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Side Job? just for extra money

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Extra jobs to earn extra money.

Ride Share / Delivery Driver

Domestic helper / personal assistant


Pet Supplies, Dog Walker, Sniff Spot Host.

Customer service representative.

Freelance gigs.

Rent your spare space.
There are many different ways to make money on the side, and there are some gigs you can do from home. Options range from traditional positions like pet sitting or childcare to new types of flexible work options like driving for Uber or becoming an online retailer.

15 Side Jobs to Make Some Extra Money​

Here are 15 side gigs to consider when you need some extra income. They are easy to get, you don’t need to acquire additional education or training to get hired, and they are jobs in which you can decide when you want to work.


© The Balance, 2018

1. Ride Share/Delivery Driver

If you have a reliable vehicle and know your way around town, there are openings for drivers in all the cities where ride sharing is permitted. Another option is to deliver packages for companies like Amazon. You’ll be able to work a flexible schedule and use your car to earn cash. UPS hires drivers and driver helpers for part-time positions. Check company websites for information on driving, delivery, and delivery helper jobs in your location. You'll be able to quickly and easily apply online from your computer or your phone.

If driving isn't your favorite activity, but you can fly a drone (you'll need to be licensed) check out pilot opportunities at DroneBase.

2. Household Helper/Personal Assistant

Are you handy around the house? Can you fix or build things? Do you like cleaning and organizing? TaskRabbit is a site you can use to offer your services. After you’ve been approved, you’ll be able to use the app to find jobs that interest you. If you have handyperson, assembly or cleaning experience, sign-up for Handy or Amazon Professional Services to find jobs in your city.

You can also use Craiglist and word of mouth to find additional gigs.

3. Care Giver

Babysitters are always in demand, and elder care is a fast growing field. There are always positions available with flexible hours. Options include signing up for a caregiving service like Care.com or securing your own jobs. In either case, you’ll be able to set your availability based on your schedule. Here’s how to land a babysitting job.

4. Pet Sitter, Dog Walker or Sniffspot Host

If you prefer pets to people, pet sitting is an ideal way to make some money. You could work at a doggy daycare or boarding facility, or you could be self-employed. One way to get started is to check with your family, friends, neighbors and your pet to line up referrals. You can also sign up on websites and apps like Wag and Rover to market your services. Rover also has opportunities for dog groomers.

If you have a dog-friendly yard, you can become a Sniffspot host to earn some extra money.

5. Customer Service Representative

Customer service is one of the fastest growing occupations. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to get hired for both online and in-person positions. Evening and weekend jobs are plentiful if you need to work around your day job. Here’s information on the top 10 customer service jobs and how to land one of them.

6. Get a Freelance Gig

If your paycheck isn’t cutting it and you’ve got the right skills and the time, you could freelance to help boost your bank account and your resume. You may even have thought about freelancing full-time. If that’s the case, doing some side gigs is a good way to see whether a transition to self-employment makes sense. To get started, review these tips for how to become a freelancer. Here are some of the sites you can use to find gigs:

7. Rent Your Extra Space

Another self-employment option is to rent your extra space. Do you have a spare room, a garage or storage space you’re not using? If so, check out:

8. Sell Your Stuff

If you have a closet full of clothes, shoes, bags, and other accessories you can free up some space, downsize your wardrobe, and earn money by selling what you don’t need. Use eBay or one of the online sites dedicated to selling used clothes, or use an app like Poshmark or Vinted, for example, to sell those clothes you haven’t worn in forever. You can use Lystant to help you sell, or sign up to help other people sell their items.

9. Get Some Micro Jobs

Even though little jobs only pay a little money, your earnings can add up over time. If you’re looking for something that’s quick and easy to do, with no commitment, consider a micro job. A micro job is a small, task-oriented temporary position. Fiverr is one of the top sites for getting quick gigs, and here are 33 more places to find them.

10. Participate in Research Studies or Focus Group

Depending on where you live, you may be able to participate in a paid research study or online focus groups. Some are ongoing, others pay by the hour or pay a flat rate for your time. For some positions, you’ll need to participate in-person. Others can be done online.

Search Google for “research studies” to find opportunities in your area.

11. Organizer/Mover

Are you organized? Does cleaning out cabinets and closets sound like fun? Whether it’s for someone who needs help staying organized or for someone who is downsizing their home, you can get paid to help clear out clutter. You can sign up for Bellhops or Goshare to help people move.

