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Land business


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Nov 27, 2020
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
Hmm, you got a lot of money to spend for such wide range of land. Buying 200 acres is large, you're in for a great deal. I will advice you to use the land for agricultural purposes like you said. Because the value of that place you bought will be less. So I will say you go for livestock business.
That is very much land you have got there and congratulations. 200 hectres is pretty big, I don't know of the location or how fertile it is but agriculture is the best I think that can be made judiciously with this piece of land. If not then you should go for the livestock farming which is lucrative too but you will need to inject a few money building pens, ponds, buying their eating and drinking through, employ people to feed and manage them and also to purchase or import young ones
Before taking any decision there are certain factors you need to put into consideration such as the location of the Land how fertile is the land can be used for agriculture and also if you plan to sell, you need to check the current price of land within that region.
Abandoning the land for a long time for the value of the land to appreciate overtime seems to be the best investment option for you over that land, so many people are into this business.
If you do not have the capability to use the land for crops or livestock which can also be risky due to potential losses then you can just use the land as an investment. That land is vast that it would be a waste not to use it. My suggestion is to plant the land with trees like fruit trees that in 5 years there would be harvest that you can sell or even bamboo that you can also sell the bamboo poles. A friend bought a piece of land that he planted with lumber trees. He said that after 10 years he can sell half of the trees and after 20 years the price of the trees would be double.
There are certain variables you need to take into account before making any decision, such as the position of the land, how fertile the land can be used for agriculture, and if you intend to sell, you need to check the current price of land in that area.
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
What you think is better then it is but abandoning the land making nothing of it maybe not useful but planting on the land while abandoning you make your own resources or you can even do a living even its small if its harvest time then wait if you want to sell it at least your land be useful.
200 acres is a good property for an investor in this era irrespective of whether the location of the lands is situated in the rural area. However, I think you can just lease the land to companies for some years and get money from them and you will still be the owner of the land or maybe you should sell some and keep the rest.
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
Don't ever sell even just one plot of the land. If you can't start up livestock business on the land, it's better to start out agriculture on the land. It will even pay you more as you get to have food to eat and some to sell. Allow the land to appreciate for 10 years and sell it 20 times for what you bought it initially.
You can be using it for agricultural purposes now and layer you sell it lest say in five years time. By then it would have appreciated and with thay you can get almost times ten of your initial capital. Buying in rural areas is very cheap.
That is very big land you have, I think to invest in it is the best so to make more profit, you can use it for agriculture business like livestock farming business can give you a lot of money, when you plan it very well,
Wow so much land you have bought means you can do any business easily.If you want to keep this land as an investment for a few years, don't leave it vacant.Use it as agriculture because 200 acres is a lot of land and you can make good money.If you can't farm on your own, give the land to someone on a contract and keep taking money every year.
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
You should take some wise steps to get profit from this big land, you should crop different vegetables and crops there and also sake some of the land after making some buildings and apartments.
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
200 acres huge land and you can do every kind of agriculture in it and you can also plantation in it, you should planting it because it has a lot of advantage in the agricultural field and there is a lot of profit in it.
I think it is important you get the value for the money spent, I suggest ou hire some people and use the land for massive planting, basically agricultural products. The produce you get from the farm you can even sell them.
Land, in the business sense, can refer to real estate or property, minus buildings, and equipment, which is designated by fixed spatial boundaries. Land ownership might offer the titleholder the right to any natural resources that exist within the boundaries of their land. Farming: Farming is one of the most overlooked businesses in the world yet it is a very lucrative one. Every single person in the world must consume farm produce at one point hence you can never go wrong with starting a farm on your vacant land. Ways to Make Money Off Your Land Almost Immediately

Method to make money from land

Rent plots to groups looking to build a community garden. ...

Start blogging about your newest farming adventures. ...

Sell local honey at farmers markets. ...

Sell plant seeds online. ...

Offer indoor or outdoor storage. ...

Create fishing lakes or ponds for local fisherman or groups to rent.
This is one of the best move you have made, looking at the fact that land will always appreciate, land and estate agent business is a very lucrative one, if you can exercise little patient and more people migrate to that village, you will get *10 of the actual amount you purchase the land
I bought a 200 acres of land in very rural area for just a small amount of money. Am thinking of what to do with the land. Should I plant on the land or I should sell it off or I should rear livestock on it. Do you think I can also abandon the land for more years so I can earn more profit
You bought 200 acres of land and don't know what the purpose is? , I tell you that the three options are good, but while the time passes to sell it in case it is your final decision, you can invest in livestock if you know how to work with them, or you can also sow which will give you benefits in the short, medium or long term It depends what you sow.
Before starting agriculture you must know that land should be fertile because fertility is the basic need of agriculture as the crops don't grow with fertile land.
The quantity of land is very much so of you are having more money and you have the back up of coming income so I will suggest you to start business there or build some houses for rent ,this will be more suitable for you.

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