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Is age important where you come from?

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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Jul 20, 2016
Is a person's age important in your culture? How is it important?
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Its said that wisdom comes with age. We are taught that we know less than our elders. Even if someone is older with a few months or a year, it makes a difference in my culture.
Age has a long way to go and a lot to say about you and what you do in my environment. In fact, some people will look down on you just because you are young and consider you an inexperienced individual. There are so many people here that won't even introduce stuffs to you because they believe you are too young.
Yes age is a key factor here because they believe if one person is older than you, you are to respect such person and to do whatever he said and follow his instructions
Age is very important in my environment, age is like a norm in my society. You been acknowledged sometimes by how old you are irrespective of what you do. Age determines maturity in society today
Hmmm. Lolz
It's something taken to be serious. Age is important in my culture but not on my side, personally.
They expect one to reach a particular stage in life at some point in time. Especially the elders, they can help you remind you of your age just in case you forget😂
well like one of the sayings in my country age is just a number but I qoute against it ,age is not only a number, your age makes you and determines how you think, there is a big difference between how a 15 year old boy can think and 25 year old adult can think
Is a person's age important in your culture? How is it important?
A person's age is important in my culture.
You are expected to respect your elder at all cost no matter the case.
As a younger person, you do not initiate hand shaking with an elderly person, that's disrespectful. It's when the elder bings forth his hand that you'll respond.
In traditional African cultures the aged were accorded high esteem and social status. Caring for the aged was a natural and expected part of like and also had its roots in strong religious beliefs. Modernization in Africa has changed the status and care of the aged. As younger age groups have moved to the urban areas many of the aged wished to remain in their rural community and have therefore lost valuable family support and involvement
It goes in both directions, some individuals take it to be a big deal while others believe it's not by age, so the age thing depends on the individual.
Yes age is important important where I come from and the level of importance people place on age is determined by what is being done at the moment. Like in terms of marriage, alot of persons place importance on it either being too young to get married or being too old to still be single 🙄
I think the misconception that age is just a number is really a big lie because the more your age grow or count you are supposed to grow up and also because you are not supposed to be left behind when your age is counting it is not just number in the progress in your life
Age can't be over emphasis where I come from, they respect age too very well that they can't overlook things that has to do with age forgetting the fact that it's not age that really matters but experience.
Age is vital in my culture. Respect is accorded based on age difference. In my culture once a person is older he or she automatically assumes the leadership role and must be respected no matter his or her deficiency.
I believe in every society age is very important but over here older people are well respected, they are also being made a leader of a particular group of people based on their experience they have in life. And also children at a very tender age are advise to go to school as much.
Age is important has to do with the future, it has important role to play in life sometime, for instance if want to attain a political office in my country you have to attain certain age before you could be allowed to do such
Age I very important where u can come from because we are headed or stratified based on how old we are and so it is very important in the place I come from
Is a person's age important in your culture? How is it important?
In the clime where i come from,to some extent age is attatch to some certain things in the socal sector,like takng up responsibility in the family,they usually pay attention to the most elderlly.

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