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Would you use pop up and pop under to market your website/business


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40,000 Post Club
Jan 5, 2021
Generally speaking people frown upon pop up and pop under ads. However, if you do not have much traffic on your site, you can use pop up and pop under ads to drive traffic on your site. A lot of websites and businesses use pop up and pop under ads. If there was no demand for pop up and pop under ads, there would not be so many advertising companies providing pop up and pop under ads. Unless, you are using adsense, using pop up and pop under ads can be really helpful, especially when you don't have traffic on your site.
If you want to use pop up or pop under ads on your site or advertise your site, there are numerous options. Try one of the following.

Propeller ads

Popup ads

Bitcoadz, etc.
If you don't have traffic on your site, I think using pop up ads to drive traffic is a good idea provided you are not running network ads like adsense on your site.
You don't gain engagement on your website via pop up traffic, but it is better than using traffic exchange.
Pop-up advertising has a bad rap, but if your pop-up ads are appealing to your visitors, and delivers a prompt message, then they can enhance your website's user experience. Also, pop-up ads can't be ignored by your visitors.
Pop up ads got bad name due to to programs and products advertised on these ads. If pop up ads deliver better ads, I think people will begin to like pop up ads, especially website owners and marketers.
I have also noticed that most of the pop up ads are related to fradualent programs and services. Some are are sexual in nature.
Generally speaking people frown upon pop up and pop under ads. However, if you do not have much traffic on your site, you can use pop up and pop under ads to drive traffic on your site. A lot of websites and businesses use pop up and pop under ads. If there was no demand for pop up and pop under ads, there would not be so many advertising companies providing pop up and pop under ads. Unless, you are using adsense, using pop up and pop under ads can be really helpful, especially when you don't have traffic on your site.
Using popup and popunder as form of advertising will rank down your blog because visitor will close immediatelly the popup just after it is opened and this will be counted as bot visit from Alexa and SEO traffic statistics it is better to switch to banner advertising where visitor is really interested to the content of your website than buy popup where visitor in most of case is not interested to your blog this is my point of view.
It is true that your bounce rate will be high because people will immediately leave your site. But if you are thinking to drive traffic, pop up ads can help, If you have zero revenue, you can earn some money through pop up ads.
I don't really like the idea of using pop up ad because it irritates me , but its easier and faster to let people knows about your product or your site. Because there are most times that I mistakenly clicked on the pop up add
Pop up ads and pop under ads are the ads that appear when you click anywhere on the site. The publisher earns from impression and not from the engagements.
There is no strategy that I will not apply when it comes to marketing my website or forum on the internet and pop up adverts are not an exception to that because from what I have gathered they are quite effective as an advertisement strategy.
If you are not using adsnese on your site, it is perfectly ok to use pop up and pop under ads to drive traffic to your site, it is less expensive and give you tons of traffic
Yeah sure why not, it may seem annoying to most people, but that is one of the most effective ways to get your products or services seen by a lot of people.
Thank you for sharing this topic but to be honest I hate pop-up ads. When a site has the pop-up my tendency is to leave and not go back again. In fact, there was a time that Bizdustry has a pop-up ads that it was like getting me as hostage. I took a sabbatical leave from this site and came back when the ads are not irritating anymore.
You are quite correct, those pop ups and pop under ads are quite annoying to users of the site, so it is better to use them on web pages that do not have much traffic. I feel it even chases traffic away.
I can say that pop ups and pop under are the new ways of advertising in websites and is pretty easy and becoming accepted everywhere, but pop ups can be annoying so a website shouldn't use much.
If it cost is very minimal than I would use but in today's world this method looks outdated now as many people now annoyed with pop up ads and many of them use adblocker as well as block pop up. So it doesn't works in your desired manner.
As a web user to be honest I hate poo up ads and sometimes do not even bother to read them at all. Even if I would use, it won't be one that would cover the screen.

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