12. Party Planner

If you have a knack for planning parties, this is a side job you can easily get started doing. Offer your services to everyone you know and you’ll soon have a list of clients who can attest to your abilities. You can start small with events like kids birthday parties and expand as you build your experience. Here's information about what's involved in event planning.

13. Work for a Caterer

One of the benefits to working for a caterer is that you don’t have to commit to a regular schedule. You can work events when you’re available. Typical positions that caterers hire for include servers, bartenders, and other event staff. Search Google or Indeed.com to find jobs in your area. Also, check with local caterers directly to see if they are hiring.

14. Tutoring

You don’t have to have an advanced college degree to become a tutor. College students are often hired to tutor elementary and high school students or as peer tutors, and, for older candidates, a bachelor’s degree in a subject area can help you line up tutoring jobs for after school, evenings, and weekends. Check with the guidance office in your school district for high school and elementary jobs, and with the career or student employment office for campus positions. Or use a site like Tutor.com to tutor online.

15. Work at a Market or Festival

Many communities have weekly Farmers Markets and some also have Flea Markets that are held on a regular basis. If you’re available weekends, signing up for a job at the market can provide some additional income, and you may be able to get a deal on produce and the other items that are being sold. When you live in a resort area, check the calendar for upcoming festivals, concerts, and fairs. You’ll find a variety of fun jobs you can pick up, and you’ll get free admission to the event.

More Ways to Make Extra Money

Whether it's adding a second job, a part-time position, or a weekend job to your schedule, in this gig-focused economy there are many ways you can supplement your income and boost your bank account.

There are even easy part-time jobs with flexible hours that you can consider, and apps you can use to find a gig quickly.
Side jobs is also good for those that have the time, maybe they can also work with bizdustry, as a side job cos they really pay their workers, and it also depends on the type of job you are doing, if you're work allow you to others business as a side job, you can do so, but please always makes out time for your self.
side jobs are beneficial for extra money because today every one needs such sites which gerenate revenue through working every one needs more money to live life without stress. all of them you mentioned are good sites.
I think they do the side job.Those who have less and less.The side job is no longer done by a servant happily but by compulsion because he needs extra money. From the first job he could not meet his expenses.So he works side by side to earn money
Insightful. Thanks for sharing. Having many streams of income is the best thing one can do to become financially stable. However we must make research and learn more about whatever business we want to venture into.
Side job for extra cash is very important, monthly salary cannot solve anything, because before the salary comes , there are debt already, so side job has been of help to so many people, especially online business, with online business things has been easy.
I think you are right that this ad job is always done for extra money because because of this he does side job to meet his expenses.And some people do site job amateur and some student side so they can make money for themselves.
In order to generate side income, you need skills. Whether you can earn or not, or how much you can earn depends on the type of skills you have. writing can earn you side income, but you will earn more if you have skills related to graphic designing and web designing.
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As everyone else I guess you want to earn some extra money without quiting your main job, maybe even doing something you love, something you enjoy spending time to do, what additional source of income can you bring to your life so you can have several incomes. It might be time to diversify, not only you already did with this forum, but again on another way so you become more financially independent, you need several sustainable sources to ease your life and live smart.

Let s find together what is worth trying to increase your monthly income, side job as part time job is great for some extra cash. Let me first let you know about the opportunity we have here on bizdustry, that maybe you don t know about.

1) Doing original Guides/Reviews for extra biznotes, below you can see that @Alexander gave us a great chance to bring quality content and earn in the same time, which is the best thing to grow your content as a community, read below for more information.

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2) Start writing your own blog, it is the best way to focus on the niche that excites you, grow your own community but do not focus on ho to attract users to your blog, just consider building daily blog posts, do it consistently and in time you will gain visibility and the results will flourish and you will actually start reaping the harvest full of rewards.

Having your own blog as a business it s very easy in this period of time, you just need a device and an internet connection, you can only have a mobile phone and it is enough. Most important point is to find what would you like writing about and do not worry about anything, face everything and step by step move forward to your objective. And in no time you will have an extra income which will bring extra cash, and the power to choose to focus on what you really want to do with your life.

