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Should government give priority to building business or creating jobs.

The number of unemployed graduates are on the rise in most underdeveloped and developing countries. In your opinion should government give grants to citizens to build businesses or they create jobs for them?.
The question should government build business or create more jobs,it is an inter woven question to me, because it is when the government build more industries and business.
That is when there will be more job creation and opportunities.
Reality here is that government can't utilize each body regardless of whether they make more positions to the individuals in the general public. The best the government ought to do is to give out award to jobless alumni to set up a little Business for themselves and their families. With that it will be simple for the government also address the joblessness Crisis of their country
Well, are you ready, do you know if you're ready to be an entrepreneur? don't start a business if you have no money. That's correct, you heard me right. Don't start a business if you have no money. If you need money coming in like you need blood in your veins, don't start a business.
Why? Because it takes time for a business to mature to generate profit.
The best government can do is to create an enabling environment that will make even the citizen itself to create the job on their own without resorting to government help, by so doing government have indirectly create jobs for citizen.
Government should create job opportunities instead of building business because there are many individuals out there looking for jobs and have even the universities graduate are carrying their certificate in search of job.
The country I'm they don't care about the youth all they care about is there mouth and there pocket instead of creating job or building a job for us in the country they take the money away to save in another country to keep
According to my own point of view, I don't think government give priority to creat business will help the country, I believe government creating job opportunity will better help the country. So I suggest government creating jobs opportunity is the best
Both are extremely fantastic but if the government can create more jobs it will reduce poverty and empower the economy and the government will be in charge fully, on the other Hand if they decide to empower individuals that will boost the economy rapidly because the government will be focused on other relevant things allowing the economy to grow on it own.
The major priority the government should face and find solution to is no other than job creation. The level of joblessness is not giving us and our youths hope. Job should be provided and life of citizens should be made comfortable.
In my country when we are say corrupt people my government are number 1 in world. They always care about there self well government should create job for the people that is there number duties they should create as many as much than people build there business them self not everyone is financial stability in my country by my government are not ready to do so
It is important for government of any country to support both. But then small businesses are the engine of any economy in the world. So it would definitely be best to work on helping small businesses and it will Ripple into creating jobs.
Its apprioprate for the government to provide jobs and make employment available for its citizen. Its not everybody that will become an enterpreneur neither is it everyone that have enough start up capital. So it will be in place if government channel revenue to recreate opportunities for its citizens.
The government can create job opportunities. While it is not completely right to say that government is to blame for lack of employment, we could also say they have played an important role In that regard. If the government is able to provide enough job opportunities for her people, the rate of unemployment will reduce drastically.
This is an extreme one as the two alternatives are basic for the quick advancement of the economy of a country. I would favor the public authority to set out positions open doors as this could give individuals cash to build up their own business.
Government should give priority to both. Give the unemployed jobs and for those who have business ideas, help them begin one. Government should work on empowering taht which will benefit them in the end.
Both are very critical to nation development. Creating jobs and making sure they are the right jobs will be how millions of people out there will be lifted from poverty.
Government spending is also an important part of the economy. Millions of people work for the government and millions more are employed in government-funded work and all those dollars flowing into the economy create even more jobs. ... In short, the economy continues to suffer from a lack of demand
I guess they should focus more on creating business because if someone creates a business then it might be possible that they will also look for employees which means it will create an opening or chance for everyone to have a job in the future.
Both buildings business and creating jobs are very important important but I want to support the creating of job because I believe if government creat job, business will follow suit automatically. Those that government give job will build business.
Both are important in their own ways. Creating jobs for the youths will be good for the development of a country but so are business.
But I would like to have a business the most rather than getting a job.
Yes, you are right, the both creating job and build business are important because every body no have the same wishes. Therefore, government can create a job for who wish to get job and build a business for those Who wish to a business practitioner.

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