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How do you work through the failure, how do you set your goals?

Every successful businessman must provide a mechanism to handle risk, you should not be deceived that there is a business without risk,
Trying and failing is part of business and if you quit you will never be a successful businessman
You can't work through your failure by standing up again, not letting it weigh you down. If you fail and you give up ,then you messed up . There is hope when you have life . Isaac newton failed many times before he finally got it. Then set your goal . So far you have a goal, no matter the amount of times you fail once you look up to that goal, just keep pushing.
Business failure is one of the worst thing that can happen to human being especially if you are invested so much and you were expecting the business to boom up ,but there is nothing we can do if we have a failure in our life but you can achieve everything you want with courage and determination
You can work through failure by correcting yourself on what you fail by going through it again and again so you could be expert.
And you can set your goals by using the idea of your failure for you not to fail,by correcting yourself with the failure and with that you can set your goals and you will be able to achieve it
Failure is part of life, you must fail before you can win because there is a saying that experience is the best teacher. Failure brings out the best in you. Before you can set a goal you need to be focused and determined about what you want to do to become successful, you need different strategies in setting up a goal and after setting up the goal you need hard work to work on it
Success is a journey not a destination and is a process not an overnight, you can never become successful without passing through the road of failure, how you respond to failure really matters. For me I believe that you are not yet a failure until you give up. When you fail try learn something so that next time when such occurs you will no what todo.
What has encouraged me more than anything else is to:

Record all that I have gained from my journey and experience. Observing these learnings will help you not commit similar errors once more.

I additionally went over this intriguing term called: Imposter Syndrome. For a few of us, failure and losses triggers extraordinary instances of self-question. Teaching myself regarding why has enabled me a ton.

I enthusiastically suggest perusing Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. He talks about the 10 000 hour rule. Making harmony that achievement requires some serious energy, is genuinely liberating.
Most of the people think that while moving towards success, failure shouldn't be an option, but I think it should be an option too, because when we fail, we get back and think about the exact path, then we move, again we fail, and we analyze ourself and move forward, and this is how we keep going. So I'm also one of those who handle failure, to find out the exact path towards my success.
Many have a wrong perception of failure. They think that if they fail, especially in a business, it I'd because they are not capable or not good enough. But it is not like that. The fact that you failed shows that you are trying, so accept failure as part of the lessons life teaches.

Understanding that we can't succeed in a lot of things that we do is an example of what this is all about. Failures in business is expected, but working towards bouncing back from such setbacks is what separates winners from quitters in business.
For motivation against depression or failure in business or any part of my life.. I simply listen to music as I don't really read books because what works for the author of the book might not work for me... I listen to music and I dance... Make myself happy and in the evening I try to interact with people of same mindset as I and tell them my problem.
First thing is to accept the fact that you are not perfect, failure is part of life, you are not the first to experience failure neither will you be the last, then go through your past actioins and learn from does mistakes and be better, for you to be able to have this mindset, you need to know yoiur gosls
Failure is absolutely part of the journey, we fail to succeed. When you failed, it is an opportunity to learn from it. Note what makes you to fail, restrategies and construct other patterns that can make succeed when you failed. It is very important for one to always plan ahead, do a thorough risks assessments and success will be there
1:Get clarity on your team's structure.
2:Talk to your boss.
3:Focus on what you can control and have a plan for the rest.
4:Think about your career path in the long run.
5:Go beyond immediate tasks and think of the big picture.
6:Get clarity on what goal achievement would look like.
7:Schedule periodic check-ins.
Failure is not the end of the road but it is a time to re-evaluate your goals and see what is actually wrong or the mistakes you made. Failing to achieve a goal should not stop you from set it again and again. But make sure you learn from the failure and correct your mistakes.
When you fail in a business or life pursuit, the worst thing that could lead to the worst situation is to remain in the memory of the past. You just have to move on and get back to your feet. Moving on will help you defeat depression and frustration which can lead to mental stress.
I learn from people band personal experiences. For instance, I have seen a person fail while in secondary school. This guy failed twice while in the sciences. He was about being sent out of school but his parents pleaded. The head of the school gave him one more chance and the boy became the headboy of his set. I learn from things not to allow failure tie me down.
Failure to me is inevitable most especially in business so once it occurs there should not be a reason for break down but reason to pick up from where you fail. To fail is not a problem but failing and not rising is the problem
Walking through failure and setting Goals is quiet different, so let me take it one after the other. Walking through failure is a challenging thing many fail in, because life itself it's a test so some fail and some pass, while others pass excellently well. So you need to understand why you failed, troubleshoot the cause of the failure. Then make up your mind to read just for success.
Setting Goals you need to highlight what you want to achieve, then get a daily suitable plan that gets you to your goal, always set your goal before going out in the morning. Expert says set your goals before the next day like set the goal for tomorrow it in the night of today
Failure occur as a result of unsuccessful effort. So when ones effort is not seen or recognized one have to set up another plan and look for another method to make ones effort successful rather than giving up or losing hope.
It is not every business owner that can answer this kind of question. Many people understand that there is problem in their business but they can't really locate where the problem or the cause of the problem.
I don't see failure as something bad. It paves way for my success. I always see it as a motivation and I don't allow it to let me down. On the goal setting issue, I set both short and long term goals depending on the nature of investment.

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