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Where is humanity?


1000 Posts Club
Jan 19, 2021
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
Humanity is a virtue associated with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. It also symbolises human love and compassion towards each other. Humanity differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than the fairness found in justice. That is, humanity, and the acts of love, altruism, and social intelligence are typically individual strengths while fairness is generally expanded to all. Humanity can be classed as one of six virtues that are consistent across all cultures.
Humanity is an important part of life which tells that to help others, try to understand other and realize the people problems with our own eyes and try to help them. Showing humanity One don't need to be a rich person, even a poor person can sow humanity by helping someone or sharing his or her food, etc.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
Humanity awake human when he is doing something wrong humanity does not allow a person to hurt others but now in these days humany is disappeared because people don't lesson to their innner good voice they only see and talk according to their bad thoughts but what one should can do except all the persons have to live his humanity
The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for "human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other. Awww. But when you talk about humanity, you could just be talking about people as a whole. When people do bad things, it tests your faith in humanity. When people ask for money to help feed starving children, they're appealing to your sense of humanity
Humanity Add to list Share. Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth. It's also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien.Human beings have value, just as anything of value has value: because we are capable of being good-for something or someone.
For all, I know humanity is everywhere. As I scroll into my social account there are lots of guys out there helping other people. Not just people but also animals. I believe humanity exist in our world. We need to follow their footstep.
Mankind is an excellence related with fundamental morals of unselfishness got from the human condition. It additionally represents human love and empathy towards one another. Humankind contrasts from simple equity in that there is a degree of philanthropy towards people remembered for mankind more so than the reasonableness found in equity.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
If really a humanity is there for concern it must not under any politics or society under any that is not concern it humanity. Just like any news when the poor needs a humanity is will not shown up but when an influencer once it will be on the headline of the news.
Humanity awake human when he is doing something wrong humanity does not allow a person to hurt others but now in these days humany is disappeared because people don't lesson to their innner good voice they only see and talk according to their bad thoughts but what one should can do except all the persons have to live his humanit
Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth. It’s also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien.
Humanity awake human when he is doing something wrong humanity does not allow a person to hurt others but now in these days humany is disappeared because people don't lesson to their innner good voice they only see and talk according to their bad thoughts but what one should can do except all the persons have to live his humanity
My heart is utterly broken down when I think , about so called spirituality that a person actually pretend it to be like but humanity has gone somewhere in humen race for being dominating .
We don't think about our fellow comrades in this awful life journey , our selfishness has end up the love for people around us we are just living in compition with each other and most often neglect other's rights.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
We. Red to preserve our wildlife at all cost. Some allowed for gaming but for those animal with restrictions on them people should leave selfish interest and treat this animal well for ones. Many animal are in the verge of extinction and laws alone can't save the unless we (collectively) are ready to stop our wickedness towards the animal
I solidly think that more articles should be placed out there on how to care and treat animals, they too have feelings that need to be put into consideration everyday.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
There are many things I read on the news almost everyday that breaks my heart, too sad to mention here that I kinda avoid blogs and online news sites, I also ask is humanity dead?
Humanity is surely around I wonder what made you ask this question. It really moves my heart seeing the comments so far . Humanity is almost forgotten people have no regards for lives again.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
It also pains me when animals are treated that badly. They should treated with respect because they are always so good, especially the domestic ones like dogs, cats and cows. I have seen how donkeys are treated and it is so bad. There are people who use them to carry heavy loads, yet we are in the era where vehicles are everywhere for such work.
It breaks my heart when a read/watched news about animals being abused & faced tragic deaths. 💔 They are not just pets to have fun with, workers to lessen the load of our work but they are companions, friends, family. Please treat them right. They are the most loyal beings compared to humans honestly.
It depends on the kind or type of animal you are talking about, because most animal as well are ready to hunt on human being,so the hunting now depends on who act fast I guess.
Are you suggesting that people who own their pets should no longer eat their pet for meal anymore? Dogs are pets and also meat for eating you know that right?

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