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Can a teenager handle and manage a business

Well it is not an easy task to manage a business.
But there are many business that a teenager can handle and handle it perfectly but if the business is big one he/she won't be able to handle because some business needs experience to be successful.
Well, nothing beats training someone to be good at something or a business he or she knows nothing about initially. So, if it's possible to train the teenager in the line of the company's business, I really don't see why it's going to be a hard task for him to take care of.
A teenager can handle a business in as much he knows what he is doing, he has to have passion for the business and not be forced into it , he have to willingly start the business with determination and persistence to become a successful businessman
A teenager can handle a business perfectly, but not every child can do so it all depend on the level of the child's understanding and the training given to him. This is why it is important to start teaching children at early stage so as to enable them carry on later
Yes, teenagers can handle business perfectly with ease if he has the determination to do so, he has to be trained and his ability must be tested to be sure if he's capable of handling the business
I have seen in many situations where you see teens taking good care of their parents business but for some the reverse is the case. Based on your country and where you come from, do you that a teenager can handle a business well.
Yes he can, if he has th characteristics of a bood leadership, I believe normally since they grew knowing the business strategies, the teen's must have known one or two things about the business, or better still , he should get someone to put him through like an assistant.
You're never too young to start a business. Just take a look at some of these young entrepreneurs if you're not convinced. Business success can come at any age, and you never know who will think of the next big idea.
It depends on the experience that he or she has on that business for a person to handle a business it is not an easy thing it you an extra ordinary experience to do that a teenager can handle a business if he ro she is well trend in it . And it best on the type of business.
From my own personal experience teenagers are poor business managers because they really lack the knowledge of how to make it a successful one , mostly student here start up the fashion house business and in the space of 4weeks they are out of stocks and out of funds due to poor management
Yes of course a teenager can manage and handle business once he or she has been shown the way to. Teenager are fast learner all you have to do is show them the way and make sure they follow then they will be able to do what you want them to do
When I was in secondary school, I used to buy biscuits in cartons and sweets in packs and sell it to my mates and juniors secretely during break time. I was only about 14 then and I managed it well. Anyone with elementary knowledge on money can manage a business but not just any type of business. If you want to entrust a business to a teenager then it should only be within his own strength and it shouldn't be a large investment for a start.
Yes. Why not? It is very possible in my country. A teenager can run a business well than even an adult can manage. It is not by age, it is by knowledge. And gradually, the teenager will keep on gathering experiences over time. I've seen lots of teenagers managing their parents business well.
I have seen in many situations where you see teens taking good care of their parents business but for some the reverse is the case. Based on your country and where you come from, do you that a teenager can handle a business well.
If a teenager is sensible then he or she can run his or her parents 'business with great diligence and honesty and take their parents' business to the heights of growth because It is this natural understanding that takes man to the heights of progress
Well, some teenagers can manage a business due to their exposure and the knowledge they have about such business. Some teenagers are very smart in handling and organizing something's better than adults.
A teenager who has a lot of passion and interest, and also with enough skills and talent in handling business can always manage it well. A lot of teenagers has an high I.Q handling a business isn't in any way a problem for such a person. To manage a business isn't rocket science.
An entrepreneur should be highly energetic and motivated. ... Passion, resourcefulness, willingness to improvise and listen to others and strong determination to succeed is what makes an entrepreneur successful. And this is what you have to keep in mind as well if you want to be a successful entrepreneur yourself.
There are teenagers that can handle business better than grown up because some of them have learnt over the years from their parents and they pay attention to every details of how the business is properly managed and would do exceedingly well when asked to manage such business.
Yes i believe that anyone can handle a business even a teenager can handle a business because if you start a business at a gender age or as teenager when you grow up you will become an expert in business yourself but as a teenager you will require advice from people with experience who will guide you on how to handle a business
I have seen in many situations where you see teens taking good care of their parents business but for some the reverse is the case. Based on your country and where you come from, do you that a teenager can handle a business well.
In the country where I came from which is Nigeria, many things are happening despite the situation s , , teenagers are making wave's in the the entrepreneurship world, they manage business well without been supervised, and it is always successful.
I know you must have heard about very young guys in their teens who started making millions from their very tender age. These are not the children whom we will say their parents where already rich anyways, no. Smart kids with brains did that
We have understand that what it takes to run or manage a business is not age but knowledge. The fact you are 50 years of age is not a guarantee that he will manage a business than a young teenager. All what you need is the knowledge to manage a business which anybody can acquire

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