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Sources of funding for businesses

If you don't want to borrow funds from the financial institution which might attract much interest that might stifle the growing business.You can get some trusted friends or family members or you look for investors to invest in your ideas and dreams.
1.Personal investment. When 2.starting a business, your first 3.investor should be yourself either with your own cash or with collateral on your assets.
4.Love money.
5.Venture capital.
7.Business incubators.
8.Government grants and subsidies.
8.Bank loans.
Capital has always been the main problem when planning to start a business. When you are planning to establish a business but you do not have the needed capital to fund it, you can take grants from your parents or friends and family. If these choices were exhausted without success, you can take a loan from the bank.
there are different source of funding in a business ways by which you can be able to make and get finance to fund your business most people get their funding from microfinance Bank. This banks help them with little loans and attach small interest another for small-scale trader to be able to assess.
You can seek out investors who believe in your ideas and have the financial capabilities to back you up. Or you can enter into a partnership.
I love this idea of yours on how to get capital to start up your business because like they say idea is actually the most important aspect of a business so getting the capital to fund the idea will be quite easy.
I think there are many ways to source a business,as an individual who wants to start a business,there must be an adequate way which he or she has in mind in sourcing for the business.
__Personal savings
__Bank loans
__Investment which has already yield returns
__Grant from corporate bodies
For me these are the top 5 sources of funding for a business
Funding from personal savings
Debt financing
Friends and family
Angel investor
Venture capitalists
There are so many people who are very concerned about where they are getting money from especially when it happens to be money for their business. Some are very comfortable with getting loans.
You can use your own reserve funds, commitment from loved ones, commitments from credit and frugality social orders, deals of resources like terrains, houses or some other resource. These sorts of sources when combined can raise an immense capital for your business.
the only way you can get money to start up your own business is for you to work for the money yourself or you are given a grant by the government, with this you can use it to start up a business as it is not advisable for you to get a loan to start up a business because it can lead to a lot of complicated issues if you are unable to pay back the loan.
For someone who doesn't want to take a loan to fund business then a grant from feder or state government or funds from family and friends or personal savings would be the next series of options
There are lot of ways to fund a business. One can source for fund through obtaining loan, trade credits, overdraft among others. But I won't really advice that a new business owner should go for a loan. One can form a partnership to raise enough capital
I personally don't support the idea of running a business using loan, rather I seek for assistance or support or use my personal loan for the business.
Well starting a new business and not wanting the capital to come from a loan is possible, you can get people if you don't have the capital money yourself like friends, family or even outside investors to invest in your business provided it's a good initiative
If it's not saving my money for a specific period of time and get the right amount that would be enough to start a new business of my dream, I'm never making the dream a reality.
In terms of business funding with no intention of taking any loan, then the fund most directly come from the entrepreneur or borrowing from family members or seeking for assistance from friends and relations with demanding for loan to finance his business.
I have never taken any kind or money called loan from any kind of banks, financial institutions or individuals for any reason whatsoever because I don't fancy being in debt.
You can fund your business through your saving, through angel investors, through partnership contracts, through a bank loan, through crowdfunding, etc.
There are many recommended sources of business funding other than taking a loan. Some of these sources are:
Personal savings
Love money (funding from friends and family)
Business support from government or non governmental agencies
Angel investors etc.
When starting a business without loan you can funding by saving before starting up the business, because it is very important for one to saving before starting up business.
If the person has good business idea, i can help him to look for investors and i can even invest in his business idea if i have the money

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