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What is a Hedge Fund?


100 Posts Club
Sep 29, 2022
It is type of fund made up of contributed money from different people in a group. This money is collected together and invested in an y business vehicle for profits.This group of people have a collective aim or goal to put the money in one particular fund. This money is them given to a manager to manage its performance.
I've heard so much about this type of investment vehicle and the idea behind it seems pretty cool. What I'm always skeptical about is the track record of the firm or individual handling the pooled investment; I might not have as much experience but I definitely am still cautious of risk attached to such investments.
It is type of fund made up of contributed money from different people in a group. This money is collected together and invested in an y business vehicle for profits.This group of people have a collective aim or goal to put the money in one particular fund. This money is them given to a manager to manage its performance.
I am enlightened by your explanation of hedge fund.
They are the latest inventions in the forex and stocks industry.
There is a thread on this forum that's exactly like this one although it's just the Sam girl by different body. I guess that's still allowed here. I comment under the thread so i don't know what to say here
It is type of fund made up of contributed money from different people in a group. This money is collected together and invested in an y business vehicle for profits.This group of people have a collective aim or goal to put the money in one particular fund. This money is them given to a manager to manage its performance.
A hedge fund is where money is pooled together by various like-minded people with the aim of attaining a certain amount of money to start a project or another investment with the combined assets.
A hedge fund is a place where money is gathered by a group of like-minded individuals with the goal of reaching a specific sum to launch a project or make another investment using the group's assets.

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