sustain all business to success.
it is not in all cases that lack of focus lead to business failure,it may sometimes be circumstance and other factors like location and some other essential factors that needs to be noticed but wasn't handle initially
No, most of the time it is the lack of knowledge for the business that you ventured. Most entrepreneurs try to start up businesses because it is in demand and profit looking. But what they do not consider is how will they manage a business that you do not know.
Having studied how over 60% of startups failed, I noticed series of trends that eventually lead to their early closure. The one that baffled me the most is the major impact it has in early closure on some promising businesses.

What other things could lead to early closure of Newly established businesses?
lack of passion to build on the initial gains the company have made. Most entrepreneurs become lazy after one of few successes. They tend to feel lazy and believe that the little they have done is enough to better a lot for them.
Yes, it can be a cause of failure. Because every startup needs focus. There can be some other reasons too like funding, appropriate environment etc.
But if you done all things and doesn't focus, then it will definitely leads you to failure
Some persons jump from business to another simultaneously. I have lived with someone who jump from affiliate marketing to web design to working on red bubble to selling on amazon without really building a strong reputation for himself on anyone of this.
If the business environment isn't right then it is doomed to fail ,I read somewhere that 3 out of every 5 startup fail. It could be due to a number of different factors , adequate funding is one of the major reason why startup fail. Also not having a predisposed plan allows room for failure.
Anyone without focus should not even try to go near business at all. Focus is everything in business. When you're focus, you will not be moved when your business turns the other way round from your initial plan. Focus will make you restrategize and start again..
Loosing focus in business is like an athlete that didn't focus on her track, she wI'll definitely fails. This is applicable to business owner too. My advice for you is to stay focused, don't be distracted. The Lord is with you and you will never fail.

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