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How to live a life of no regrets


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500 Posts Club
Feb 2, 2021
What is Regrets. Regrets is a backward way of thinking that looks into the past and reconsiders the choices we once made either good or bad.
What causes regrets
1 They didn't follow their dreams.
2 life can be so burden when some people hold grudges and don't know to let go or how to forgive themselves for the things they done
How to live a life without Regrets
1learn from your mistakes and do not repeat same mistakes again.
2 Claim your life back, follow your own path.
3 Try to find happiness
4 Take control of your thoughts
5 Be bold, love what you do, don't waste time trying to bring back what has gone.
It is hard to live a life without regerts, we are all human and we make mistake, so sometimes we regret our actions because we are just humans. So living a life without regerts is impossible, everybody makes mistake
It's hard to come across someone who has never regretted doing a particular thing in life. But to live a life not full of regrets is just do what works for you. Donot compare your life to others and be contented.
To live a life of no regrets, just do what ever that please you, don't live to please or impressed anybody. Eat well, do exercise regularly and always put smiles on the faces of others by helping them.
Living a fulfilled live is everyone's desire on earth but unfortunately not everyone has the means both financially, psychologically, spirituallyto have that level of comfort that they all yearn for, but I will try to see to it in a very simple way. Having a fulfilled life has alot to do with been contentment and been satisfied no matter how little it might seem like you have now. Then doing what you love and enjoy doing can really help you in living a life without regrets
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How to live a life of no regret, number cut your according to your size, don't copy anybody be your own and spend wisely, no body knows tomorrow. Don't look down on anybody, I mean do not pass your boundary
To live a life without regret is very hard because as a human being your want and desire never ends
You might want something and you can't have it I believe that can lead to regret
To live a life without regret as a human being is impossible
Living a fulfilled live is everyone's desire on earth but unfortunately not everyone has the means both financially, psychologically, spirituallyto have that level of comfort that they all yearn for, but I will try to see to it in a very simple way. Having a fulfilled life has alot to do with been contentment and been satisfied no matter how little it might seem like you have now. Then doing what you love and enjoy doing can really help you in living a life without regrets
If it were all about to end for you tomorrow – if that meteor out there in space is headed right for us, if that drunk doesn’t stop for the red light – would you have regrets at the way it all turned out?
iving with no regrets is impossible because when we do, it means we are perfect and make the right decisions every time. Having no regrets means you're not re-evaluating yourself and making mistakes. Regret is unavoidable; it's bad, but it's essential.
You can't live without regret, it is unavoidable, we make mistakes, we regret, re-strategise life plan and move on, we regret no matter wise you are because we are not perfect, you just work on not dwelling in your mistakes, you have to learn from there and move on
Living life with no regrets might be unattainable. This is because we are all humans, saddled with errors, mistakes and wrongdoings. We are perfectly flawed and imperfect. So we are bound to make mistakes. But we must not dwell on it. We have to understand that no one is perfect. Move on from it.
Living a life of no regret is not a gift and neither is it a blessing it a matter of choice. If you want to live a life of no regret you have to take careful noe of these things, do not go beyond your means, know your worth and be contented with what you have.
You live a life without regrets by doing the best that you can do at every point in time. With this kind of mindset when things do not work out for you, you won't feel sad. This is because you have done your possible best at that point in time so there's nothing more to be done. I believe that living with this kind of principle would go a long way in removing every regret.
What is Regrets. Regrets is a backward way of thinking that looks into the past and reconsiders the choices we once made either good or bad.
What causes regrets
1 They didn't follow their dreams.
2 life can be so burden when some people hold grudges and don't know to let go or how to forgive themselves for the things they done
How to live a life without Regrets
1learn from your mistakes and do not repeat same mistakes again.
2 Claim your life back, follow your own path.
3 Try to find happiness
4 Take control of your thoughts
5 Be bold, love what you do, don't waste time trying to bring back what has gone.
We cannot live a life without regrets. We learn from new experiences, explore options ,make decisions either they are good or bad . In the end we reconsider everything and think that if that goes this way then that would be much better. So keep on living and loving yourself.
We all are prone to flaws and at one point or the other we have definitely made stupid decisions that comes back to bite us. The easiest way to have less regret is taking responsibility for actions and facing the consequences as well.
regret happens when we're “not where we want to be” in life or when we don't achieve certain things. One way to live a life without any regrets is to simply hone in on the things you want to achieve, and it's even better when you can see it everydayBut living with no regrets is impossible because when we do, it means we are perfect and make the right decisions every time. Having no regrets means you're not re-evaluating yourself and making mistakes. Regret is unavoidable; it's bad, but it's essential.
One of the greatest problems in life is that we don’t forgive ourselves for the mistakes that we’ve made. We carry them around and we beat ourselves up about them.

Understand this, the person who did those things in your past is not the same person you are today. In fact, you are a completely different person with different experiences, different knowledge, different wisdom, and different insights.

The person who did those things that you regret is not you. It was a younger version of yourself. Almost like another person all together.

So let yourself off the hook.
Though there are many people out there that still regrets their action. How can we live a life of no regret.

Firstly, when we do the right things at the right time and we make use of the opportunity that comes out way.

Secondly, we should always try to avoid mistakes, although nobody is above mistake but the greatest mistake is when we don't learn from the previous mistake we made and still continue to make the same mistake.

Lastly, when we don't follow our mind because of the people around us, like when a friend goes into one business and we decide to do same business because our friend is doing it, we should always know what work for us.

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