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Paid Posting on Your Forum


Staff member
40,000 Post Club
Jan 5, 2021
I have a forum, it is not open for paid posting, however, once in a while I pay for posters to post on my forum. I not only ask the registered users to make some posts for cash rewards, but I also buy posting services from webmaster forums. Likewise, I also hire posters from the site where I m working. Paid posting can be financially difficult if you do it for a long time, but when you do not have too many posters, it does help.
You can have many posters but the reward rate is low as 1 $ per 200 messages looks like an OK rate as paying 0,02 $ per post means 4 $ per 200 posts but limiting posing and thread means 10 threads per day you can have both of cases.
Some niches are difficult to get posters for. Well, you have to try a lot harder. For instance, in my music forum, I would need to advertise specifically to certain musicians to get them to join and pay money for the advertising.
The thing with paid posting is that you have to be able to make sure that you can still make a profit at the end and therefore i think that what you are doing by offering it to certain people is the best way to go right now.
Do you mean offering freelancers money to post on your forum to generate activity? I mean a lot of people use this for new forums. It helps fill out an otherwise blank forum and makes it more inviting. Some forum owners have a few close friends help do this for free or they do it themselves but it can be time confusing to switch back and forth between multiple accounts and keep track of them.
I think hiring paid posters is a great idea especially when you don't have any other option available. When you don't know where to find posters with good writing and research skills, online freelance marketplaces like Fiverr does a great job to solve your issue. One tip: You must hire after reading others' reviews on their profile to avoid any future inconvenience.
For me posting on a forum means not just random chit-chat. It must have good quality and an aim of adding value to your readers' lives. If they are looking for some solution, they must get it through the posts and feel satisfied. There should be no compromise on quality.
I think hiring paid posters is a great idea especially when you don't have any other option available. When you don't know where to find posters with good writing and research skills, online freelance marketplaces like Fiverr does a great job to solve your issue. One tip: You must hire after reading others' reviews on their profile to avoid any future inconvenience.
For me posting on a forum means not just random chit-chat. It must have good quality and an aim of adding value to your readers' lives. If they are looking for some solution, they must get it through the posts and feel satisfied. There should be no compromise on quality.
I do agree with. what people tend to do is that they hire the people that are active on other forums because that way you are given the chance in order to review all of their work in the past and how it was received by other members as well.
There is absolutely no reason in struggling to write articles yourself when you can just pay others in order to do it for you. You can decide to add other benefits like then adding their backlinks.
I have a forum, it is not open for paid posting, however, once in a while I pay for posters to post on my forum. I not only ask the registered users to make some posts for cash rewards, but I also buy posting services from webmaster forums. Likewise, I also hire posters from the site where I m working. Paid posting can be financially difficult if you do it for a long time, but when you do not have too many posters, it does help.

I certainly do believe that offering lucrative pay rates to the members will definitely help you. If members could make at least $3 per day on your forum, then I think that your forum will become successful.
You just have to make sure that the cost to reward ratio is solid so you don't want to end up spending money without actually making a profit in return or in the end that could really cost you a lot of money!
You just have to make sure that the cost to reward ratio is solid so you don't want to end up spending money without actually making a profit in return or in the end that could really cost you a lot of money!

I think that no one will work on your platform if you do not pay good pay rates to your members. You must compensate your members well if you want to make your forum successful.
Paid posting is one of the best way to have your forum members to be loyal to your website by always been active on it making post all the time because they know they're going to earn something from their activity on the platform. But it's going to be a problem for you to keep it up for a long time if you are not making enough money from your forum in order to be paying them whenever they want to request for withdrawal. It is one of the best way most forums used to grow their member because all the people that are earning on the forum will always recommend it to another people.
I have a forum, it is not open for paid posting, however, once in a while I pay for posters to post on my forum. I not only ask the registered users to make some posts for cash rewards, but I also buy posting services from webmaster forums. Likewise, I also hire posters from the site where I m working. Paid posting can be financially difficult if you do it for a long time, but when you do not have too many posters, it does help.
I have seen so many Paid Posting forums go into extinction recently and I keep wondering what's happening. I can remember when Postloop was still up, it paid so well and had over 200 active writers and even guests. But all of a sudden, it disappeared.
I have seen so many Paid Posting forums go into extinction recently and I keep wondering what's happening. I can remember when Postloop was still up, it paid so well and had over 200 active writers and even guests. But all of a sudden, it disappeared.
Postloop disappeared because the writers who were contributing on postloop forums killed it. They posted low quality content and they spammed, which resulted in the drop in traffic and revenue of these forums. Paying for posting does not always bring quality content. You need members who are genuinely interested in the topics.
I have seen so many Paid Posting forums go into extinction recently and I keep wondering what's happening. I can remember when Postloop was still up, it paid so well and had over 200 active writers and even guests. But all of a sudden, it disappeared.

The reason why they became extinct is simply because they never paid a good amount of money to members. When you pay good rates, the members on the forum get encouraged to post more.
The reason why they became extinct is simply because they never paid a good amount of money to members. When you pay good rates, the members on the forum get encouraged to post more.
They pay few cents to members because the big majority of members are just googling and then copying and pasting to reach payout fast and this affects badly the SEO of the website and revenues a minority is making effort to write something original so if paying user 0,06 $ per thread needs a pre-verification because in 90 % of cases it is plagiarized.
I've never actually bought paid posts before, I have requested a posting package on a promotional site before using the forum currency and not USD. I've thought about recently looking into purchasing posts, it could really help activity on my forum. I don't have the funds to have paid posting set up on my forum in general however. I think it's great for those really needing a boost of activity, plus if you earn money from ad revenue on your site it could help pay for the posters too!
I've never actually bought paid posts before, I have requested a posting package on a promotional site before using the forum currency and not USD. I've thought about recently looking into purchasing posts, it could really help activity on my forum. I don't have the funds to have paid posting set up on my forum in general however. I think it's great for those really needing a boost of activity, plus if you earn money from ad revenue on your site it could help pay for the posters too!
It is not a question of money but a question of the quality of posts means in some forums there is no reward credited upon posting so if the moderator approves the reward it will be credited and if the moderator doesn't approve the reward it will not be credited because the forum will not pay money for trash posts. And this will help a lot with the moderation work like for example, someone who is there for plagiarized content will see a reward not increasing and will end by quitting the platform.
They pay few cents to members because the big majority of members are just googling and then copying and pasting to reach payout fast and this affects badly the SEO of the website and revenues a minority is making effort to write something original so if paying user 0,06 $ per thread needs a pre-verification because in 90 % of cases it is plagiarized.

Well, copying and pasting content is the worst thing a member could do. I really do not know if people are actually aware of the terms and conditions of the forum prior to joining a forum? Member must obey all the rules.
i believe that model is not sustainable on the long run especially when your site does not boost of much traffic and the cpm on the site is not very high, containing to pay poster on your site would become counter productive.

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