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How to live a life of no regrets

To live a life of no regret, simply forget the mistakes of the past and move on with a fresh mind, this might sound easy but it takes daily strength and courage. Kudos to those who try.
well what do you need to do in life is just for you to pursue your goal and make sure that you do most of the things you will need in this life at the youthful age,if you cannot do it in the youthful age perhaps you will definitely regret not doing it at that time.
Always have this at the back of your mind that no one is perfect, you made mistakes does not mean its the end of the world, keep pushing forward, learn from those mistakes. Go for what you want, never feel you are not good enough, get it your all if it doesn't work out take it as a lesson
It's hard to come across someone who has never regretted doing a particular thing in life. But to live a life not full of regrets is just do what works for you. Donot compare your life to others and be contented.
But you can minimise the rate at which you indulge in things that will eventually make you to start regreting your action later on in life,by understandng your purpose and waling along the path to accomplishing why you are here on earth.
we are all human been there is no way we can live a life of no regret. We makes mistakes. We regret our mistakes but what Matters the ability to move on. Forget your mistakes and move on with your life that's what matters
I live my life at its best as I know that no one else can make living worthwhile for me. I feel happy this way.
You just have to understand yourself and know what is good or bad for you. Have you understood this principles about yourself, live by them and live right
In life one has to regret maybe because of mistakes or doughty mindset but we should learn from our mistakes and try to be perfect is another way of avoiding regrets
I don't think it is possible to live a life of no regrets life itself is all about regrets we make mistakes that is why we are human beings sometimes we make mistakes in life but we need to learn it the mistakes I never make it again
Though there are many people out there that still regrets their action. How can we live a life of no regret.

Firstly, when we do the right things at the right time and we make use of the opportunity that comes out way.

Secondly, we should always try to avoid mistakes, although nobody is above mistake but the greatest mistake is when we don't learn from the previous mistake we made and still continue to make the same mistake.

Lastly, when we don't follow our mind because of the people around us, like when a friend goes into one business and we decide to do same business because our friend is doing it, we should always know what work for us.
Like you rightly said, the best way to live a life without regret is to try that thing you have always wanted, whenever an opportunity comes your way, make use of it, and when you make a mistake, instead of you trying to feeling bad or sorry about yourself, find out what you did wrong, see it as a lesson and learn from it.
While staying in our comfort zone is secure, it is difficult to attain greatness by living cautiously. Identifying one method to step outside our usual comfort zone each day can assist us in taking the risks required to drive us ahead and attain a fuller, more satisfying existence.
Apply these simples logic to live life without regretting
  1. Let your loved ones know you love them. The experience of love is one of the best things in life.
  2. Follow your dream.
  3. Trust your gut instincts.
  4. Keep your work at work.
  5. Take risks.
  6. Take life less seriously.
  7. Turn "failures" into stepping stones.
  8. Practice forgiveness.
Yeah,you are right but sometimes regret teach us lesson on how the nature of something is, Which can enhance and enlighten us the more about the future.
It is very simple always make sure to not do things before you check them, ensure that you are doing them well. And even if sometimes you messes it up forgive yourself and accept it, because that's who we are human beings and we must accept the fact that we are not special.
One more thing is to talk to people, you don't have to always do things by yourself you can always call a friend to talk about one topic you arent completely sure about.

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