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Avoid unnecessary risks

Of course life and business themselves are risky. But that does not mean we should be taking every manner of risk for the sake of thinking life is risk. That will be very unwise and tantamount to self destruction actually. Certain types of risks are very avoidable indeed
It is true that business and life by their nature are risky. But I still believe that there are some of the risks that are unnecessary in every business that need to be avoided. We all know that business that creates a dynamic and flexible risk management strategy has a better understanding of their commercial environment and are subsequently likely to be more successful and profitable. Waking up in the morning to start up a business without adequate planning is considered as one of the unnecessary risks.
If I had learned earlier in my life that there are some risk that are just unnecessary I think I should have been better today. But this risk one way or the other will sprout out.
Well I agree I think every choice and step you take is a risk no matter how safe the choices are, there is still a chance that things could go sideways.
As long as taking on any business transaction is concern there will always be risk that involved in such business but the most important thing is for you to know the kind of risks that you can actually take and the one that you can not take.
It is true that business and life by their nature are risky. But I still believe that there are some of the risks that are unnecessary in every business that need to be avoided. We all know that business that creates a dynamic and flexible risk management strategy has a better understanding of their commercial environment and are subsequently likely to be more successful and profitable. Waking up in the morning to start up a business without adequate planning is considered as one of the unnecessary risks.
I agree, some risks are totally not necessary, if you must take a risk in any business venture, then it must be worth it. It will break your heart more in you get involved in a first that is not worth it.
exactly you have made a very good point because if you don't have confidence in yourself before doing anything that you set out to do there is always a high chance that you're going to fail in that thing.
The best way to avoid unnecessary risks is by planning every individual must have good plan for his business, with this you will not have any chance to fall into risk
Business on his on is a risk. But if you are just starting a business early, it's not advisiable to start with the one that is highly risky because you can lose confidence in yourself, you will not get any motivation to start again. While if you have the money (enough capital) to start the most risky business, you should.
The best way to avoid unnecessary risks is by planning every individual must have good plan for his business, with this you will not have any chance to fall into risk

it's actually fat that when it comes to any kind of business there are always risks that are involved in that business so the most important thing is for you to actually take the risk that you know that you can be able to bear when you are actually lose.
exactly you have made a very good point because if you don't have confidence in yourself before doing anything that you set out to do there is always a high chance that you're going to fail in that thing.
Also to add to this, always be willing to learn from others, never feel you are now a professional in the field so you dont need anyone else. Whatever we are going through or will go through, there is always someone who has been there as well and have been through this. Their advice would be needed.
There is a saying they the bigger the risks involved in an endeavor the bigger the reward, I'm not sure what would count as an unnecessary risks tho I guess it depends on the individual
When going for risks, i learnt that we don't attempt all kinds of risks to make our business successful. Rather we take calculative one in order not to sink our business.
In life in general our success are being determined by the type of risks which we took and also the type things we do. We should take risks but it should only be worthy ones
People do not wake up early in the morning to just bring out a business idea,most reason people fell in business sometimes are not always to lack of planning but they do not understand what is necessary to run the type of business they are doing.
Yes. Risks are necessary for you to make head way In your business because if you don't take it, who will? But that does not mean you should be taking uncalculated risks here and there. That's a recipe for bankruptcy
It is very important that whenever you and your business and you want to take risk you should always make sure that they wished that you're getting yourself into is a wise one because if you take a wrong risk, it will cost you a lot.
When going for risks, i learnt that we don't attempt all kinds of risks to make our business successful. Rather we take calculative one in order not to sink our business.
It is called calculated risk to mean you have computed the probability of the risk and you already have thought of a contingent action when the risk happens. One example is the sudden price increase of the supply. If you had anticipated that problem then you already have a course of action.
When we take uneccesary risk we are only hurting no one but ourselves because the reward for such risks is not usually positive. We should be patient
In every business that we do there is some form of risk no matter how small the business is. There are some risks that worth taking for the business to progress to the next level but it must be a calculated risk to avoid great loses.
It is called calculated risk to mean you have computed the probability of the risk and you already have thought of a contingent action when the risk happens. One example is the sudden price increase of the supply. If you had anticipated that problem then you already have a course of action.
Yes, before taking such kind of risks, we ought to have calculated the probability, before jumping into the risk. And not taking risk we know nothing about.
Risks are inevitable in our daily lives likewise in business but your ability to do risk.analysis and assessment will enable you to always calculated and reasonable risk.

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