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How can we prevent or stop global warming?

Deleted member 403

No doubt that Global Warming will and has impacted businesses worldwide and will continue to do so until everyone in the world changes their routine. What do you feel each of us could do to help prevent global warming and turn the tides? For example, I would suggest walking to work if the distance isn't too long, or ensuring that you correctly recycle waste.

Do you think it's too late to reverse global warming? How many years have we got left before the end of the world comes - which ultimately means, the end of companies trading? Will there come a stage where it's too hot to be outside and only the Elite will have enough money to afford A/C?
I do not think that it would be possible to stop global warming if we fail to stop air pollution in the first place. We can only hope that the current version of cars will be replaced by electric cars in the future and this might help us to stop air pollution and global warming in the end. :)
We can come together and help stop global warming by speaking up, reducing water waste, powering homes with renewable energy, investing in energy efficient appliances, eating the food you buy, pulling the plugs, and by weatherizing.
Afforestation is one of the ways in which we can minimise the effect of global warm around the world. Tree helps to improve the quality of the oxygen in the atmosphere.
Yes, I think a time is coming when it will be too hot to go outside because of global warming. Its main cause right now is the pollution that comes from so many people using vehicles and from the smoke from so many industries available worldwide. I wish there was a way to make that smoke not to be one that destroys the ozone layer. If there is a way to alter this, then innovators should come through.
I would prefer that we recycle waste instead of burning them. It would contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer which will result in the disruption of the ecosystem balance. Recently, Gate launched a project that help recycle faeces to drinkable water. This is one of the projects we should embark upon to help our ecosystem.
Global warming are cause by human activities, As we all know plant is an important factors to consider when we are talking about global warming because plant is also necessary in the biological production of oxygen into the atmosphere. When there is a higher deforestation and destruction of bushes there is likely to be a global warming and the best solution for that is to plant trees.
I think that it's the rate at which the world is going with technological advancements that's causing global warming. If the pace is reduced, I believe that things will get better.
Global warming is caused as a result increase of greenhouse gases. The common greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. There are excess carbodioxide in the atmosphere. Due to urbanisation there is no enough tree which absorb this carbon dioxide.

The major ways of reducing or prevent global is afforestation and reafforestation. Massive planting of trees should be encouraged in house compounds, streets and offices compounds etc it will go a long way to reduce greenhouse effect caused by global warming.
Global warming is caused as a result increase of greenhouse gases. The common greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. There are excess carbodioxide in the atmosphere. Due to urbanisation there is no enough tree which absorb this carbon dioxide.

The major ways of reducing or prevent global is afforestation and reafforestation. Massive planting of trees should be encouraged in house compounds, streets and offices compounds etc it will go a long way to reduce greenhouse effect caused by global warming.
Nature is almost all gone at the expense of industrialisation. Yes, industrialization offers a lot of employment opportunities but at the cost of our health and safety of the ecosystem.
It is not too late to reverse global warming if all countries of the world unite in adopting practices that will prevent global warming. Advance countries are the ones reluctant in adopting safer practices because of industrialization.
I'll just some few points. You know the Earth is massively like 70% capacitated with water. We should try not to dispose things that are meant to be recycled, I see people throwing devices at any place they see. I also want to add that deforestation be minimized and people should try to use natural products.
No doubt that Global Warming will and has impacted businesses worldwide and will continue to do so until everyone in the world changes their routine. What do you feel each of us could do to help prevent global warming and turn the tides? For example, I would suggest walking to work if the distance isn't too long, or ensuring that you correctly recycle waste.

Do you think it's too late to reverse global warming? How many years have we got left before the end of the world comes - which ultimately means, the end of companies trading? Will there come a stage where it's too hot to be outside and only the Elite will have enough money to afford A/C?
I know of cities where residents use bicycles instead of fume-generating cars, this alone would help curb the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere.
Most companies even go against set regulations, they release voluminous gases from their stacks every day beyond the stipulated, and prefer paying the fine.
Individually, we can help by reusing plastics, controlled burning, proper waste disposal, afforestation, and waste recycling.
As we all know that global warming is the constant heating of earth temperature due to the different the different zone layer by the excess reverse of co2 in the atmosphere, I think the only way tackle it is by reducing all the work we do, that's how science stated it.
Global warming can definitely be tackled and it's never too late, one of the efforts by some developed Nations is the introduction and use of electric vehicles which is gradually replacing petrol vehicles. This has limited the daily and heavy emission of carbon into the atmosphere which depletes the ozone layer thereby causing global warming.
Also the increased planting of trees helps to absorb carbon dioxide from the air thereby reducing global warming.
As we all know that global warming is the constant heating of earth temperature due to the different the different zone layer by the excess reverse of co2 in the atmosphere, I think the only way tackle it is by reducing all the work we do, that's how science stated it.
This is actually made worse by the number of industries that we have operating in our city on daily basis which makes the emitting of carbon dioxide to be excessive in the atmosphere which causes a very huge harm in the ozone layer.
This is actually made worse by the number of industries that we have operating in our city on daily basis which makes the emitting of carbon dioxide to be excessive in the atmosphere which causes a very huge harm in the ozone layer.
Exactly the point, the industries contributes to it, it's even leads to green house effect, a situation were by the temperature of the earth rises due to increase of gas such as carbon dioxide in the air surrounding the earth, which trap the heat from the sun.
Didn't we all just break the threshold of unbearable carbon parts-per-million in the atmosphere a couple years ago? In terms of the end of company trading, it can't end because renewable energies are in development right now. If petroleum is finally gone, the global economy will be stagnant and revert back to mini local economies. Later all vehicles, land or sea, will use a new energy to power them. Glaciers will be melting more and more to give us more rain before more heat engulfs us.
Cycling should be promoted as a means of transportation. And even public transport should be encouraged instead of all individuals using vehicles which invariably depleting the ozone layers.
Tackling the issue of Global warming is a tricky one. It is not so easy to deal with Global warming because we have already done a lots of damage to this planet. However, things can still change if we want to change them. We can grow more trees and curb the problem of global warming soon.

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