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What can you do to prevent making a loss?

Well, if people are not ready to take responsibilities, then they must not be surprised in case if they suffer from losses in business. The fact of the matter remains that a businessman should take responsibility.

One thing about taking responsibilities and being responsible in anything that you are doing especially business is that it's always going to put you in station whereby you would not like to get yourself into any risk that is going to make you vulnerable.
As the business owner , you must know its your duty tontake responsibility for your business by working hard to meet your target there by preventing loss in your business.
One thing about taking responsibilities and being responsible in anything that you are doing especially business is that it's always going to put you in station whereby you would not like to get yourself into any risk that is going to make you vulnerable.

The fact of the matter is that being responsible is a good thing. However, when you fail to fulfil your responsibility, people often look down upon you. They never realise what you have been through.
To prevent making losses, you should utilize physical security throughout your store, invest IN POS systems with additional security features. Incorporate loss prevention training in the on-boarding process.
The fact of the matter is that being responsible is a good thing. However, when you fail to fulfil your responsibility, people often look down upon you. They never realise what you have been through.

This is why it is not necessary for you to be looking at yourself through other people's eye because there is no way they will understand whatever you have been through in your life especially with your business. It's only what you see about yourself that matters.
I think if you have the knowledge an experience you are not going to be making loss, but sometimes in our businesses even if we have all those things we might take loses.

Knowledge is power in everything that you are doing which is why it is very important for you to have it on the particular business that you want to start. This is because it is the only way you will know exactly what is going to help your business progress.
This is why it is not necessary for you to be looking at yourself through other people's eye because there is no way they will understand whatever you have been through in your life especially with your business. It's only what you see about yourself that matters.

Well, I was scammed by a girl who claimed to love me. Only I know what kind of pain I went through and I know that no one else would feel what I felt. The fact remains that you learn many lesson in your life.
Well, I was scammed by a girl who claimed to love me. Only I know what kind of pain I went through and I know that no one else would feel what I felt. The fact remains that you learn many lesson in your life.

There is even a possibility that the girl who scammed you is not actually a girl but an imposter who pretended to be a girl and ended up taking advantage of your feelings and scamming you in the process. It is what we'll see every day in internet fraud.
There is even a possibility that the girl who scammed you is not actually a girl but an imposter who pretended to be a girl and ended up taking advantage of your feelings and scamming you in the process. It is what we'll see every day in internet fraud.

Well, the fact of the matter is that I know a person who knew that girl. He stated that she used to have online conversations with her (through video chats). So, she is a girl, actually.
Well, the fact of the matter is that I know a person who knew that girl. He stated that she used to have online conversations with her (through video chats). So, she is a girl, actually.

It is very unfortunate that you had to have that kind of experience with that particular kind of girl who is in two relationships scam. But I believe that you must have learnt your lesson and it is going to be hard for such thing to happen to you again.
I think if you have the knowledge an experience you are not going to be making loss, but sometimes in our businesses even if we have all those things we might take loses.
Yeah, knowledge and experience help a lot in preventing loss. This is because you will try as much as possible to do the right things that bring profits and not losses. But them some emergencies and disasters can still lead to loss no matter the expertise you have.
It is very unfortunate that you had to have that kind of experience with that particular kind of girl who is in two relationships scam. But I believe that you must have learnt your lesson and it is going to be hard for such thing to happen to you again.

Well, I trusted her many times and each time she deceived me. It will not probably happen again because i may never trust anyone from now onward regardless of whatever they claim to be, no matter what.
Well, I trusted her many times and each time she deceived me. It will not probably happen again because i may never trust anyone from now onward regardless of whatever they claim to be, no matter what.

Experience is always the best teacher and I believe that in this situation, you have learnt more than enough to know exactly when someone else who's totally different is trying to pull the same trick on you all over again to scam you.
I think if you have the knowledge an experience you are not going to be making loss, but sometimes in our businesses even if we have all those things we might take loses.
There are some time in business where loss is inevitable , but if you want to avoid making loss , you have to make sure you have a good business plan and always work hard .
Experience is always the best teacher and I believe that in this situation, you have learnt more than enough to know exactly when someone else who's totally different is trying to pull the same trick on you all over again to scam you.

Well, I have experienced losses and I have learnt many great lessons. Had I not made mistake, I might have had suffered from greater, devastating losses in the future.
Having plans is the way to prevent loss, if you ar good at planning I'm very sure you can hardly fall for anything that has to do with scam or failure, what do think.
Actually losses can be prevented in any form of business because it's an inevitable phenomenon though it can be managed to some extent through proper financial management, personel and also good planning to achieve a goals.
As the owner of the business or the manager , you need to be careful when making plans for production , making sure you have the accurate calculation or else the production might lead into debt .
As the owner of the business or the manager , you need to be careful when making plans for production , making sure you have the accurate calculation or else the production might lead into debt .

This is why the survey of market is really necessary in order to accurately predict the consumption and production scale so that you could balance it. It could be hard to do so.
Having plans is the way to prevent loss, if you ar good at planning I'm very sure you can hardly fall for anything that has to do with scam or failure, what do think.
I think so too. With a good plan, you rarely make losses. This is because you only do the right things that lead to profits. With plans, you also avoid taking shortcuts and falling for scammers.

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