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3) Selling your skills, your craft, today you will find many opportunities to share what you love to do and sell it, people do it on platform for freelancers, on social media like youtube, on streaming platforms like twitch, or even on subscription platforms like Patreon, where you can produce with whatever your skills are and make money out of it, with your own creativity and abilities you can create your own brand simply by doing small steps in that direction, and people will be interested in what you have to offer when you start giving it.

This is one of the easiest way to do a new income, find what you want and ask the universe for it, focus on that everyday until you reach the main objective. For example I have noticed just recently that I love to write, I started to write daily 2-3 rows with time passing there were days when I was writing more than one page, and after three years I published two books of self-development, the third one is on editing and I have already started to write the forth one.

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4) Writing E-books, as I mentioned above when you do little by little it ads up, I will share with you here the link to my shop where you can find one package with the first two volumes I have written. I cannot say it was something I have enjoyed doing until I started doing it everyday for a longer period of time. You need to repeat something so you can do it better and better, get more creative and produce something that will leave a mark on the others, the readers are the clients and the moment you only focus on growth, all are growing when they focus on your creations.

I want to challenge you to write everyday from now on 2-3 sentences on how you would like to be, but write as if you were already there. Let me give you an example, one of my dreams was to write two books a year, to make it powerful for yourself you should write like it already happened: I didn t like to write in the past but now I wrote two books this year and this made me feel more courageous regarding my potential, I know I can write more and share more of myself and the best version I want to be. You don t have to do something like a journal, you have to write how you want to be, what you want to achieve as you already did it.
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4) Doing webinars, have you noticed you become really good in a specific niche, you have tools to share that will help others improve any part of themselves, then it means you can do a webinar, share free tools and make that webinar be a hook for other products you want to sell, like classes or courses. If you already build a blog or a website it will be easier to gather your audience, even through social media you can do it faster than ever, just by creating some events and give the vital information so that they will be instantly interested in what you have to offer. Know that they will go further with the course/classes that you will give after.

Give them a better offer for your class/course by lowering the price of it just because they were present at your webinar, this will make the want even more to experience the range of information you will target in that class/course, when you give the people opportunity to learn from your expertise, they will pay for what you have to share and you will grow as a leader in that niche and afterward the money will just flow to you, like they say in the law of attraction.

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5) Build online identities for others, if you are good in this domain try to grow a portfolio as soon as possible, this will help you improve your ability to find the right way for your on brand by helping others you are learning to go deeper, to delve into your inner creative child which will constantly grow with you, while you are working. Learn how to grow any social media platform, learn how to target the exact audience with your skills and ongoing new abilities that are improving even right now when you work.

The best way for thyself to improve is to help others grow, that is the fastest way to success and the best way to improve and learn any ability you choose. It will increase your appreciation when you help someone build their online identity, through any social media platform you will create visibility and engagement, that is how you will earn more on the long run, and remember always think on long terms because you will see great results after time is passing and you are getting wiser and smarter.
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6) Counseling or private tutoring in your field of expertise, the moment you understand your greatness and trust that your growth is ready to be planted in others it is time to offer one-on-one coaching/tutoring for anyone who is interested and will pay, your lessons need to be structured better, this will allow you to move even better through your projects and create your own schedule. What could be better than working on your own schedule, this is something that everyone should focus on ataining.

Another great benefit when you do counseling or private lessons is that you get to set your pay rate, and it is time for you to not sell yourself short, but know your worth, you are enough and can earn better than you have done until now. People will buy something that is more expensive and has quality than something that is cheap even though it is the same quality, they need to know that the investment was worth it, so it is better that the energy exchange should be as big as the quality.
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7) Monetizing your passion, the moment that you love your hobbies they become your passion, when you love what you do you can do bigger things while having fun, make it possible to turn it into a new income. Just look on how many streamers on twitch, how many youtubers, or artists on patreon managed to gro into a money-making business their passion. It only depends on you what you choose to do, it is your plan with yourself, nobody will come to do it for you, you have to do it, and what better time than now.

The main goal is to create an aditional income while doing what you love, while you enjoy it you transmit an wonderful energy to the viewers/readers and that is exactly what you have to do to, get better at that and monetize it in several ways. You can even sell your own products to your audience, since they love that you love what you do you can share merch with them and interact, they can find themselves in the crowd through your merch or even create awareness on a specific solution that you have to give.

