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Can a teenager handle and manage a business

of course they can,but only if they have knowledge of the business.they also need training too,train them on how to go about the business and also avoid unnecessary spendings.
That is very correct a teenage can managed business very well when you teach them that on time, to keep them close to you in your business and also show them how to handle.
Yeah,a teenager can handle a business it depends on the level of knowledge he has about the business how to run it and so on and the time he invested in handling the business because must a times it school that holds them
The closest thibg is for the teenager to mismanage the position bestow on him or her. The reason is that they might not have mental capacity to control the power and authority associated with their post.
I will consider this to depend on interest because a teenager who is capable of starting up the type of business that he or she is really interested of will have a higher percentage success in managing the business.
I see a lot of teens building businesses from scratch. I think teens are better marketer than the adults because these days teens are active on social sites and they can generate a lot of sales.
For a teenager to be able to handle a business that first thing to consider if the teenager has passion for the business,then he should be guided by someone who is more experience than him or her
Of course, there are lot of teenagers that are now millionaire, this was because they were able to manage either a business or the resources available for them and use them wisely
When it comes to the issue of business and its administration it al has to do with knowledge and the competence of theindividual involved,so a person who has this minimum benchmark can handle a business very well,irrespective of the age.
When it's comes to handling and taking care of a business as long as the person is up to 18 upwards with the necessary skills needed to run a business then why not. A teenager can hand the parents business as long as he has the capability to produce success
Of course it is possible provided the teenager actually goes through the necessary training required to learn more about the business and he or she should have someone to guide them
There are teens who are able to manage businesses effectively but sincerely, they are few. The ones I have seen actually have dropped out of school due to finance and have to hustle and they are really performing coupled with the fact that the employer is treating them well due to their hardwork. This is how they become millionaires in the future .
A teenager can absolutely be able to manage a business and trusted in him very well. The most important thing is that they should be hard-working and know how to take decisions that are positive to business growth.
I believe a teenager can manage a business successfully If he or she knows about the business and has learnt about the business from the professionals , the most important thing is hard-working and being business oriented.
It will not be easy . Teenager that is interested to manage a business must be able to have a better understanding of the business. Without understand or advance educational qualification managing a business might not be possible.
Depending on his or her mental ability and intelligent quotient on how to adapt the the working environment, some teenagers can succesfully manage a business if they knows everything about the business.
A teenager can absolutely be able to manage a business and trusted in him very well. The most important thing is that they should be hard-working and know how to take decisions that are positive to business growth.
For a teenager to be able to handle a business that first thing to consider if the teenager has passion for the business,then he should be guided by someone who is more experience than him or her
Sometimes there may be no need for guide because a teenager who is up to the age of 18 is considered illegal and is Mentally matured and ready to take responsibility. so it wouldn't really be as a surprise if they are able to manage a business
I see a lot of teens building businesses from scratch. I think teens are better marketer than the adults because these days teens are active on social sites and they can generate a lot of sales.
That is true,because if you check,the type of energy and curiosity they usually have when it comes to doing things is second to non,and they have this quest and always trying to do new things by experimenting.
Teenagers can handle a business very well. In fact, there have been many teenagers in here who tend to handle businesses. It all depends on how you train them.
Your business intelligent quotent is what really matters , if the teenager knows everything about the business , there's nothing bad in handling the business perfectly by the teenager .
Actually the management of business those not really depends on age but intellectual skills and management skills. there are alot of teenagers who are very intellectual in handling business.

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