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is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?

It's possible for a business to survive after the owner death , because most business usually have strong management system that would continue to run the business properly
It's very possible for a business to survive after owners deaths just because the owner must have layed a good foundation for the development of that business and that is just the real deal
Yes it's possible for the business to survive after the owner's death because when there is a relationship between owners and others another partners.
so the partner will continue after the death of the founder and other investors will also be doing well in the business
Most business over here will still survive even after the death of the original owner of the business ,most of these things depends on how they make an arrangement for their business.
Business surviving after the death of the owner is one of the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship. Though it depends on the person taking over if such person has been groomed
Yeah business and still survived and thrives after the owner is death if he has shown all the secret of the business to his family or subordinate of the business.
Though business that suffer after the owner death is the ones that are solely managed and financed by one person. The best thing to do is to mske such a business a private livability company if the owner of getting to old age.
Yes it is very possible for business to survive and flourish even more after owners death.
If the company is a big one with a lot of shareholders there is a high probability it would survive after the CEO death. There are some owners that would have willed there property to there children before death, so the business won't perish.
That is correct. Business can survive even after the death of the founder or the original owner.

In my country, the owner of a big mall died and then the children are just continuing the operation even after their father died.
Though business that suffer after the owner death is the ones that are solely managed and financed by one person. The best thing to do is to mske such a business a private livability company if the owner of getting to old age.
Most parents who didn't expose their children's to his or her business might likely to have a higher chance of business failure after death because the children may not be able to carry out from where they stopped.
Businesses can definitely and should definitely survive after the owners death. I see it as a part of mismanagement if the owner can't put measures in place that will ensure continuity even when he's not there
Businesses can definitely and should definitely survive after the owners death. I see it as a part of mismanagement if the owner can't put measures in place that will ensure continuity even when he's not there
A small business may not survive when the owner dies. But for a corporation with an organized setup no one in the company is indispensable. There is always a successor for whatever high position that becomes vacant.
Yeah. It is possible but it won't be an easy thing to do. I remember when my proprietress died, the school I attended during my primary classes crumbled in no time. Unless new strong hands are ready to shoulder the task, it won't be easy
Yes it's possible as long as the living family members stick to the principle behind the business and they carry on the vision of the departed it's possible for it to thrive but when there are prodigal sons and daughters who have no ideal why the business was started in the first place things can get pretty rough.
I before to disagree unless the business owner didn't have family,I've seen where a brother takes over after his brother's deaths, I've seen children take over their father's business
The business may likely not survive after the demise of the owner. Except if the business owner has plans that will encourage continuity after he is gone. Mostly, many businesses fail after the demise of the owner , few strives because the business structure was built around the owner.
There are many big business that have survived qnd still making big profit after the owner have died like Steve Job that owns Apple company. The company is still one of the best company for smartphone
Well, most of the time, the business is inherited by the owner's children. However, in rare cases, the ownership of the business can go into the hands of partners or stock holders if the owner has no children. This is how it can survive.
An answer to this cannot be a straight yes or a straight no. Because the outcome can go either way all depending on the new management running the affairs of the company after the owners death
It's very possible for a business to survive after owners deaths just because the owner must have layed a good foundation for the development of that business and that is just the real deal

There are many people who do leave their business behind when they die. The main problem is: who would actually look after their business after they die?
Yes we have alot of business that survive after the dearth of the owner of the business ,if the have a good manager and a good familiar with the business vision as the person it will survive after his death

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