The moment you choose to invest your attention in something, it is the moment you start the wheels to roll into the direction you choose, when you believe you can, you open the door and do it, when you believe you can t you keep the door closed, either way you choose you are right. Remember that trust is not something you have but something you create for yourself anytime you wish to. That feeling of trust you yearn for is just a felling of power within you, a feeling of safety that you have the power to do anything you set your mind to, anything, and you can create this feeling within you even right now, it is a matter of choice.
Yes it is it is a good thing to make money online and for extra pocket money we can do many of the online work to making money online as as like a typing job captcha solving and many other websites who paid for task. So I suggest to do work online.
Recently, I started to build an identity for myself on amazon. I started by registering in kindle publish on amazon. What I do in summary is create books like notebooks, journal and sell on amazon. I really hope to have enough cash to be able to advertise.
I really love the idea of challenging myself to write everyday from now on 2-3 sentences on how I would like to be. I really believe a constant reminder and faith in yourself can help you achieve several set goals.
Side job? just for extra money.
It an addictional money to your salary because your salary may not be enough for all your needs.and side jobs helps a lot because of many people are in need of money for there child school fees and to take good care of them.
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As everyone else I guess you want to earn some extra money without quiting your main job, maybe even doing something you love, something you enjoy spending time to do, what additional source of income can you bring to your life so you can have several incomes. It might be time to diversify, not only you already did with this forum, but again on another way so you become more financially independent, you need several sustainable sources to ease your life and live smart.

Let s find together what is worth trying to increase your monthly income, side job as part time job is great for some extra cash. Let me first let you know about the opportunity we have here on bizdustry, that maybe you don t know about.

1) Doing original Guides/Reviews for extra biznotes, below you can see that @Alexander gave us a great chance to bring quality content and earn in the same time, which is the best thing to grow your content as a community, read below for more information.

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2) Start writing your own blog, it is the best way to focus on the niche that excites you, grow your own community but do not focus on ho to attract users to your blog, just consider building daily blog posts, do it consistently and in time you will gain visibility and the results will flourish and you will actually start reaping the harvest full of rewards.

Having your own blog as a business it s very easy in this period of time, you just need a device and an internet connection, you can only have a mobile phone and it is enough. Most important point is to find what would you like writing about and do not worry about anything, face everything and step by step move forward to your objective. And in no time you will have an extra income which will bring extra cash, and the power to choose to focus on what you really want to do with your life.

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3) Selling your skills, your craft, today you will find many opportunities to share what you love to do and sell it, people do it on platform for freelancers, on social media like youtube, on streaming platforms like twitch, or even on subscription platforms like Patreon, where you can produce with whatever your skills are and make money out of it, with your own creativity and abilities you can create your own brand simply by doing small steps in that direction, and people will be interested in what you have to offer when you start giving it.

This is one of the easiest way to do a new income, find what you want and ask the universe for it, focus on that everyday until you reach the main objective. For example I have noticed just recently that I love to write, I started to write daily 2-3 rows with time passing there were days when I was writing more than one page, and after three years I published two books of self-development, the third one is on editing and I have already started to write the forth one.

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4) Writing E-books, as I mentioned above when you do little by little it ads up, I will share with you here the link to my shop where you can find one package with the first two volumes I have written. I cannot say it was something I have enjoyed doing until I started doing it everyday for a longer period of time. You need to repeat something so you can do it better and better, get more creative and produce something that will leave a mark on the others, the readers are the clients and the moment you only focus on growth, all are growing when they focus on your creations.

I want to challenge you to write everyday from now on 2-3 sentences on how you would like to be, but write as if you were already there. Let me give you an example, one of my dreams was to write two books a year, to make it powerful for yourself you should write like it already happened: I didn t like to write in the past but now I wrote two books this year and this made me feel more courageous regarding my potential, I know I can write more and share more of myself and the best version I want to be. You don t have to do something like a journal, you have to write how you want to be, what you want to achieve as you already did it.
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4) Doing webinars, have you noticed you become really good in a specific niche, you have tools to share that will help others improve any part of themselves, then it means you can do a webinar, share free tools and make that webinar be a hook for other products you want to sell, like classes or courses. If you already build a blog or a website it will be easier to gather your audience, even through social media you can do it faster than ever, just by creating some events and give the vital information so that they will be instantly interested in what you have to offer. Know that they will go further with the course/classes that you will give after.

