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How to live a life of no regrets

  1. First, Celebrate Your Failures. It's really okay to screw up. ...
  2. Claim Your LIfe. ...
  3. Say Yes or No Today to Your Dreams. ...
  4. Don't Let Your Kids Grow Up Without You. ...
  5. Close Doors. ...
  6. Learn From Your Mistakes, Don't Regret Them. ...
  7. Be Afraid of Being Afraid. ...
  8. Stop Thinking You Can Tell God What to Do.
There is no way to live in this earth without having one or two regrets. Life is full of regrets and it makes us a better person. We all learn from our mistakes and move aheard with them as a sleeve of experience which will be used next time.
How do I live a life of no regrets? This is a very good topic. If an individual would live without regrets, it means you make haste while the sun shines and beat the iron while it's hot. This means you do not permit procrastination. This they say steals time and end up leaving an individual in regret. What you are meant to do now, do it, now. Don't procrastinate.
What is Regrets. Regrets is a backward way of thinking that looks into the past and reconsiders the choices we once made either good or bad.
What causes regrets
1 They didn't follow their dreams.
2 life can be so burden when some people hold grudges and don't know to let go or how to forgive themselves for the things they done
How to live a life without Regrets
1learn from your mistakes and do not repeat same mistakes again.
2 Claim your life back, follow your own path.
3 Try to find happiness
4 Take control of your thoughts
5 Be bold, love what you do, don't waste time trying to bring back what has gone.
Your article is well arrange and simple as well, because is not easy to go off regretting when we made some mistake in the past thinking if we could go back to correct our mistakes. So we need to let go of it in our mind and focus on how to improve on ourself and try as much as possible never to repeat same mistake again.
We've all done things we regret. If I could go back and change some of my decisions my life would take a very different path but there's no point in dwelling on past mistakes. We just have to learn from them and make the best of what we have.

Part of my problem is I can be impulsive, I don't always think things through. Sometimes that works out well but it can also go the other way and make problems for me. I'm better with age but I've done things that make me cringe to think about them.
Living a life of no regret is impossible sometimes we might help someone and it turns out to be bad for example like lending your car to a friend and the car was. Bashed by some one else,not because of. Your. Friends carelessness but because it has been destined that way and. You the car owner will definitely be sad about you would even say had I know I won't but what if the accident happen when the car was. In your care would. You get angry with yourself? Also we can also live life of regrets. By our negative character
We all know how hard it is to live a life without regrets , but in order for us to do so we have to basically have plans at first and have initial ways and medium of implementing those plans into reality
My long-term goal is to live a life of no regret and what I do to ensure that would be considering all my decisions before I make them, and this has been helping me to avoid making mistakes that I will later come to regret.
Hmm, I never have regrets because I listen to my intuition and it never fails me ,also I'm not a spontaneous person I take my time, analyse before taking major decisions
What is Regrets. Regrets is a backward way of thinking that looks into the past and reconsiders the choices we once made either good or bad.
What causes regrets
1 They didn't follow their dreams.
2 life can be so burden when some people hold grudges and don't know to let go or how to forgive themselves for the things they done
How to live a life without Regrets
1learn from your mistakes and do not repeat same mistakes again.
2 Claim your life back, follow your own path.
3 Try to find happiness
4 Take control of your thoughts
5 Be bold, love what you do, don't waste time trying to bring back what has gone.
you just need to know what you're doingalways think before doing anything to avoid regret
To live a life of no regret, the first you must consider is to put God first in everything you do. I'm not being religious but that's just the bitter truth. No matter how wealthy, influential or connected you are if God is out of it then you will realize you've made a biggest mistake when you're about to depart this world.
I don't think there is how someone can live without regret in this trouble world, because of people living around us or the mistake we make in the past.
What is Regrets. Regrets is a backward way of thinking that looks into the past and reconsiders the choices we once made either good or bad.
What causes regrets
1 They didn't follow their dreams.
2 life can be so burden when some people hold grudges and don't know to let go or how to forgive themselves for the things they done
How to live a life without Regrets
1learn from your mistakes and do not repeat same mistakes again.
2 Claim your life back, follow your own path.
3 Try to find happiness
4 Take control of your thoughts
5 Be bold, love what you do, don't waste time trying to bring back what has gone.
Well it possible...
When you learn your mistakes and you find solutions to them is one of the best way of not leaving a life of regret.
Finding happiness is not right but creating happiness for yourself its just the best....
People that has no regret in life are the people that are self fulfilled in life and have zero worries, I am having a lot of regrets and worries in life because I have made many mistakes in my life.
Try before you die or always wonder if, what if I had followed my dreams, what if I hadn't given up, only thing worse than death is a regret filled coffin. What do we have to lose anyway, but there's much to be gained when you try something, even if you don't get it at least you tried, my goal is to die with memories not regrets
Very realistic thoughts on handling life. You must learn from your past mistakes in life so as not to repeat them again if you want to make progress forward
Regret is something it almost impossible not to have, for you to live a life of no regret all you have to do is make peace with your past, never hold on to your past, whenever you make a mistake that cant be Rectified, just accept it as something you can avoid and move on with your life.
To me a backwards way of thinking as you say is the life of regret to avoid this way of thinking as to thought you have failed or you can not make it in life is to choose between the good and the bad life. making the right decision of life, planning for the future because he who failed to plan, plan to fail.
Regrets doesn't work well you need to forget things and move on a life full of regrets won't move forward as well as a business. It won't definitely move on at all .we should always try to avoid life with errors.
To live a life without regrets one have to live his life on his own terms and not just follow what others want for his life because at the end of the day, it's your life and the consequences would be yours to bear to always try to love with memories and not regrets
  1. First, Celebrate Your Failures. It's really okay to screw up. ...
  2. Claim Your LIfe. ...
  3. Say Yes or No Today to Your Dreams. ...
  4. Don't Let Your Kids Grow Up Without You. ...
  5. Close Doors. ...
  6. Learn From Your Mistakes, Don't Regret Them. ...
  7. Be Afraid of Being Afraid. ...
  8. Stop Thinking You Can Tell God What to Do.
Living a life of no regret means achieving whatever goal we set for ourselves when we are young, celebrating your failure and embracing mistakes is part of life, it means we are not perfect and we can learn form our mistakes.

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