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How does one start a for non-profit company?

I don't know of such because I don't think I will involve myself in a non profit organization
I think you should ask Google for more assistance
It is only a rich man that can open a non profit making company, this is because a non profit making company are only made to help the less privilege in the society
That is a very good idea there to try to work for the community and I hope this your idea turns out right. You should first week counsel and the register the business with the authorities concerned. Then you can open way for the general public to donate funds.
Non profit organization are solely targeted towards a particular goal,for future political ambitions or to rendering assistance to support the needy and less previledge.
It is normal just like other business but you don't have to take away the profits instead invest and use the profit to help others in the company
I am part of a small community, and they want to become more of a non-profit organization, so that they can help with donating to certain causes. I was wondering, how does one go about setting up a company to have a non-profit status? I hear it's not just as simple as saying you're a non-profit, as there are some things you have to go through before you can.

I thank you all for any info you can share. Thanks! :)
It's not as hard as that. Just get your company registered first and file all necessary documents, then you are good to start operations after obtaining the necessary documents from CAC
I really have not seen how non profit organization is being set out to be to be honest. In the case, I think all the money that is being realized is actually channeled into something and not the business being set up not to make profits at all.
I think at first you need to register the organisation under a particular sector in the government or the registrar ,so that if it dosent work out well hey could take a legal case
This is one topic I have always been curious about. I think you should make it in such a way that any proceeds gotten is given to some form of charity at that you do not get to keep any profits.
First you need to register for non profit organization the purpose of running non service organization, you also create a profile that you want to start.
Well, in reply to your question in the above post concerning how one starts a non profit organisation, well I personally do not know how a non profit organisation is set up but i do believe there is a body you have to register with though
this is not easy to set it up because even the staff that you will be employing to work for you in the non-profit organisation some of them you still need to pay them because they might not want to work for you in vain, you need a lot of capital first.
gather donators first and convince people with the good goal of that company, non profit companies are sort of popular everywhere and people that are willing to help exist too!
Nonprofit companies needs to resgister themselves first in government's papers. Once done, the next step is to raise some funds by donation. Since company is non profit., so only way liquidity might come is by donation and Charities.
To start a non profit organization is pretty much almost the same with a profit organization just that you have to state in your article of association that it is a non profit, and the member you are starting with and how you wish to carry out your organisation to the corporate affairs common.
Starting a nonprofit business require a lot of money to maintain it to a point in which you'll be getting a voluntary donation from people, you can appeal for government support for a start, proper planning is necessary and is always the first step.
Even though your company is non-profit, you still need money to run your company. You will have to set up a company operational funds through donation drive.
Not-for-profit associations by and large should have a directorate. Discover at least three others who have information, aptitudes, and capacities that can help the association and are happy to serve on the directorate to supervise the association.
Moose government agencies that regulate the starting up of all business also offer registration of non-profit-making organisations and they have requirements that one can satisfy before he can be able to start up and organisation of that nature so I would advise the original poster to go to such an agency his or her country.
To start up a non profit organization or NGO for short, you will need to be able to fulfill all the requirements by law needed to set up such body. First you need to get it registered before anything
I dont really know much about this and how it is done but i believe to achieve this, one would need to register the company or organization under the government as a non profit organization or company. It is the government that would give the said body a certificate or license to operate

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