Give them a better offer for your class/course by lowering the price of it just because they were present at your webinar, this will make the want even more to experience the range of information you will target in that class/course, when you give the people opportunity to learn from your expertise, they will pay for what you have to share and you will grow as a leader in that niche and afterward the money will just flow to you, like they say in the law of attraction.

View attachment 1442
5) Build online identities for others, if you are good in this domain try to grow a portfolio as soon as possible, this will help you improve your ability to find the right way for your on brand by helping others you are learning to go deeper, to delve into your inner creative child which will constantly grow with you, while you are working. Learn how to grow any social media platform, learn how to target the exact audience with your skills and ongoing new abilities that are improving even right now when you work.

The best way for thyself to improve is to help others grow, that is the fastest way to success and the best way to improve and learn any ability you choose. It will increase your appreciation when you help someone build their online identity, through any social media platform you will create visibility and engagement, that is how you will earn more on the long run, and remember always think on long terms because you will see great results after time is passing and you are getting wiser and smarter.
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6) Counseling or private tutoring in your field of expertise, the moment you understand your greatness and trust that your growth is ready to be planted in others it is time to offer one-on-one coaching/tutoring for anyone who is interested and will pay, your lessons need to be structured better, this will allow you to move even better through your projects and create your own schedule. What could be better than working on your own schedule, this is something that everyone should focus on ataining.

Another great benefit when you do counseling or private lessons is that you get to set your pay rate, and it is time for you to not sell yourself short, but know your worth, you are enough and can earn better than you have done until now. People will buy something that is more expensive and has quality than something that is cheap even though it is the same quality, they need to know that the investment was worth it, so it is better that the energy exchange should be as big as the quality.
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7) Monetizing your passion, the moment that you love your hobbies they become your passion, when you love what you do you can do bigger things while having fun, make it possible to turn it into a new income. Just look on how many streamers on twitch, how many youtubers, or artists on patreon managed to gro into a money-making business their passion. It only depends on you what you choose to do, it is your plan with yourself, nobody will come to do it for you, you have to do it, and what better time than now.

The main goal is to create an aditional income while doing what you love, while you enjoy it you transmit an wonderful energy to the viewers/readers and that is exactly what you have to do to, get better at that and monetize it in several ways. You can even sell your own products to your audience, since they love that you love what you do you can share merch with them and interact, they can find themselves in the crowd through your merch or even create awareness on a specific solution that you have to give.

The moment you choose to invest your attention in something, it is the moment you start the wheels to roll into the direction you choose, when you believe you can, you open the door and do it, when you believe you can t you keep the door closed, either way you choose you are right. Remember that trust is not something you have but something you create for yourself anytime you wish to. That feeling of trust you yearn for is just a felling of power within you, a feeling of safety that you have the power to do anything you set your mind to, anything, and you can create this feeling within you even right now, it is a matter of choice.
Just like they said, a man is supposed to have more than one thing that gives him money. For me I am an electrical engineer by profession and also have graphic design as a side job.
I am an advocate of multiple streams of income and I believe every human ought to have at least 4 streams of income because one stream of income is never enough so we all have to think out of the box to create more streams of income for ourselves.
Thanks for the information. Those side income emulated are quite good and rewarding. You can also add domain flipping to the list. It also profitable and can be done conveniently in the comfort of your room.
I have always wanted to do something that I love and passionate about outside of my job and to be honest, what has been pulling me back is how to give my time to both because my main job can be very demanding. By the way, those are nice points.

It can be demanding to combine both your main job and side jobs as the work you do daily can be an obstacle to you. What I noticed about all of that is the need to focus on selling your skills to the wider audience online and making money out of it whenever you are online.
Some of the side work anyone can do is always advisable that you do an online work as you just said because this will help you to get some extra money to take care of some need and pains of some bills,that is why I'm trying as much as possible to engage myself in online business.
Selling your skills, your craft, today is highly feasible. Unlike before, you can now easily sell what your skills on platform like Upwork, fiverr. There are several freelancers platform where you can get client for yourself. Also you can advertise on social media.
You have listed good side jobs up there but the problem is how does one adapt or cope doing all of these and still working in a company where your mental alertness and attention is needed for 9-10 hrs of the day. Most people have less than 3hrs for themselves to relax and get rest because they know how hectic it’s going to be the next day. For people who have less tedious jobs I think the opportunity to do side jobs is for them.
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