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why pollution is dangerous for our health ?

I could remember in 2016,when we were doing a campaign on the disadvantage of using carbon emmited source of light such as candle and the local lamp,we discovered that some lifestyle and ignorant way of living can cause serious respiratory damage to the lungs as a result of long exposure of these fumes in the homes.
That's true. Pollution causes a lot of damages to the human system. It first weaken your immune system and make your body easy for any disease to get through.
tion causes a lot of damages to the human system. It first weaken your immune system and make your body easy for any disease to get through.
One thing you will not understand about the effect of this damages is that it will be happening gradually,when the symptoms will start showing it would have gotten to an advance stage.
Well when you consider what pollution is, it's essentially harmful chemicals from stores, shops, cars, homes, planes and more. This is why global warming is such an issue, because of the constant use of gas machines. Plus it doesn't help that we produce so much waste from farms and other things, that itself is also causing issues.

Pollution is bad for the world and for our health.
Pollution is dangerous to the health cause it could lead to various health issues like various kinds of cancers, heart issues and could also lead to death.
One thing you will not understand about the effect of this damages is that it will be happening gradually,when the symptoms will start showing it would have gotten to an advance stage.
That's very true. It will be gradually eating you up inwardly. But apart from preventing what else do you we do avoid such harmful pollution?
Pollution comes with a lot of health hazard. Take for instance if you inhale smoke into your lung, you are likely to have infections on your lungs and the organ associated with it. And you can develop a consistent coughing as a result of the smoke you inhale.
Pollution damage our health through many things like it contaminate the zone layer causing infection through inhalation or even direct contact too
That's very true. It will be gradually eating you up inwardly. But apart from preventing what else do you we do avoid such harmful pollution?
The best thing you can do first of all is to start from your small unit,ensure you are not expose for too long to environment that has high carbon emmision rate,aviod use of candles,lamps and exposure to vehicle fumes.
The best thing you can do first of all is to start from your small unit,ensure you are not expose for too long to environment that has high carbon emmision rate,aviod use of candles,lamps and exposure to vehicle fumes.
That's very true. You have explained everything clear. But what do you think of industries? Industries also contributes to pollution which also leads to global warming.
these days the pollution is effecting our air more than earth's trees which means that its only a matter of time until the next generations will die. If we dont fix this issue as soon as possible It is unfortunately the end of humanity. The pollution cause the air to have none wanted gases it changes the whole air in a bad way. It is also cause more people in the world to expensive breathing problems and even dangerous diseases as of cancer. it effecs our Uzone which allows the sun to become hotter and melt earth's ice and also cause radiation.
Both short-term and long-term exposure to air pollutants can cause a variety of health problems. For people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD - also known as emphysema or chronic bronchitis, air pollution can make it harder to breathe, trigger asthma attacks, or cause wheezing and coughing. Air pollution also increases the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer, and more severely affects people who are already ill. Children, the elderly, and people in low-income neighborhoods experience disproportionate health effects from air pollution

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