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If you were in charge of a business, would you help out friends and family?

For me, when they come I will allow them go through the recruitment process, at least that will be a signal to them that they are in a corporate environment which must be taken serious. Will also, let them work as every other employee. In, business. no friend, no brother.
Friends and families are the strengt and backbone of a man that wants to progress in government in my country so instead of giving them vacancies, I will make them own the job. Only Nigerians understand that
If i .in charge of a business entity or organization, I would.ist definitely help out with my friends and families in getting them fixed somewhere. That doesn't mean I would go about it with impunity though
If I am in position of a very good business which generate me alot if income definitely I most try by all means in other to helped individuals either family members or those around me who are in need.
There is no man that will be in charge of a business that will not help out friends and families except a cruel man, but as for me sure I will help out my friends and family.
As long as the person is willing to be submissive,learn and abide by the company rules,I can even go as far as educating him or her by making him or enter under some training
Of course I'll help my friends and family but only if they merit it. Playing favoritism because we are in a high position is totally wrong especially in business settings.
I will help out if only you are qualified for that job, if not, l wouldn't trade the success of my company for favouritism. If you aren't qualified, l will put you on probation, if you do well, l will definitely put you in and if you don't, l will not put you in, but will rather place you to a more suitable position without feeling bad about it.
If I were to be in charge of a business of course I'll extend a helping hand to my family and friends. Family is everything.
I will help if the person have the knowledge, idea and understanding about my business I will help him or her and employ him in my company
I would try to help them in a way that the ethics is considered. For example, when hiring a family member, I will treat them just like the other candidates. They should proof that they are truly qualified and professional for the job.
I will do all that I can to always make the playing field fair for all. But I will also help my friends and relatives in need of that job to see that they get in as well when I can actually fix them somewhere in the company
I'll sure do that so far the said applicant is skilled and probably competent in that particular field but be that as it may even if the person is not I'll send him or her for the training then be employed.
I would choose to help them as long as I'm not breaking the ethics of my profession but if I sense it would complicate things I would simply recommend them to channel's that can help
If you were the boss of a large corporation or government ministry and you were in a position to help out your friends and relatives, would you do so? What would you think about the ethics?
If i am the boss of a large corporation or government ministry,
I think i would give preference to my friends and relatives who have suitable qualifications over other people.
That is not wrong to do, any other person would do same.
If what you are talking about is nepotism, I honestly think it would be difficult for me not to consider a close relation or family for a position. I see a lot of people saying the opposite, but I think when the dice is cast a lot of them will have their people in some positions.
We are always put in position for a reason,,if a friend comes to you for help Even family which is more important for help you should oblige
We are social beings there fore we interact with friends and keep contacts which brings closeness, the closeness is why I wouldn't want to refuse to help out a friend when I have the means.
Family and friends are very important in everyone's life, when it's come helping I will definitely doing that depending on if they meet the requirements, qualifications and pass mist necessarily things that is needed

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